Jun 12, 2020
I had a wonderful learning experience. Kudos to Dr. George! Lectures are brief but very substantial, simulation videos are very helpful to how to do it and how not to do the psychological first aid.
Aug 14, 2020
Found the course really informational and useful on both personal and professional levels. The techniques and skills were easily implementable and highly transferable to various real-life situations.
By Michael S
•May 18, 2021
A fantastic learning experience. I hold a B.A in psychology an Criminology, this course is a good refresher, and it gives a little more active advice for triage. well worth it.
By JiGigantic F
•Feb 28, 2021
I love the fact that one single simulation is being used to understand how RAPID is being deployed correctly or incorrectly. Using a single simulation reinforces understanding.
By Freizel R - S
•Oct 23, 2020
I see why Doctor Everly is the best instructor for this course, he is very soft spoken and very good in delivering the topics. He is exceptional in his work! Thank you so much!
By Ashley M
•Sep 30, 2020
Great course! Digestible material, simulation videos put material in context, & straight-forward quizzes. Would be interested in a course that dives even deeper into the topic.
By James M
•May 6, 2020
This course is an excellent introduction to psychological first aid. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and very engaging. The course materials and assessments are good.
By Peter R
•Apr 22, 2020
I think it is important to see how to, and how not to do, psychological first aid. The videos were good, the lectures appropriately paced and i liked the note-taking side bar.
By David E
•May 2, 2016
For me, this course was very much above average. I am overly empathetic and I'm hoping that I've learned to assess a difficult situation without becoming emotionally involved.
By Maxine C B
•Aug 10, 2022
Professor clearly articulates content, and the videos and summaries were extremely useful. I learned a lot, new information, especially on triaging and self-care. thank you.
By Francis C
•Apr 29, 2021
El contenido es enriquecedor. Me ayudará a tener una visión y conducta más acertada cuando me encuentre en una situación en la que se requieran primeros auxilios psicológicos.
•Jul 31, 2020
Esse curso vai me ajudar a ajudar pessoas em minha volta, se por ventura, acontecer algum desastre. Eu considero esse curso bastante proveitoso. Foi muito bom participar dele.
By Carmen A
•May 23, 2020
It is very interesting! As a psychology student, I have found it very useful and practical, it gives you a first guidance in the crisis intervention area. Highly reccomend it.
By Nenad P
•May 13, 2020
Absolutely brilliant course. A MUST for anyone involved in crisis response or wants to learn how to help loved ones through tough times. Great for everyday life situations to.
By Tomilola O
•Apr 23, 2020
I enjoyed the classes so much that I completed it before scheduled time and still did not want it to end. It was very interesting...i look forward the a followup course/class.
•Apr 17, 2020
One of the interesting courses that will give you some new insights into the management of persons with acute distress following disasters or psychologically traumatic events.
By Yola L
•Sep 27, 2017
The videos where very clear and nice to watch. George is very good at making the lesson videos to the point, interested and very clear. No nonsense. Really like to watch them.
By Sally F
•Jan 26, 2023
I really enjoyed doing this course it gives you a basic but complete and helpful insight on how to respond and give help to people who have been through a terrible experience
By Nick B
•Nov 24, 2022
A great course to get an understanding of what is involved in a real-life situation and how to respond. George is perfect as the teacher with him calm and controlled persona.
By Tan S
•Jun 12, 2022
The lectures are clear and well-presented. The simulations provided good examples of how RAPID could be effectivley applied. Overall, a very good introductory course to PFA.
By Christy M
•Jul 10, 2021
This course is one that I feel could benefit anyone who takes it. The dialogue and scenarios that applied the lectures were very helpful in better understanding the material.
By Irfan 1
•Feb 15, 2021
The course was fabulous and outstanding.I learn so much useful knowledge due to quality of material in the course .thanks a lot for providing such a great informative course.
By Franklin K
•Jul 22, 2020
It's really an amazing course to learn especially when you're in a country or place that really need this kind of skill because there are many crisis or tragedy happen there.
•Jun 27, 2020
It was a great course for me. George Everly, Jr is a good lecturer and he has the ability to control the situation easily. Thanks, Coursera. Thanks, Johns Hopkins University.
By Shreya M
•Jun 20, 2020
A very informative course with easy to follow slides. the best part is the simulation activities which help you realize what to do and what not to do instead of preaching it.
By Maria D J M F
•Jun 14, 2020
Realmente me parecio un muy buen curso me da la oportunidad de comprender las bases e interesarme en desarrollar todavia mas conocimiento de os primeros auxilios psicologicos