Sep 1, 2015
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and find that it encouragingly sets some directions, and of course, raises my excitement for further study into some of the different fields of philosophy. Thank you.
Jul 5, 2017
I found this course incredibly stimulating. A wonderfully structured introduction to European philosophy. All modules well presented. How lucky we are to have learning like this at our fingertips.
By Gonzalo Q
•Aug 21, 2017
Excelente contenido para ser un curso introductorio, quizá muy especifico en algunas cuestiones. Falta un buen soporte de las conferencias y contenido en español, ya que hay videos sin traducción y todos los contenidos de lecturas adicionales se encuentran en ingles. De todas maneras vale la pena invertir un poco de tiempo en hacerlo, es una muy buena experiencia.
By Zohar S
•Aug 15, 2020
For some (not obvious) reason I feel that not all major issues / problems of philosophy were covered, though I cannot point out which are missing. I do feel that the last lesson - Travel in Time - may probably be omitted from the introduction.
Once again, it's just a feeling, not based on facts.
Thanks anyway - I did really enjoyed the course and the lecturers.
By Mursalin N
•Oct 4, 2020
Never loved philosophy like this before. It was really a pleasant journey which I wish to continue further down the road. I'd love to meet the super-qualified instructors personally if it was somehow possible. But for the time being thanks to Coursera for the beautiful arrangement. Glad to be a part of The University of Edinburgh's Philosophy department.
By Guido T
•Oct 24, 2015
Great course touching on very interesting philosophical topics and arguments around them.
Not all classes have the same level of clarity, and some of them brush past certain topics a bit too fast, but overall it's a great experience and totally worth one's time.
Recommended to anyone who wants to think more about the way we think, and the world we live in.
By Dorothy H
•Feb 18, 2016
I took this course just to listen to the lectures as an intro to the subject. One of the prof's accent was so heavy that I couldn't understand her well enough to listen to her lectures so had to skip that part. Other than that, it was enjoyable. I don't know if it was a good intro or not, complete enough or whatever... but it was generally interesting.
By cormac L
•Aug 29, 2015
Course was great. I completed it at my own pace and enjoyed most subjects covered thoroughly. My favourite week was about Metaethics. I enjoyed it greatly and am continuing studying that in my spare time. The one complaint I would have is that I found it difficult to understand the lecturer covering scientific philosophy, as her accent was quite thick.
By Fateme
•Dec 25, 2020
this course was a good introduction. it covered many fields of philosophy and will give you a general understanding of what philosophy really is. although some lectures were hard to follow and some didn't explore deep enough I still recommend it. Bear in mind that you will understand it much better if you already have some knowledge of philosophy.
By Celine M
•Feb 2, 2016
A very good introduction to major branches of Philosophy. While some questions on assignments were rather vague, and some lectures rather dull (I don't think I bothered watching the videos from the third week on... just relied on the- excellently put together!- handouts). Overall, a great course to take for a beginner to the world of Philosophy :D
By Hanna D
•Jul 21, 2022
Good course, learned a lot of fascinating material and the instructors were great. I do keep wishing, however, that it would give some sort of general overview of the discipline of philosophy, considering it's an introduction course. The presented separate topics are fascinating but I found myself lacking an understanding of the bigger picture.
By Deleted A
•Jan 31, 2016
Great introductory course, although somewhat short. I wish there would be more lectures, especially by prof. Michela Massimi. I will definitely take the "Philosophy and the Sciences" course, which seems to broaden some of the themes touched upon the week 6 of this MOOC. I am also looking forward for other courses by the University of Edinburgh.
By Esther M P
•Dec 16, 2017
Interesting overview in many of the topics in philosophy. Personal regret is I wish I had more time to dedicate to study and engagement with the faculty/peers on the discussion forums. I found it helpful that some professors posted a handout to read along. Quality of the course was as expected from a distinguished group of scholars. Thank you!
By Xin T
•Nov 12, 2019
Overall, this is a very interesting and well-constructed course. My only suggestion is some practice and quiz questions are grammarly cumbersome. Sometimes it took me a very long time just to understand the question or answers. Some even feel like word games. Hopefully, the quizzes can focus more on concepts rather than complicated details.
By Hu H
•Aug 27, 2015
It is a pretty good course in understand the basics of philosophy and get a sense of what philosophy is doing. The reference materials are really great and can help you gain a deeper understanding of course materials. However, the course is more limited to introduction and does not go in-depth.
A good course if you want a taste of philosophy.
By Chong Y K
•Jun 1, 2020
A very good course introducing the different facets of key contemporary philosophical questions. Ideal for beginners and those new for the subject, as it sets a solid base for understanding and appreciating philosophy. However, one may criticize philosophy as generally being non-conclusive and impractical when it comes to real-world issues.
By Marcelo G L
•Sep 7, 2019
Excellent course, very well organized and with a good structure to support the learning process. The content and the professors are amazingly good, guiding you through the topics in an exciting and well-explained way. I enjoyed very much and for sure I recommend this for everyone who wants to get in touch with philosophy and its basis.
By Lucas S
•Jul 29, 2017
I liked this course because of the calmness and dedication of the teachers, the reliability of the resources and the attractive topics that were selected.
Although I must recognize that sometimes the long extension of the additional resources didn't allow me to read them all.
Despite of that, the course was great and I enjoyed it.
By Deleted A
•Jul 10, 2019
imo it was pretty shallow, but for an introductory class, it did a good job of covering the most basic points of each topic that it explores. i enjoyed the range of areas offered, and things were explained in a way that was easily understandable. nevertheless, i felt that the quizzes could have been made slightly more difficult.
By Deleted A
•Nov 28, 2015
The course is great. The informatiion is objective, easy to process and good, the only bad thing about this course is that even though it has spanish subtitles all the test are in english which makes them way to hard to resolve. If you give the option of spanish subtitles on an english curse at least translate the test too.
By Denis A
•Jan 26, 2016
Two last lectures (week 6 and 7) are the most informative ones, giving a large pool of sources and information in an excellently structured way. It would be nice to expand bibliography for other lectures and add handout or transcript for week 4 because I actually was studying the materials, not watching videos. Thank you!
By Keith M
•Sep 19, 2023
It's a bit of an "in at the deep end" introduction to philosophy and I'm not sure I would have gone this route with it. Perhaps more of an overview of what philosophy is and isn't. Some more info about the key figures in philosophy through the ages etc. Rather than diving into the philosophy of time travel etc.
By Christopher D
•Dec 31, 2021
It was a very good course overviewing several philosophical branches. I would personally prefer having the number of subject areas reduced in exchange for a bit more substance since the course is relatively short. I would give the course 4.5 stars if I could, however, thanks for taking the time to put it together.
By Susannah R
•Aug 29, 2017
Excellent course. It's a shame that the discussion forum is no longer available, as that would have been very helpful and stimulating (hence 1 star less). Thanks to all the tutors. I liked having a different person present each section, and, I actually did both topics for each week as I didn't want to miss out.
By Gemma G
•Feb 26, 2025
For someone totally new to philosophy and picked this out of curiosity, this is a good starting point to get an idea of what to expect. I did not expect this topic to be so dry and dull, but I pulled through and gained more knowledge in the end. Everyone who completed this course deserves to celebrate!
By Cristina V
•Jan 15, 2016
I've enjoyed a lot most of the lectures and the activity in the discussion forums is very interesting! I like how professors have directed this course and how it allows everyone, whatever his background is (my field is biomedical sciences), to learn about these themes. I'd definitely recommend it!
By Anthony P
•Jun 27, 2023
Very informative course. As an introductory course, this has shown me several areas of philosophy, in which I did not know of or really contemplated. Each section felt like they were all separate entities, as they focused on their own specific schools or areas of philosophy. Overall great course!