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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Psychological First Aid by Johns Hopkins University

19,636 ratings

About the Course

Learn to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model: Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition. Utilizing the RAPID model (Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition), this specialized course provides perspectives on injuries and trauma that are beyond those physical in nature. The RAPID model is readily applicable to public health settings, the workplace, the military, faith-based organizations, mass disaster venues, and even the demands of more commonplace critical events, e.g., dealing with the psychological aftermath of accidents, robberies, suicide, homicide, or community violence. In addition, the RAPID model has been found effective in promoting personal and community resilience. Participants will increase their abilities to: - Discuss key concepts related to PFA - Listen reflectively - Differentiate benign, non-incapacitating psychological/ behavioral crisis reactions from more severe, potentially incapacitating, crisis reactions - Prioritize (triage) psychological/ behavioral crisis reactions - Mitigate acute distress and dysfunction, as appropriate - Recognize when to facilitate access to further mental health support - Practice self-care Developed in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Open Education Lab....

Top reviews


Jun 12, 2020

I had a wonderful learning experience. Kudos to Dr. George! Lectures are brief but very substantial, simulation videos are very helpful to how to do it and how not to do the psychological first aid.


Aug 14, 2020

Found the course really informational and useful on both personal and professional levels. The techniques and skills were easily implementable and highly transferable to various real-life situations.

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1226 - 1250 of 4,600 Reviews for Psychological First Aid

By Jo K

May 23, 2020

The presenter was accessible and I feel rewarded that I can go onto helping others using a fair and simple yet tried and tested framework. Go raibh maith agat.

By Jessica R

May 16, 2020

This was an excellent course. It was very well structured with lots of lecture videos, reading material and module quizzes. I felt engaged all the way through.

By Inka C

Jan 2, 2023

E does not appear in my shopping cart profile.#36993778

I wanted to know what happened?

before I took the quizzes-

I'm waiting for an answer.

Att.Inka Dote Cuevas

By Rachel W

Jun 30, 2020

Excellent course, taught with an awesome mix of lecture, videos, simulations, and quizzes. I would recommend it to anyone. Dr. Everly is an amazing professor.

By Prodipto M

Jun 24, 2020

I'm very happy and satisfied in completing this course.This course is very helpful to developing the skills.Thank you Dr.Everly for this learning opportunity.

By susan s

Feb 1, 2022

excelente curso! claro y preciso, orientado al desarrollo de competencias fundamentales para el trabajo en situaciones críticas de todo tipo. Muchas gracias!

By Erika Q

Oct 25, 2020

Great information for anyone on how to become a better listener and improve your skills when talking with anyone going through or just been through a crises.

By Mariana G U C

Jul 27, 2020

This course is very well-structured! It combines audio and visual material very well and allows you to reflect on what you learned in each module assessment.

By Marie G C

Apr 7, 2020

Very informative. I became more aware of handling disaster-related crisis.

Not the physical / medical needs. But more so, for the acute distress. Thanks.

By Kyle R

Apr 4, 2020

An excellent, concise, and important class to take. Not too difficult and the information can be extremely useful in the future if involved in a catastrophe.

By sabrina d

Apr 4, 2020

it is has been an excellent course, very useful and clear. compliments to Dr Everly and thanks for letting me improve myself in such a humble and deep manner

By Natalia K

Jul 19, 2017

I am really glad I did take that course. Thank you very much prof. Everly for you time. I recommended this for everyone. ! It's worth to spend time with it !

By Joelle L J

Mar 30, 2021

This was very well done for an asynchronous course on such an important and layered topic. It flowed well and was clear and easy to navigate and understand.

By Safdar M

Dec 30, 2020

I found this online course very interactive and useful - It actually demand high level of concentration and time which returns in good understanding of PFA.

By Rue B

Nov 29, 2020

Excellent course. Easy to follow, very well detailed and lecturer is engaging. Highly recommended to those interested in supporting people in times of need!

By Maryanne K

May 19, 2020

I just love this professor. He does a great job of showing how to remain calm in an emergency situation. Great course! I am going to use it for my staff.

By Luísa S

May 1, 2020

It was a very interesting course, really well organized and it had a strong practical component with the simulations, showing what to do and what not to do.

By Igor M

Dec 26, 2019

Great for the beginners in this field - especially that very often first aid is considered only as the way to help people with physical injuries. Good work!

By lukasz k

Mar 13, 2016

Thank you for this course, it was really interesting. I will come back to all the materials. Even in everyday life, some of the techniques seem very useful.

By Chrisdie M R

Nov 5, 2020

This course is very helpful and I hope that many people, especially those outside the mental health practice, can have the opportunity to take this course.

By Katja I

Jul 12, 2020

I am so glad I took this course.

What an abundance of compassion! I am looking for more of your classes.....

Thank you for teaching from your heart. 🙏


By Marie F

Jun 22, 2020

Very helpful indeed! Although I am not a native speaker it was easy to follow and understand. The simulations were especially helpful for me. Thanks a lot!

By Alvaro M R

Jan 21, 2018

Un curso muy bien realizado con un nivel de dificultad muy apropiado. George Everly es un excelente comunicador y claramente un apasionado de su actividad.

By Angela F

Nov 30, 2022

Excellent class! I learned a lot of new idea/ information. Dr Everly is a compassionate teacher and made learning easy. Thank you for offering this class!