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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python for Data Science, AI & Development by IBM

40,101 ratings

About the Course

Kickstart your learning of Python with this beginner-friendly self-paced course taught by an expert. Python is one of the most popular languages in the programming and data science world and demand for individuals who have the ability to apply Python has never been higher. This introduction to Python course will take you from zero to programming in Python in a matter of hours—no prior programming experience necessary! You will learn about Python basics and the different data types. You will familiarize yourself with Python Data structures like List and Tuples, as well as logic concepts like conditions and branching. You will use Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy & Beautiful Soup. You’ll also use Python to perform tasks such as data collection and web scraping with APIs. You will practice and apply what you learn through hands-on labs using Jupyter Notebooks. By the end of this course, you’ll feel comfortable creating basic programs, working with data, and automating real-world tasks using Python. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Data Science, Data Analytics, Software Development, Data Engineering, AI, and DevOps as well as a number of other job roles....

Top reviews


Sep 27, 2024

This course was really helpful in make me understand all the topics of Python from scratch, including the slightly advanced topics, of APIs, for my level as a freshman just getting settled in college.


Nov 17, 2019

it becomes easier wand clearer when one gets to complete the assignments as to how to utilize what has been learned. Practical work is a great way to learn, which was a fundamental part of the course.

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6976 - 7000 of 7,184 Reviews for Python for Data Science, AI & Development

By Yohaunin Z

Aug 3, 2021

I did not like this course, I really tried to fully understand the material. I reviewed several labs and readings more than once, only to find out later that they were missing several key details I needed to pass and succeed through the IBM Data Science 10 course series. The labs are full of broken code that gives you errors and teaches nothing. Several details about the various functions and to understand how to manipulate them and what they do are missing. Quizzes do quiz you on scenarios that were not discussed in the labs or videos. After trying for several days to weeks I still feel very ill equipped to continue on through course 5 and onto course 6 (I am currently on course 5) , which I will say is not much better. I am very disappointed and was hoping to get the most out of this course only to find that it does not have everything I need to succeed and continue on to my other courses!

By Egor G

Oct 22, 2022

poorly made labs, they put their IBM stuff that doesnt even work. Each course in this certification is pure pain beacuse almost nothing works as intended. Most labs contain errors (some of them are rather critical) which are not fixed for years. I found my problems in discussion forums that were dated like 2 years ago. And none of them were fixed since that time, even though the stuff confirmed that there are serious mistakes and problems. They just dont care. Most of the time you will spend half of your time not studying, but trying to execute IBM stuff that never works, or by searching and fixing course bugs and mistakes. You may run into situatons (VERY OFTEN) when your environment doesnt even start or execute, and you will have to pass a day of your life or more by waiting help for the stuff, that doesnt even help sometimes.

By Jonathan K

Aug 13, 2020

I was very unhappy with this course. While the videos are fairly informative and useful, the course assignments are laughably easy. They barely require any thought and absolutely don't practice or reinforce any of the skills you learn - I'm pretty sure you could complete them with no prior knowledge based on the instructions alone. I learn better from doing things, not just hearing about them.

Usually, this was earn a 3 star rating from me, but the final assignment is even worse. The 'dashboard' you create is a single graph, and the rest of the final assignment is hosting the jupyter notebook on the IBM Cloud... except whoever set up the course forgot to actually upload the tutorial to do so. You can figure it out yourself, of course, but I didn't need to pay for a course to read documentation and figure out how it works on my own.

By Joshua F

Nov 23, 2021

It seems like each section was written and taught by a different person who each had a different understanding of what we knew and what had been taught to us. The result was large and inconsistent jumps in difficulty and very little variation in the practice. I have had limited experience with different coding syntaxes, mostly Matlab, but this was a bit frustrating and dismaying. Loops are probably the hardest hurdle of coding for many beginners and the instructors did the worst jumps with these. In addition, everything pretty much after loops dealt with a lot of syntax terminology, functions, and methods that had simply never been explained. There's a lot of coding listed in the various screens, but no one is going to learn just by looking at code.

By Senami O A

Jul 26, 2024

This course is not well taught and explained for beginners with no experience in programming. The level of the course material is low and in the practice quizzes they give you something more complicated to do which has not been previously explained in the course material. Every time you encounter this you will need to email for an explanation or go do google search to learn else where. Sometimes they will give you an explanation and at times they dodge the question by keep asking you to go to the course material which doesn't have the information you need and you are left frustrated. This makes the completion longer than expected The quality of this course is poor for a professional course i must say.

By Arunjith M

Jun 17, 2019

This is the first time I am disappointed with a module in IBM Certification course. The module Python for Data Science is very poorly organized. The trainers are rushing like anything just for the sake of completing it. There are lot of confusions after listening to each and every sentences. Another big problem which I noticed is the lack of quality quiz questions. The questions are way easy that a school student can answer without any difficulty. Now comes the biggest drawback; this particular module Python for Data Science offers nothing but a display of IBM products. It has less focus on Data Science, though the course name is Python for Data Science. Sorry to give such a low rating for this course.

By Alex S

Apr 22, 2020

The content is great. Instructors are clearly subject matter experts with a passion for the material. But mostly everything else? Extremely disappointing. Confusing questions asked about information irrelevant to long-term success, labs required neither thought nor creativity, and their r typos all clover the pace.

I do not say the following lightly. I learned very little from this course, and what little information I did learn is almost certainly on a thousand random blog posts I could read for free. "IBM on Coursera" led me to expect an extremely high level of quality, one I long to see met at a later date. Right now, however, that date seems nowhere in sight. Please rise to the occasion.

By Nuriyar S

Jun 7, 2022

The course introduces you to many concepts that you need and to what you can do with python. There comes an awfully big BUT: it does not teach you programming, to learn how to program with python you need to practice it, and this course totally fails with it giving you close to zero opportunity to practice. You need to understand that if you take this course, you will get familiar with the concepts but will not get to do any programming. Also, as it is a part of many different certificates, it does really bad in tracking what has already been taught and what has not, so it repeats some stuff and then gives you something it has not introduced before.

By Roberta B

May 2, 2020

I just want to say one thing: there is nothing, nothing of AI in this course.

Just some Python snippets for babies. Are you kidding me ?

Sorry, but I am very disappointend. This course is related to data science, you can't put

the very basics of Python here, it is like going back, and not ahead.

If Python is necessary, please specify it in the "Prerequisites", but stop making fun of the people who simply wants to learn and study sofisticated technologies.

** Artificial Intelligence.... You call "Artificial Intelligence" making a dataframe from a file csv ?

Are you serious ? **

The worst and fake course I've ever took here in Coursera.

F.A.K.E. Course.

By Tobias U

Sep 23, 2021

This course was disappointing in every way. If the next course is the same, I will certainly not complete the enclosing IBM certificate, as it would be embarrassing to put it on my resume. The questions are far too easy - many can be answered directly from the question without any programming knowledge. If I did not answer a question correctly, it was because the question was worded or formatted in an incomprehensible way. And then, there's the possibility to repeat the final test three times within 24. For real? And for the learning material... I don't even want to get started. How can IBM recommend this course as part of its certificate?

By Syachin D

Feb 28, 2022

Such a promising title for a course and a total disappointment in taking it. A stingy enumeration of basic concepts, with little or no practice. From Data Science there is a short chapter about Numpy and Pandas which consists of enumerating a couple of functions. The main question for this course is: who is it intended for? If for a beginner, then the level of "understanding" after completing the course will obviously not be high. At the level of how a list differs from a function. If for an IT specialist, then the topics are not disclosed at all. Sets of loud clichés. In general, unfortunately, I was disappointed with the course.

By Débora Y

Nov 3, 2020

The last task has NOTHING to do with the whole course. The course teachs basic of python for data sciente without machine learning, and then it at the end expects you do everything on IBM watson. IBM Watson doesnt have a friendly interface, almost nothing is free, not easy to use and not fast since its on the cloud.

If you do other classes, you'll get a lot of python for data science, but the final test SHOULD be different and they should have put some exercise where we would do the whole path of the data sciente with python: do the exploratory analysis on the data, plot graphics on the data, etc.

By Mohammad R Z

Apr 5, 2021

This course is not for beginners. The contents are easy to understand but some of their questions in their manuscript are above the class level. Not only that, their manuscript does not provide a step-by-step explanation on how to go around the pages related to IBM contents such as IBM Cloud and it lefts to the learners to figure it out. I even requested assistant for navigating through IBM cloud to solve a problem and an instructor came back to me after a week. They are not fast responding either. Even after they came back the answer dose not provide a solution, extremely disappointed.

By Harry I

Dec 3, 2022

Mostly a follow along course. It failed to explain a lot of fundamental things needed to start programming in Python. Some of the resources had errors, like misspellings. The best was "color", "Color", and "Colour" for the same variable. Some things were confusing, for example looking at odd values. Sometimes that meant the element values that were odd (like in the final) and sometimes it meant the odd-numbered indices. The final has a question with two correct examples, where x can equal "7", 1, or 6. "7" or 6 both work.

I expected a lot more quality from IBM.

By Elena L

Apr 7, 2021

Home tasks are very poor, sometimes too easy and sometimes extremely difficult, and sometimes they are not present at all after given materials.

The material itself is barely ok (sometimes there are not enough functions given to complete the home task) , although I am new to programming altogether, so I can't really say for sure.

I was so eager to go through the whole program Professional Certificate in Data Science, but now I am going to swich to another platform and course, which looks much better (more expensive also).

IMB obviously does not care about its courses:(

By Antonio G

Aug 25, 2022

I belive that half of the 5 star review are fake.

The course starts at a beginner level, then from week 3 it become difficoult to follow for someone who has no experience on programming. Half of the informations that you need to complete the various lab are not given or given partially.

The quality of video and audio can be considered as a joke.

I 'm half way through the course but i'm thinking of quitting and start from the beginning with another developer.

I will avoid any course offered by IBM from now on

By Stine K J

Apr 5, 2021

This is the first introduction to python in the IBM Data Analyst professional certificate, but the course introduces too much too quickly, and fails to explain a lot of important concepts.

The graded quizzes are too easy, but the exercises really vary in quality and whether they are at all connected to what was discussed in the video. Sometimes you're asked to do things not discussed or previously shown.

The slides in the videos aren't great either.

I found it really frustrating to get through this course.

By Maryna M

Oct 8, 2020

I have no idea how 2+2 suddenly got to sin, cos and other complex functions. The week tests are laughabale comparing to what the final assessment is. The course is not poorly structured but weeks 3 and 4 lack consistent practical tasks. I did MySQL course previously and it actually provided you with a chance to practice step by step. Here you feel like being thrown into a swimming pool without knowing how to swim. To make it clear - do not waste your time, watch youtube or pick up a different course.

By Erika L

Aug 11, 2022

Honestly these courses are so buggy, the lessons are either oversimplified or too complicated, I don't feel like I learned a thing. The whole process was incredibly frustrating. The moderators are helpful and answer your questions quickly and fix your problems, but having so many issues is really disruptive to the learning process and I feel like I'm going to have to do a lot more independent studying to actually learn the skills this course was supposed to teach me. I don't recommend taking it.

By Ariel C

Jun 5, 2019

You learn some basic python coding skills. The pain point is the peer graded project where you have to sign up for an IBM cloud account and Watson Studio account. They are irrelevant to python skills. The instructions (how to set up the connections, buckets, servers, credentials, keys, etc.) are lacking clarity and have sizable gaps. I spent hours struggling with cloud which did not add value in gaining python skills. I would not recommend this course to people who want to learn python.

By Tipu S

Sep 20, 2022

The course is too much thery based. Real life assignments and course work are almost zero. Libraries like Pandas and numpy are very importent but they covered it just for 5-10 minutes. and definately these are not complete. Also they did not work with any graph. Overall I was impressed with the first three courses of Data Analyst professional certificate but this most importent 4 th course just broke my expectations. Totally poor quality of work. I wish I could give zero star.

By James D

Jun 9, 2022

On top of the fact that the information in the videos and lab is presented in an incoherent manner (with multiple typos and unclear instructions), the course does not attempt to connect the various uses of Python with data analysis. The videos quickly explain what a certain aspect of Python does, then moves onto the next without explaining why the function is needed, how it relates to other functions, or how it can be used in the real world. I am going to ask for my money back.

By Lauren B

Jan 12, 2021

being forced to take this for part of the IBM data analysis certificate, however this is way above my head. I dont plan on being a data scientist and dont have any prior knowledge of python. This course assumes you know more than you do and is nearly impossible. I used the quizzes only to progress in the course, and didnt actually learn anything. I will need to take a python for beginners course before being able to finish the final project for this course so I can pass it

By 天天看妹子

Mar 30, 2021

I think it is OK when talking basic python programming but very poor when goes to pandas.

It introduce few function that pandas used. TBH, I think it is almost near no introduction.

Besides, the most funny thing is that the quiz covers some functions that never been introduced in course.

Finally, I don't understand why they continually try to introduce their walson studio during the course.

It just take a lot of time to interrupt studying and gain nothing

By Samual F H J

Dec 31, 2019

lots of errors, can't believe they want to charge for this. Requires signing up with IBM Watson for several exercises which I refuse to do (more than a little advertising going on here). I'm pursuing my programming objectives by downloading Jupyter Notebook tutorials. These are more convenient and of higher quality. After completing the Stanford ML course, this particular tutorial came as a real disappointment. IBM can do better.