May 11, 2020
before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!
May 11, 2020
Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.
By Pinaz N
•May 4, 2020
The flow of the course is really justified. Swirl is really the best part of the course. The course should have more lessons on making functions as making function are really difficult and need to look for lots of sources to form a correct one. I really pay tribute to the makers of this complete course. It is really going to help me in my PhD
By Ulrike H
•Jul 1, 2018
This course is well structured and the explanations are understandable. I liked best the practice R sessions using the swirl package. Cool thing. I found it a pity, that a few acompanying lecture slides are missing for download. It would be nice if they were available, because they are helpful for programming assignment 3 as cheat sheets.
By Adam G
•Jan 28, 2018
Learned a ton in this course! Kind of felt like Excel 101 for R, began to understand most of the basic functions and their use cases.
It was much much harder and work intensive than part 1, took 5-10 hrs/wk. Can't just knock everything out in 1 day, takes consistent workflow.
Recommended if you want to learn, felt challenging but rewarding.
By Chris C
•Jun 22, 2016
Was tough enough to give me the feel of solving real problems. Would have appreciated a little more explanation of the return types of the looping functions, all time was spent on the parameters and no time on what the data structure returned is. Online documentation is also weak on this point so some instruction would have been helpful.
By Vinayak N
•Jul 26, 2019
Pedagogy is amazing, instructors comprehensively explain different concepts with ample scope for practice. swirl() package helped me gain some essential skills in the language as well. I would thank Coursera and Johns Hopkins university for putting together such courses in order for us to learn from such great experienced professors.
By Gawaine O
•Sep 11, 2017
This R programming course was well done. Only thing I would suggest is more outside textbooks or websites that offer exercises. For example, a link to another website that does in-depth about manipulating data frames. That would greatly help out with the programming assignments that can sometimes seem different from lecture material.
By Ivan M M
•Nov 25, 2020
A fantastic experience for beginners in R, but also challenging if you have little experience in programming as it was my case, I will recommend it to anyone who wants to learn R and are willing to invest time and effort, probably would not recommend it if you just want to take a glimpse of how R works from just an user level
By Nikolay B
•Jul 6, 2019
Thank you, providers! - Well done. Got basics of R, and can use on my job. Liked swirl(). R seems the language well thought in its design. It is a good course. I have personally mentioned some rushy behavior closer toward 3/4 of the course. Last chapters are banal for someone experienced in programming. Overall, nice intro.
By Austin C
•Aug 9, 2018
I am absolutely in love with Coursera and their course offerings. The information is presented in short, meaningful bursts that allow for proper processing and understanding. I've taken online courses from various other companies, and very few of them come close to matching the elegant design and presentation of Coursera.
By margaret a
•Jul 13, 2020
It was an awesome experience having to totally dedicate time to really study and learn a whole lot with R. The structure of the course for me prompted me to do further research aside from the materials provided. That enabled me to learn even more than what is contained in the materials and videos. It was indeed awesome.
•Aug 2, 2019
Even though the lectures are shot and to the point, the assignment helps you to learn many things by yourself. If you try to complete the course within the timeline, an automatic urge to find the solution will come within you. This is required in distance mode/online education otherwise people don't finish the course.
By Ron E
•Feb 7, 2016
Excellent introduction! I have been using R on and off for the last 8 years, and have also used it while doing a Masters degree, but was never given a thorough and proper introduction of the basics. This should be an absolute must for anyone using R as an analytics tool be it as an academic or an industry practitioner.
By Daniel F
•Jan 10, 2022
This course is perfect for learning to program in R. The only drawback is that for people who know nothing about programming some exercises can be quite difficult, in particular the functions you need to do for the assignments in weeks 2 and 4 can become an almost impossible task if you have no idea about programming.
By Naveen S
•Feb 2, 2017
This is exceptionally nice program, it really give me a great sense of R and some absolutely fascinating skill to work with data. Lecture are really well drafted and pretty comfortable in understanding, mentor are responsive and replied as quickest as possible. Looking forward to gain the expertise in R programming.
By Parvathy S
•May 13, 2018
This course and its assignments comprehensively cover and build a very solid foundation for R Programming. The discussion forums greatly help a lot and provide ample support to any roadblocks or doubts encountered while solving an assignment problem or any of the material in general.
Thankyou for this course, Dr.Peng!
By Victor J T
•Dec 4, 2016
Um bom curso introdutório de R, excelente para quem está começando e possui disciplina para usar o curso como base e ir além. Recomendo buscar recursos a mais do que o oferecido para otimizar os exercÃcios propostos e com isso o curso será mais proveitoso, afinal, a maior parte das coisas nessa área se aprende assim.
By Srujana D
•Oct 5, 2016
Its such an awesome course but need a lot of practice apart from the practice exercises. If we don't make a note of the concepts or didn't practice we cant memorize anything. Jeff Leek, he is such a great professor. I think he is the best when it comes to explaining something. I am doing Data Science Specialization.
By Tamir L
•Jul 25, 2016
A very useful course that teaches techniques I could implement at work almost from day 1.
Prof. Peng teaches the material in a very clear, well structured manner, and provides good real life examples.
The course provides a suite of tools and techniques for data analysis that's a great starting point to build from.
By Hyeseon S
•Jan 14, 2019
This course was quite demanding for beginner(Especially the assignment..) it would be nice if there is more detail explaination and guideline for the assignments. But i learned a lot from this course and swirl practices were really helpful for me to understand all the functions on R. Highly recommend this course
By Harish K
•Mar 20, 2017
It is an excellent introduction to R. It required me to do more reading than what was provided via videos and slide decks. Without that additional reading it wasn't possible to complete the assignments. Loved the forum and the mentors. Both are a great help. Lastly, I think a couple more assignments would help.
By Chloe L
•Mar 10, 2016
Assignment is a bit too hard for entry level students, especially if we have to complete it in a week considering some students might be full time employees or students. However, assignment is very good for practice. Might consider adding more contents to let students learn more about build their own functions.
By Gary F
•Feb 13, 2016
Great introduction to R syntax for someone experienced with Python and Pandas. I was able to start coding in R for my job even before completing this course.
My only quibble is with assignment 2. I thought it was of limited value and would have preferred the assignment offer more exposure to the apply functions.
By César A C
•Apr 5, 2017
The course was very entertaining and useful. You can learn a lot about R programming and the quality of the professors is just incredible. It is also very nice that professors made material for the course that can be downloaded for free in Leanpub (people from developing countries is very grateful for that).
By Wasim K
•Dec 29, 2016
I would rate this as the best source of knowledge for any beginner who wish to start/change their carrier to data analysis. Would recommend buying book R programming for Data Science. This book covers all the materials of this lesson and also can be a reference book whenever you need any reference in future.