(143 Reviews)
(176 Reviews)
Nov 21, 2017
the way this course is design is absolutely amiziong. just good amount of most important information is provided. task are not too complecated to finish (maybe coudl be little more dificult:) love it!
Jan 19, 2020
Tied together many data transfer concepts that I had heard of but did not understand. Very interesting set of topics - makes a novice understand what other languages might be interesting to learn.
•Jan 8, 2016
This course is great! Just one thing a little regretful---the final assignment really needs to a better design and reflects what is taught in the class.
By Yumei L
•Apr 21, 2016
This is an excellent course. It wasn't easy, but do-able for people who have had no other Python experiences other than the other courses by Dr. Chuck.
By Umar F
•Jun 2, 2021
I have completed this course successfully . I have very happy to learn this course from Coursera . It would be very helpful to achieve my future goal.
By Овсенева М И
•Aug 9, 2020
Thanks a lot for this course! It's the greatest opportunity to learn something unusual,interesting and new with such a fantastic and creative teacher!
By Zdeněk N
•Aug 28, 2016
This one was dense! So much information on databases and SQL. Final multi-step applications were very well chosen and introduced so much new elements.
By Nimrat A
•Jul 19, 2020
This course is where you learn to handle data in python and a bit about sql. It is good and interesting start for someone who aims to a data analytic
By Andrew A
•Mar 30, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I have never really created even a small database before this course but now I have a better understanding of them.
By Juan S
•Mar 25, 2017
Aprendí mucho sobre SQL, creacion de base de datos, adquisición de datos y la manera de usarlos y el uso de APIs, me encanto y lo recomiendo al 100%
By Raul R
•Jul 20, 2016
Muy buen curso cubre temas de gran interes, se advierte que no se puede detallar tanto en cada tema por ser un tópico muuy amplio lo cual es bueno.
By Akash R
•Aug 12, 2020
the instructor is so good if you don't have knowledge in python and if you take this course you will solve all of these assignments from yourself
By Lindsay V
•Jul 30, 2017
I loved the exposure to APIs including Google Places API. Integrating it with some SQL and a few database tricks made this class very worth while.
•Jul 23, 2021
Just love the way he teaches all the concepts, like he is all involved along with us and I never felt bored watching his lectures. Thank you Sir.
By Hnin O W Y
•Oct 5, 2020
This course is very understandable and teaching style is very clear that even if you don't have any knowledge on database, you can get it easily.
By Sehyun P
•Jan 16, 2020
simply easy to understand. amazing course. this was my first ever get to know database. I especially liked Dr. Chuck's easy explanation lectures.
By Chris C
•Mar 4, 2018
Fantastic course. Does require some prior knowledge of python, and some prior knowledge of databases (SQlite) would be helpful but not required.
By Jaco B
•Jan 22, 2018
A great continuation on how to use python with databases, retrieving data from other sources, storing it in a database and presenting it via SQL.
By Neelava C
•Jun 10, 2020
This is an awesome course the instructor explains every thing nicely and to the point it would be lovely if he goes a bit more deeper in python.
By Kennie N H
•Sep 8, 2018
It was really interested to learn about using SQL (SQLite) and databases and to understand the power of using it. Especially how fast it can be!
By Urivan F
•Feb 6, 2016
The class was fast paces, documentation and videos easy to digest and quizzes and projects elaborated enough at the same time short to complete.
By Zhi W
•Dec 2, 2019
The contents are well explained and are suitable for beginners. The adoption of database tools really leads to a new dimension of programing.
By Viktorija R
•Nov 24, 2017
Wonderful course, because covers not only python, but xml, json and, particulary - SQL. Highly recommended to everybody, studying programming.
By Sanat
•Jan 10, 2017
Amazing and very knowledgeable Dr. Chuk. I wish the lectures could have been a little more detailed and we could have more practice assignment.
By Jason M C
•Jan 23, 2016
Outstanding class! All of the "Python for Everybody" classes are great! The material is covered exceptionally well, and is real-world relevant!
By ravi r k
•May 26, 2022
Very nice course developed by Coursera and University of Michigan. I really liked the way this course was delivered by Prof Charles Severance.
By Nathalie D
•Apr 24, 2022
Great class. Dr. Chuck makes it really fun and easy to understand. The Discussion Forums helps researching issues that need more explanations.