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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python for Data Science, AI & Development by IBM

40,141 ratings

About the Course

Kickstart your learning of Python with this beginner-friendly self-paced course taught by an expert. Python is one of the most popular languages in the programming and data science world and demand for individuals who have the ability to apply Python has never been higher. This introduction to Python course will take you from zero to programming in Python in a matter of hours—no prior programming experience necessary! You will learn about Python basics and the different data types. You will familiarize yourself with Python Data structures like List and Tuples, as well as logic concepts like conditions and branching. You will use Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy & Beautiful Soup. You’ll also use Python to perform tasks such as data collection and web scraping with APIs. You will practice and apply what you learn through hands-on labs using Jupyter Notebooks. By the end of this course, you’ll feel comfortable creating basic programs, working with data, and automating real-world tasks using Python. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Data Science, Data Analytics, Software Development, Data Engineering, AI, and DevOps as well as a number of other job roles....

Top reviews


Sep 27, 2024

This course was really helpful in make me understand all the topics of Python from scratch, including the slightly advanced topics, of APIs, for my level as a freshman just getting settled in college.


Jun 10, 2021

It is a very valuable course that I have learned for the Python skillset. It contains some advanced methods. It helps me to build more confidence in using Python and understand the concept in general.

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4776 - 4800 of 7,189 Reviews for Python for Data Science, AI & Development

By Nithya N


Jun 10, 2020

Highly recommended for any beginner who wants to get into data science. The transition between beginner and intermediate is so student friendly.

My only suggestion would be a little reduction in the speed with which instructor take class(in future course lectures), its slightly difficult to take notes. But we can we view it back, so not a big deal

By Stephanos Z


Nov 13, 2020

The materials in this course are very useful. The techniques in the exercises are relevant to real-world problems. The final project has some bugs that should be addressed; namely, the lab environment does not support the plotting method used in the template, and the template is not readily available but must be found in the Discussion forum.

By Omar K


Sep 16, 2021

Good Course, covered ONLY the basics of Python. I did not like the tasks because they were very easy to solve, while the actual cases, problems will be much different and difficult than the one covered in the course. However, the course was just the starting point. It was good, fun, educative. I recommend this course as a start in Python.

By Wilona C


Aug 3, 2024

Should include step by step information on installing Python for every system. Even if not needed for the course specifically, this is important to learn and get started with any language. Beginning course material very good for Python basics. Later course material (APIs and web scraping) not in depth or quite well explained. Even in labs.

By Camilo N


Oct 28, 2024

Este curso de Python para ciencia de datos, IA y desarrollo, aprendí todo lo que tiene ver con los números enteros, tuplas, listas, APIs, y en especial, los registros de datos. Son los temas que me llamaron la atención y me ayudaron a seguir adquiriendo cada vez más el aprendizaje y capacitarme para las prácticas y tener un trabajo digno.

By Tobias W


May 1, 2022

Very good course, quiet enjoyed it. I am not completely clear about the payment system. Like i finished this course now, and it was 30euros/month, but i finished it within the free week. So i think i will not be charged? :D For anyone considering starting with python, THIS COURSE will put you at the right start :) PS. I never give 5 stars

By Aaron A


Feb 17, 2022

I found this course extremely fun and challenging. I still need a bit more practice but I can confidenly digest and pick apart what parts of the code are doing what.

There is a section during week 4 where it significantly jumps up in difficulty (second half). I think some of the read write sections need more examples and practice portions!

By Jesse B


Aug 18, 2021

Introduces you into Python in a fluid way that works will within the IBM eco-sphere of tools. If you use the tools provided (free trial periods) there is plenty to play around with while you take the course. The labs are a bit too guided in my opinion and could use some more 'learner inputs' but both explain and show the content well.

By Lauren J


Apr 11, 2019

This was a solid course, despite some errors in the instructions that made it difficult to complete some assignments. I'd recommend this course for people very new to Python - it does a good job of explaining basic Python concepts (objects, classes, etc.) for someone who's never programmed before. Overall, I'm glad I took this course.

By Gurrala R


Aug 8, 2023

It improving skills we can learn more to develop our skills.The demand for both data scientists and data analysis will increase by over 1000% over the next few years; it's time for you to make your move. Whether you want to become a data analyst or make the big leap to data scientist, learning and mastering Python is an absolute must

By Karl Y


Mar 11, 2024

Some sections were very good, especially the introductory ones, but often they seemed disjointed and focused too much on a deeper but superficial understanding of a few topics at the expense of a broader understanding of Python as a whole. Examples and labs frequently used commands and syntax that were barely -if at all- explained.



Apr 27, 2020

This course is great for beginners. It gives the basic foundations so you can improve your knowdlegde later.

I juts think the data part was given a bit in a hurry. And I-d change the way we resolve problems. The lab isgreat since it doesn-t ocupy any space but I'd rather use python or spyder to get use to it.

Overall, I recommend it.

By Micatty B


Dec 12, 2019

I know this is an IBM program, but we shouldnt be forced to use Watson Studio.

The video were really short, so i had to reviewed many time and still find the concept of (class, and calling on other code through API difficult)

this is probably just "intro to Python" the knowledge taught here are not yet applicable to real life context

By I H


May 3, 2021

The Course content was very detailed in some parts but in other areas it could have been a bit better explained. I understand that the course is expedited and a great deal of the development should be the students' responsibility, but certain concepts, particularly the section on REST APIs and webscraping was a bit hard to follow.

By Christopher R


Aug 22, 2020

A good course to learn the very basics of Python. Some of the videos go too fast. Not that the material is difficult, but the speakers just talk to fast. Also, would like to see a summary or guidebook on Python that accompanies the videos. Hard to remember the Python statements and syntax. Going back through the videos is tedious.

By Omid K


Jan 5, 2020

The course provides the student with the required basics of Python for those seeking to work in the field of data science and artificial intelligence. However, there is a section about APIs that is a little hard to follow due to the lack of sufficient explanation. This could be a result of the level of the course being elementary.

By Usman K


Jan 26, 2021

All good about this course, well planned and touches on all the basics. It also teaches you how to use Watson Studio to make a project notebook. The only thing I felt under the bar was that it was a little too easy even for a beginner level, should have had more difficult assignments and projects for a better learning experience.

By Jessica D


Oct 21, 2022

Algunos videos no tenian subtitulos en español pero, dejándo un lado eso, el contenido estuvo genial. Me encanto, pese a no ser tan interactivo como los cursos de Google, el contenido y la manera de explicarlo es genial. Bastante técnica pero necesaria si l que se busca es profundizar en el campo y ser un mejor profesional.

By millipedes


Jul 15, 2019

This course is very informative, perhaps you could take it with little to no coding background and understand everything in it. My only fault with it is that the quizzes/exercises are not particularly intensive, so you will have to make programs and study a good deal outside of the class to achieve mastery of the concepts.

By Jacqueline C


Mar 28, 2019

A good intro to Python. The only frustration was that sometimes the examples presented and content covered were different from the a couple of questions in the lab and final project without explanation (most were covered however), making it a bit confusing and leaving an inexperienced programming student a bit in the dark.

By Christoffer H


Apr 15, 2020

Fast paced and to the point; ideal if you have programming background and quickly want to come to terms with Python.

Minus for the course materials using IBM cloud; the required material is missing and/or inaccurate, causing one to spend way too much time trying to figure out what the course material should have presented.

By Yohannes A


Aug 14, 2022

It has an impressive teaching style and has quite a good resource.

But it would be more pleasing if its videos were a bit longer. And sometimes the "Ungraded external tools" for practicing the codings don't work quite properly( it executes the functions or inputs after a minute or so after you use the "Shift + Enter")

By Jacob P


Jun 16, 2022

This was an excellent introduction to the Python language. The only suggestion I would make is to assign more homework in order to practice the material presented in the videos. The skills labs are helpful, but much of the code is simply provided instead of having the user generate it themselves. Overall, great course!

By Dimitrios S


Sep 3, 2019

Some changes exist on IBM Watson comparing to the lectures. Plus the way Watson Studio hanldes notebooks, storages and buckets is different from the instructions in the class. An update in the slides and instructions would sort it out properly.

Other than that, a good course with solid information and explanations.

By Dita A


Mar 16, 2019

Course materials are really good. Practice labs are also good. However, Final Assignment section needs to be revamped because it has little to no relation with the course materials. I would like to see the Final Assignment section to assess the coding skills which were taught in the previous 4 weeks of the course.