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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,799 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Aug 8, 2018

Python was my first language to learn and i'm happy that i chose this specialization course. It was thought simple and straight forward and the assignments helped me a lot to learn the course better.


Jun 29, 2020

A well-designed course, especially for the beginners, who are really enthusiastic and passionate about programming. It really helps you to learn from scratch and it does not require any prerequisites.

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2926 - 2950 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Kherrabi F Z

Sep 27, 2020

If you know nothing about programming and want to get started, this is the perfect course for you. Mr.Chuck, the instructor, explains in the simplest way possible and provides multiple examples for each chapter.

Definitely worth the time and effort!

By Sandhya A K

Jul 27, 2020

Hello Charles sir, good evening sir, its evening in india now :-) , excellent teaching sir, all concepts were clearly taught and made us to use those concepts while programming. thank you very much sir for providing us an platform to learn python.

By Adarsh J

Jun 16, 2020

The class is very helpful, especially for beginners with no programming fundamentals. He teaches in a simple but constructive way yet he also makes the otherwise complex topic less taxing through his humour filled and student friendly teaching ways

By satabrata p c

Apr 24, 2020

This course has immensely helped me to understand the basics of Python Programming .

I am really grateful to coursera as well as Dr. Charles Severence for giving me this opportunity to learn better and upgrade myself with the best possible knowledge

By Danial H J

Apr 21, 2020

I indeed enjoyed learning this course from Charles Russell Severance who made programming seem simple and fun. Now it is safe to say I am acquainted with Python at a basic level. I am really grateful that I had the privilege of using financial aid.

By Simon S S

Aug 13, 2017

Fantastic course! I have been so excited for all the lectures, quizzes and assignments during this course. I cannot remember the last time I was challenged to this extent on Coursera's platform. I cannot recommend this course enough - go do it now!

By Priyank K

Nov 21, 2015

A good course for beginners who have little experience in programming. For more seasoned programmers a bit more detailing. A big thanks to professor Chuck for making the course highly interactive and the motivational series after chapters is great.

By lorenzo t

Oct 7, 2015

Ottimo corso per chi è alle prime armi con la programmazione in generale. Per chi ha già fondamenti sulla logica di programmazione e conosce gia alcuni linguaggi il corso lo svolge più rapidamente e senza troppe difficoltà.

Nel complesso molto buono

By Danilo M

Oct 15, 2024

If you want to learn to code in Python, I recommend this course. It is fundamental for advanced learners, or, depending on their seniority, some people see it as basic, but it is a good place for new developers to learn how to use Python and code.


Apr 30, 2024

I just love the approached of this course is arrange. The delivery was very smooth and interesting as they shared stories and experiences from around the world and the presenter was doing so great!! I am so excited to take up next following class.

By James G

Mar 13, 2023

The course offered by Coursera and the University of Michigan is really well designed and structured. The instructor Charles Severance really made it easy to learn. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in learning Python programming.

By Sivapriyadarsini A

Jan 10, 2023

It was a great opportunity for me since I was an idle in programming after taking the course it helped me to understand and my curiosity increased day by day by learning. The topics are described in a simple language.Thank you for the opportunity.

By Muluken S ( ሽ

Mar 18, 2022

I loved the lecture, and I believe I have acquired the fundamentals of Python. I am planning to expand my knowledge by attending the remaining courses. Dear Dr. Chuck and the University of Michigan, thank you very much for your energy and efforts.

By Elena Q

Feb 25, 2022

El profesor ser nota que disfruta explicando y se centra en lo fundamental. Incluso doblado, me entero mejor que con cursos en mi idioma nativo. Dejan los pdfs de las presentaciones y el libro completamente gratuiro, a diferencia de otros cursos.

By Hrishikesh K

Dec 6, 2020

The course was really good for the people who are new to python programming, very well and easily explained all the topics. I would like to thank Coursera, University of Michigan and Dr.Charles Severance for all the efforts made by them. ThankYou

By John F

Oct 30, 2020

Great Course!

Dr. Chuck makes the course easy to understand and his step by step is clear. The staff assistant Mihaela Mack very patient and her explanations in the Forum are great tool to learn. I would definetly recommend this course. Thank you!

By M P R

Jul 21, 2020

Quite interesting introduction to Python, Mostly focusing on the important components of the language. Looking forward to other courses using the same format. Thank you Mr.Charles for the subject i had a good knowledge and hope it would be useful.


Jul 8, 2020

if you are new to coding this is the best course you could have. I will also recommend read free ebook python for everybody book it is available at py4e website. Dr.chuck teaching style is very absorbing the way he explains topics is just awesome.

By Abhinab K

May 30, 2020

Dr. Chuck's lectures are pretty well detailed about it contents. The way he explains the topics, it is very easy to understand and grasp the concept behind it. It is must take course for new programmers, irrelevant of their educational background.

By Ankush B

Apr 21, 2020

Well frankly speaking, i had no prior coding experience in Python. Prof. chuk has definitely made it too simple for every noob to start this language without fear. I am planning to go ahead with this course in order to upgrade what i started with.

By Martin I N

Apr 21, 2020

First of all, I recommend buying or printing the book, most of the time you don't need it at the begining, but when closing in to week 5, 6 and 7 I found it useful.

The course: I have tried several online courses and this is, imho, by far the best!

By Kevin G

Mar 26, 2020

This course was thorough, was instructive and was incremental. I had no trouble following the concepts or the flow of instruction. I should have started here, long ago, when I first started learning to code. Thank you for constructing this course.

By Kalina S

Mar 10, 2020

I had some basic knowledge of Python before I took this course. This course filled some gaps especially in the field of loops and I really enjoyed it. Since I actually knew the material and only had some gaps, finishing this course took me 3 days.

By Memon I

Jan 25, 2020

This course helps me a lot to learn basics python. I would like to recommend my friends who to learn python if I would suggest them. I would like to learn more about python. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn python courses for free.


Dec 10, 2019

In this course with Dr. Chuck it was an amazing experience with the teaching skills of his and the curse material provided in it was also an amazing source of learning.

after this course I would also like to take the subsequent course from coursera