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About the Course

In this course -- through a combination of video lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice -- you’ll learn about the main components of an operating system and how to perform critical tasks like managing software and users, and configuring hardware. By the end of this course you’ll be able to: ● navigate the Windows and Linux filesystems using a graphical user interface and command line interpreter ● set up users, groups, and permissions for account access ● install, configure, and remove software on the Windows and Linux operating systems ● configure disk partitions and filesystems ● understand how system processes work and how to manage them ● work with system logs and remote connection tools ● utilize operating system knowledge to troubleshoot common issues in an IT Support Specialist role...

Top reviews


Jun 21, 2019

Great course, lots of very challenging and useful information. You'll learn about Linux and some of the inner workings of Windows, plus lots of tools and programs that are really useful. Great course!


Apr 1, 2019

This is my most favorite module module, especially the Linux, which is my all time favorite OS ever enjoy learning, working Programing, and configuring, and will continue enjoying til the end of time.

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4026 - 4050 of 5,388 Reviews for Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User

By Don G M

May 1, 2019

The content was great, with explanations about the commands and examples.

However, not much opportunity to practice using them (which is essential in this course since it's 99% about using commands), unless you have access to both Windows and Linux. They should set up a Qwiklab environment which can be accessed anytime during the course, so we can experiment and practice commands, without the risk of bricking your personal systems.

By Eric M

Oct 11, 2022

Great information and videos that help prepare us for the work ahead. My only issue was that two of the course final exams gave issues that made it difficult to complete important graded exams. The issues were with the inputting of the user password given, for some odd reason the test exam would not copy and paste the password and manual input of the exact password all would fail.

Overall a great informative course, I love it.


Jun 1, 2020

It would really help to provide a list of downloads (OS, software, etc) that would help facilitate learning throughout the course and encourage students to have those all ready installed and ready to use, if they choose. It was a bit frustrating when you get to a video where I am ready to dive in and watch all the videos to be told theres a link after that video to something that could have helped me during the video.

By Monique S

Sep 19, 2021

I'd really say 3.5 stars because there seemed to be a lot of unclarfied information with the expectation of a timed lab. A lot of it seemed more for a seasoned user, especially for Linux. I would leave out any explanation of short cuts because those are things you learn once you are familiar enough to know them. There are also still some things that are/were unclear and I fully expect to run into them down the line.

By Julio F

Apr 13, 2018

Really good course for those who do not have any experience using GUI in windows as well in powershell. This courses touches also the foundations of linux. So I think it is an essential course that you should definitely take. The only reason I gave 4 stars is because Labs were a bit confusing and sometimes, extremely slow. But don't let that stop you from taking this course. LOTS OF THUMBS UP FOR THIS COURSE!

By Pamela B

Sep 23, 2022

I would like to have more hands on VM exersices throughout the course. that way what you have just learned is somewhat solidified into your brain. Doing them at the end is ok but i find you have to continously go back to find the reference. hands on exersices gives somewhat of a muscle memory vibe and i think the concepts will sick better because its a lot of information to absorb in a short time. thank you

By Débora B

Oct 5, 2022

I liked Cindy and how she explains things. I found that course very helpful. Sometimes a little overwhelming though, buts it's normal to feel like this if you are a beginner like me. What I really liked from this course that I did not find in the last one was the interview play role. It’s so handy. Also que qwiklabs were sometimes too easy sometimes challenging. Overall, I very much liked this course.

By Ashley H

Sep 26, 2021

Great course, however, I feel like there is a lot of information I'll need to learn on the job since I don't have a computer to break a virtual machine free and available to me. Since I'm paying for schooling one would think that some of this would be offered rather than being told as part of the course I need to find additional information on my own (fingers crossed that it is correct information).

By Michael V

Dec 16, 2019

Week 1 Linux: List Directories pop quiz at the end is configured incorrectly. I'm not sure if it is my browser. But the question is: In Bash, if you need a little help with how a command like ls works, which of the commands can you use to get more information? Check all that apply.

Obviously the correct answer if ls --help

But it prompts that manual help and help ls are also correct when they are not.

By Drew

Mar 26, 2020

Originally I thought the layout was a little clunky, but when I wanted to go back and review something that I was struggling with it I was incredibly appreciative of the layout. My only real problem with the course is that it was so basic for intermediate users. I'm not sure I learned anything on the Windows end of things, however I did learn a great deal for Linux and it helped me tremendously.

By Craig G

Apr 16, 2023

Very well taught class. The instructor explained most concepts fairly well (at least well enough for testing). There were a few questions on some tests that seemed to not have been taught. I'm not positive if my notes just weren't as in-depth as I thought they were or if they just weren't reviewed during the course. I did not see many others complain about it but most of them were practice tests

By Xavier A

Jan 20, 2022

The course was pretty good at teaching the information. It could be improved by having student install virtual machines eariler on to get more practice on both operating systems outside of the labs. It would also be of benfit to have the labs have more unguided portions to reenforce what was learned. (We show you how to do the first two and complete the third task with less instruction)

By Ronald P

May 13, 2019

as someone who is just moving from centos (RHEL) linux to Ubuntu (Debian) linux this course was something i needed. however there should have been some things on mac. lots of graphic and cad companies mainly use macs not windows or linux. audio processing is also best done with macs. walking in or getting a support line call and not knowing the system can lead to many more issues.

By Josephine B

Sep 4, 2024

There's a lot of repeat information later in the course, the exam questions can be worded extremely misleadingly, and there's been plenty of questions that were only very very briefly mentioned in the course, with no additional information in the supplementals. A lot of the subtitles are wrong too. I'm learning a lot, though, so 4 stars, it just has a lot of room for improvement.

By Neirit M

Aug 12, 2021

I believe that this course thoroughly teaches you the resources that you need in order to become successful on the software side of IT. My only issue with this course is that the Linux side of this does not really come easy and there is only so much practice you can do with the OS you are using. Besides that I am looking forward to moving onto the next course in the program.

By Fred S

Mar 29, 2021

The course was fantastic and full of materials to really kick start your IT knowledge. My only complaints about this course are the buggy qwiklabs that are formatted to only detect fixes you make through specified steps and processes. (i.e: a file can be deleted in the GUI but qwiklab might be formatted to only detect deleting files through CLI for you to get the credit.)

By Ahmed E

Mar 31, 2019

This model was pretty challenging feel like it can be way more interactive especially on the coding exercises. Also think the interactive approach helps the learning to stick better because we are doing more over and over to make sure the skills are learned instead of just memorized for a brief moment which is what college and most learning experiences are notorious for!

By Dominic B

Feb 3, 2022

Very challenging. I think it would be better if the modules were serarated according to OS, instead of switching back and forth. The windows/powershell labs need to be fixed, cant type in powershell VM. and it would be a huge step up if different OS folders/files were included as examples to follow along with. OVerall, great course with some minor improvements needed.

By Mikey B

Jul 16, 2020

Great instructor, easy to follow, and the material wasn't as dense compared to the Networking class. My only complaint was the amount of commands given in the terminal and the amount of explanations or examples. The Qwiklabs were helpful, but I needed more of them especially like the last one where you have to fix problems with what you learned throughout the class.

By Eyram T

Jun 6, 2022

It was quite challenging and although some parts were not very clearly, it also shows that you'd really have to put in some real time and effort into getting through this course. This is not one of those "oh i'mma just watch the videos, guess the answers and i'll be set. You actually have to remember and know what you're doing. Light on the remebering lol

By Philip D

Jul 12, 2020

There could be a download of the commands for both windows and linux, some of the lectures weren't thorough enough. At times it was moving to fast. There should be a better way to take notes. The scrolling of the lectures took the video out of view. I found it annoying. The labs were difficult because there was no concrete examples in the second lab.

By Brent K

Jun 4, 2018

I thought the course was very good and informative. It was great being able to utilize the virtual machines for the labs, but it made me wish there was a way to have a virtual machine to use while watching the videos. I was able to follow along and actually do some of these tasks for Windows as I watched, but since I don't have a machine with Ubun

By Matt B

May 29, 2019

I loved this course. It challenged me to go back and remember alot of Linux and Powershell commands which I'm not familiar. My only issue were some of the labs and some instructions. Some of the instructions seems a little confusing and the lab itself has it's bugs. I couldn't complete 2 of the labs and just simply moved onto the next lesson.

By Gabriele G

Jan 11, 2019

Deeply analytical and technical course oriented to provide the user the standard hard skills needed to perform IT support activities within a company. Linux Introduction to Bash, use of Microsoft different tools and understanding of the backgrounds of an OS makes this course a "must-have" in your portfolio. Empowering tech support operators!

By William C T

May 18, 2021

Overall the course thus far has been very informative. However, I personally would prefer to have all the Windows lessons taught together separately from the Linux lessons. I understand that the intent is to show how something is done in Windows, and then how the same thing is done in Linux, but I think it is more confusing than helpful.