Jun 8, 2020
An excellent course for those who want to boost their programming abilities on Python. It tackles diverse and challenging problems, for you to practice and round out every concept. Highly recommended!
Nov 24, 2020
Very good crash course. Considering myself not a Python novice, maybe intermediate level, I even learned something new. Don't expect to be a Python expert after this, though, as it is a crash course.
By matheus g
•Sep 28, 2020
I already new a lot of Python, but I learned a lot nonetheless.
By Cassio K
•Sep 1, 2020
Things are explained in a soft and fun way. I enjoyed it a lot!
By Saif A
•Aug 24, 2020
. Well presented course. Not easy , Requires a lot of patience
By Tsung I W
•Jul 13, 2020
awesome! the teacher is nice and helpful! I have learned a lot!
By Saiyam J
•Jun 13, 2020
Helped me a lot in learning the basic concepts of the language.
By pinank A
•Jun 4, 2020
the best professional course, with quality content. no regrets.
By Chetan m c
•May 28, 2020
Very helpful to understand the python language ,helped me a lot
By Aditya S
•Apr 30, 2020
This course completely cleared the concepts of python. Thankyou
•Apr 26, 2020
It helped me a lot to understand how python used in Automation.
By Lekha S
•Apr 22, 2020
Good to learn with the guide. Sessions with interesting topics
By Isaac H
•Apr 4, 2020
Very Professional, well thought and informative. Thanks Google!
By Varvara K
•Mar 30, 2020
Quite challenging, what you will get a bunch of useful IT tools
By Divyesh M
•Feb 19, 2020
Excellent Course content. Assignment and quizzes are very good.
By Muhammad F S
•Aug 27, 2023
Kursus ini sangat membantu saya untuk belajar python dari awal
By Zarah
•Aug 23, 2023
Concise and helpful. Brining back the happy days of education.
By Omar L
•May 8, 2023
An awesome course to review the basics of Python 3, well done!
By Sudharsan S
•May 3, 2023
Thank you for providing best course. I understood more concept
•Apr 21, 2023
It is an amazing course. It improves my basic skills very well
By Reddy V
•Apr 15, 2023
course structure is very nice. i had learned how to write code
By Md N A M
•Mar 30, 2023
Great opportunity to learn about basic scripting using python.
By Aditya B
•Jan 13, 2023
This course is really easy. They explained everything so well.
•Dec 26, 2022
The course is great! I learn a lot of techniques using python!
By Fathima J
•Dec 21, 2022
Awesome course, this was really helpful to learn Python easily
By Suraj G
•Nov 19, 2022
Good Course For Beginners who want to learn Python Programmin
By Mariano S
•Jul 21, 2022
Easy to follow. Very well presented. Good practice excercises.