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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,799 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Aug 4, 2020

Dr. Chuck thank you so much for designing this course. This course has made me confident of my ability to continue learning python further. The course structure is very simple and easy to understand.


Nov 11, 2016

I completed the course in about three days. I've never programmed before to the learning curve was excruciating but nonetheless I managed to get through and finally get my python feet wet so to speak.

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3726 - 3750 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Pradip S

Jan 28, 2021

The course covers the fundamental of Python programming and introduces computer thinking to novice learners. An extremely well laid out curriculum suited to learners who are in the realm of data science and programming.


Sep 28, 2020

This is the best course I have ever tool online .their assessments and quizzes will help you to develop core concepts of this course . if you are beginner of intermediate you should take this course. Thank you coursera.

By Rui Z

Sep 20, 2020

It is an easy-to-follow course which unpacks the basics of python programming. The professor delivers the course in a comfortable way that attracts me to keep learning and practicing the newly learned skills. Recommend!

By Rahul M

Aug 24, 2020

It was really beautiful introduction to programming for me i have always been under-confident about programming in general but this course has give me confidence towards learning more about python and coding in general

By Ian M

Jul 8, 2020

Solid introduction to Python with clear video lessons with useful examples.

Quizzes and tests were fair and useful to improving understanding.

Really enjoyed the interviews with various pioneers in information technology.

By Syed W A

Jul 6, 2020

I am highly thankful to Dr. Charles, the way he taught the python is just stunning. He proved with his teaching that if your background doesn't relate to Computer Programming, it doesn't matter, Python is for Everybody.

By Fendy W L

Jul 3, 2020

The course is very interesting. Dr Charles Severance explanation is easy to understand and he delivered it in a fun way. This course is suitable for people who don't know about Python at all, or even new to programming.

By Samanta P

Jun 24, 2020

It was a GREAT course on python basics. The lectures don't bore at all. I have enjoyed the course , It's a great start to the absolute beginners who want to learn python. Thank you, Professor for such an amazing course.

By Tshewang D

Jun 2, 2020

This lesson was for everybody including those who don't have programming background and the lesson is being teach in a simple and profound way that anybody can learn to program in python. I enjoyed the lesson very much.


May 28, 2020

Its a breeze when learning with coursera, i have no programming background and have a fear towards programming but this course combo with Coursera and Dr. Chuck washed away all my fear...Thank you Coursera and Dr. Chunk

By Pankaj J

Apr 10, 2020

I have found this course very useful to understand basic concepts of Python programming & the way Charles taught was very intuitive & relaxing while learning. Will continue to learn more. Thanks Charles & Coursera Team.


Mar 27, 2020

it was an amazing experience with sir and really I don't have any prior knowledge of any language thank you, sir you really teach me what is actual programming and I will join more courses on Coursera. thanks you to all

By Cara T

Oct 10, 2019

This course was wonderful. As someone who has always been interested (but very intimidated) in coding, I can't recommend this course enough. The instructor was wonderful, and the material was great for testing yourself.

By Trivendram p

Oct 6, 2019

A very good course and to start to learn python , because the instructor starts the course from the ground level ,which requires no prior knowledge.And it is hundred percent sure that you are going to like this course.

By Bradley D

Sep 29, 2019

All lecture videos are really easy to understand. Prof. Severance giving explanation really detail with good and easy logic to understand. And of course, the Team is really helpful and active in the discussion. Love it!

By Daniel G

Jun 13, 2019

This course is perfect for those seeking a gentle introduction to Python. It takes absolute beginners with no coding experience, and sets them up nicely to participate in further learning to build on these basic skills.

By Fahim Z

Apr 3, 2019

Great Course. The instructor really breaks down the concepts and makes them easily digestible. They also dont hold your hand. While some of the exercises are simple, they progressively load and get harder. Great course.

By Michael B

Feb 20, 2019

You just cant go wrong with this specialisation lectures from University of Michigan provided by coursera , ultimate thanks to Dr Charles Severance for his amazing way of teaching / passing information to his audience.

By Ankit D B

Dec 27, 2018

It was an amazing experience overall, i never really felt like i was in a class ..thats amazing ,and i have learned the foundation of python and can myself dig further as this course has provided me the skills to do so.

By sofiene g

Jul 13, 2018

I really liked the course it is very interesting and i really liked the way that Dr. Chuck teach us and what i liked most in this course in the bonus part. It's really encouraging to know see those interviews. Thank you

By Rasmus L

Jun 18, 2018

Great introductory course to programming (in Python). Very basic if you have just gone through a similar course for another high-level language (in my case Java), but would doubtlessly be perfect for complete beginners.

By Santiago M

May 29, 2018

Fantastic intro for never having any programming experience. highly recommend it to anyone who's curious but scared of how daunting the challenge of learning computer programming is. Definitely wet my appetite for more!

By Anton

Jan 8, 2018

Really good to refresh or or to start from the beginning... It was clear and hard enough to keep my interest from doing exercise and re-watch videos again. Thanks for the course! I have been browsing for quite a while..

By Srinivasan K S

Jan 7, 2018

A great course on Python and Thanks to Dr. Charles for his interesting lectures that never boring time ever for the duration of this course... Loved every single minute of this course... Thanks a lot Dr. Charles...!!!