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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,831 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Jun 29, 2020

A well-designed course, especially for the beginners, who are really enthusiastic and passionate about programming. It really helps you to learn from scratch and it does not require any prerequisites.


Jan 7, 2018

Tan solo auditar este curso me ayudó bastante en el aprendizaje de este lenguage de programación. A penas ahorre el dinero compraré el resto de cursos para seguir adelante. Gracias Charles Severance!!

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5076 - 5100 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Chetan R M

Jun 26, 2016

The course is really great and is surely going to help me a lot.Thanks to Dr.Chuck,his way of teaching is quite interesting and very easy and comfortable to understand and grasp quiclky.

By Vijayabhaskar J

May 7, 2016

I Would Recommend this course to someone who is new to programming,or someone with little programming experience.This course is the best way to learn Basics in Python! All the Best folks!

By Prosenjit S

Feb 27, 2016

Charles is a great teacher, had never ever done coding ever before, but through this course a new interest has taken shape and I am sure this would be helpful for my professional progress


Sep 22, 2015

Good Course design for the beginners who does not know anything about programming and Python. Must Give it a try so that you can know and understand the basics ! overall i will give 9/10.

By Lelia G

Dec 23, 2021

I love the first speach, it gave me the power to trust myself and the process of learning Python. Basically, it kept me motivated to stay curious and carry on with the course. Great job!

By Arjun S

Dec 15, 2021

this is a very good course for beginner who doesn't have any coding experience everything is taught from basics to a certain level which is why i can say this course is very well curated


Dec 1, 2021

Disfruté de cada video porque la explicación es excelente y me permitió aprender lo básico de Python con facilidad. Aprendí sobre Atom que nunca lo había usado, y ahora me parece genial.

By La O R R

Jun 8, 2021

Like the name of it, its Python for Everybody, very basic and easy to understand. Dont know where to start? it is the place for it. 10/10 and superb teaching course. Best regards from me

By Manuel A R H

Jan 10, 2021

I have some experience programming and although I hoped only to learn the basics about Python, this actually is a "Programming for everybody" course. The methods for learning are awsome.

By Elvin M

Dec 29, 2020

This is the first programming languages I started to learn. I can proudly say that I really liked this only course and everything is clearly explained. Many thanks to Charles Severance.

By Abdullah B A

Oct 31, 2020

I love this course and I am really felt in love with the teaching style of Dr.Chuck , he explains everything like a giving class to someone who is not knowing anything about programming.

By Tristan L P

Oct 25, 2020

A friend recommended me this course, after I've completed a different course, and it was really worth the while to have enrolled in this course to be refreshed with the basics of Python.

By Lucas A

Oct 2, 2020

Great introductory course, much better than other courses on python i have taken in the past. The professor's teaching style is very engaging and the course as well. Highly recommend it!

By Harsh C

Sep 23, 2020

it is an amazing program which starts from zero in python and ends up making you write a 10-15 line program by using various functions of java and by implementing them made me very happy

By Suhas S K

Aug 4, 2020

Excellent course for any beginner! And if you are here to just learn Python syntax with some prior knowledge of coding in any other language then completing this course will be a breeze!

By Janaye E

Jul 24, 2020

This introductory class was great! Dr. Severance's lectures made the material fun and motivated me to keep working even when I got stuck. I look forward to taking the rest of the series!

By Meka k

Jul 18, 2020

I am very glad that i am learning this python course from coursera with free of is very useful to me for my's a good platform for the freshers to learn python

thank you!


Jul 15, 2020

It is a most suitable course to start your career in python.I have to mention about the lessons of Prof.Charles Russell Severance,he is amazing.I felt very clear when hear his lectures.

By Deleted A

Jun 26, 2020

Very awesome course .Earlier I was not able to code in python and after I started my course with Dr. chuck it really helped me to gain my coding skills back on track .Thank you coursera.

By Cynthia N

Jun 21, 2020

This was an excellent course with a great instructor. The material was concise and interesting. I feel like I understood the material and the help from my fellow students was invaluable.

By sushant k

Jun 5, 2020

Very nice course, which is taught exceptionally well, But support for code running is less

I mailed them to ask some things, but never got reply...still nevertheless, This course rocks :)

By Gonzalo R C

May 19, 2020

Excelente curso! Muy dinámico y práctico al introducir los primeros conceptos esenciales en el mundo de la programación. El profesor excelente, las pruebas y ejercicios realmente útiles.

By Ivan E F C

May 3, 2020

Entertaining and very useful! i greatly appreciate the exercises and interactive tool given to asses them... also, there's a great community support and the bonus videos are just AWESOME


Apr 30, 2020

Good course for people who din't know anything about programming.

Those who know a lot about programming but not python may take it but I recommend to take some advanced course than this.