May 11, 2020
Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.
May 11, 2020
before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!
•May 29, 2017
By 袁同浩
•Feb 17, 2016
By Grasiele R
•Jul 13, 2023
By Uditha L
•Oct 17, 2021
By amod t
•May 2, 2021
By Ramya
•May 8, 2020
By Arpit A
•Apr 21, 2019
By David S
•Jan 18, 2019
By Gayatri A
•Aug 15, 2017
By Maggie L
•Aug 14, 2017
By Gaurav M
•Mar 13, 2017
By Ntakadzeni N
•Sep 26, 2016
By Don B
•Jun 10, 2016
By Jinsung p
•May 16, 2016
By parashu
•Feb 13, 2016
By Sudheer K
•Jan 29, 2016
By Nathan E
•May 8, 2017
I give this 4/5 because I feel it's an enormous intellectual leap for most people. I have a heavy computer science background because I minored in the subject. (I say heavy because I think many people taking this course might have little to no background in CS.)
MOOC 1 was very easy and elementary. MOOC 2 gets into programming concepts that most students wouldn't learn until a second or third basic programming course in computer science as part of their undergraduate degree. I found the projects to be quite difficult.
The course says you don't need to know Linear Algebra, and I suppose you don't, but one of the programming assignments has you performing a matrix multiplication. I took Linear Algebra thankfully, but I fear that the learning curve on this course became very steep and it happened all of a sudden for most people.
I will admit that I struggled and had to Google things frequently. I think that many students will be lost in MOOC 2 and not continue unless they have tech-heavy education prior to taking these classes.
Do not expect your time output in "R Programming" to be equal to that spent in "The Data Scientists' Toolbox." You will spend much more time re-watching the technical lectures for the quizzes and trying to find the very small tricks needed in order to implement the programming assignments.
Still a very valuable course though. I did learn a lot and was grateful for the opportunity. I will have to wait until my life is less busy in order to take MOOC 3. Thank you Dr. Peng!
By A N
•Jul 20, 2016
I was initially going to give this 3 stars but it would have been a biased score as I found the programming assignments too hard otherwise everything else was great, so I've added a star to counter my own bias.
The programming assignments for a novice like me who has only completed the Data Scientist Toolbox course (which was the only prerequisite as far as I know but may have missed this in the opening spiel) would have significant difficulty completing and comprehensively understanding the programming assignments in any meaningful way (i.e. to reuse the knowledge in a different context or question).
I completed all of the videos, swirl programming tasks, took fairly decent notes, exams/tests and still had to look elsewhere for much more guidance than I would have thought necessary on the programming assignments as I found them too hard to do on my own. I am not that smart though and this review can only capture part of my own subjective experience.
Other than that, as I really enjoyed learning about R and analysing data in general as well as the way Robert Peng's teaching style and demeanour I really enjoyed it. Trying to work out if my failure to understand and reapply is a lack of my fully grasping the material and if so whether to continue grappling with R and programming in general. I've started the third course of the specialisation so will give you more feedback once I'm done there.
Thanks very much for the course and keep up the good work.
By Jung H R
•Jan 26, 2016
I really enjoyed learning R and stepping up the skills for using R. I really appreciate this great opportunity to learn exquisite classes for free at home. I do think this is as amazing as the Industrial Revolution. It is the Educational Revolution!
BUT it seems errors occur (in some assignments), and I feel the level of classes is getting higher/tougher suddenly. I feel overwhelmed and challenged from assignments in week 3.
&YOU GUYS TALK TOO FAST. (well, it surprisingly didn't affect to my understanding though). PLEASE! like myself, there are many many ESL students taking this course. I really don't think my English is poor (trust me, my undergraduate major is English lit and i wrote my final thesis for master's degree in ENGLISH as an ESL) but sometimes doing assignments and understanding lectures were challenging...
Maybe that's because it takes time to get used to all the technical terms that has nothing to do with my major or career so far. But I think, not just JHU, but all the good universities providing courses need to consider ESL students who wanna learn more and pursue their dreams.
Also it will be really great there are more ways to earn some degrees and more support for using the knowledge and skills I learned here for my career. (with reasonable price!)
Thank you for the wonderful course, JHU! Hope I can go to JHU in US someday.
By John T R
•Apr 22, 2021
Overall, this was a good course. Dr. Peng is an outstanding professor. His lectures were interesting and easy to follow. My main complaint would be that the programming assignments did not always reinforce (or emphasize) the material that was covered in the lectures for that particular week (Ex: Week 3 lectures focused on the apply family of functions, but the programming assignment was on Lexical Scoping. Week 4 lectures focused on simulation and profiling, but the programming assignment focused on writing functions to perform ranking). While the programming assignments were certainly useful, in my opinion, it would be better if they more closely covered the materials in that week's lectures. Nevertheless, I would still recommend the course to anyone wanting to learn R programming.
By Marko M
•Oct 10, 2016
The course was a rapid cursory introduction to R. This being said, I recommend breaking the course into multiple separate courses and including more depth (with further practice) to guarantee that the student has truly achieved mastery. I supplemented the course with courses from DataCamp and Udemy, and only now (after completing the course here on Coursera, reading the textbook(s), and additional practice through the online training by Udemy and DataCamp) can I say that I am gaining true proficiency in R.
This being said, the course was very well organized, had great examples, and excellent lectures (although the audio could be clarified by quite a bit using a higher-end microphone, preamp, interface, and affordable audio production software such as Reaper to clarify the voice).
By Dr. N P W
•Dec 25, 2016
The course was great. Having no background in programming languages is surely a set back to complete this course. The first time I enrolled for this course, I cant go any further than a week. But in my second attempt I was determined to complete it and I did it. What I understand is, if you have passion to learn R , this is a nice course but you cant rely on the class teaching alone, there are quite a number of blogs from where you can get help to complete this course. I felt a huge gap between assignments and the teaching; means, one has to struggle a bit to complete the assignments. But may be thats how one can get better with the nuts and bolts of R. Again, the course discussion forum and a few blogs can guide you through to understand and complete the assignments.
By Anna Y
•Oct 4, 2016
This is a good overview to R Programming, though the lectures leave much to be desired, at least for a programming beginner. Watching the videos left me confused about key concepts, which I absorbed much better through the Swirl interactive exercises, the discussion forums and other examples online. Of course we are supposed to be "hackers," but I enjoyed this course much more once I just turned off the video, read through the slides and focused on other areas where I could learn the concepts.
Also, the discussion forums were great for helping with key issues, and the homework assignments were also outstanding for making sure you absorb and apply concepts. So it's worth taking - just keep in mind the videos may not be for everyone...
By Ada
•Nov 14, 2016
Learning R in 4 weeks was quite tough. I haven't done serious programming for the last 25 years but the way in which the course was structured, assisted me in getting through the difficult parts. I battled the most with the notations, ie. when to use <- or = or ==? Also things like when to use ( or [. Might sound trivial to you, but for a first timer it can be quite confusing.
I have come across a few "cheat sheets" which has helped me a lot. I am still using it and I'm busy with course 9 now. I don't think one should call it "cheat sheets", rather call it "summary sheets". If I can make a suggestion, I would like to see some of these "summary sheets" included in your courses as part of the supporting material.
Thanks a lot.
By Luis F d R X
•Jul 17, 2017
A very hands-on course, you get you hands dirty, so to speak, since the first hour. A few important notions are given and then it paces up, introducing you to several concepts required to handle data using R language. The Swirl exercices are greately educational but even then, I saw myself feeling a little overwhelmed at times, not being able to cope with the flush of useful functions and different ways to subset, create and transform data. This being said, I would say that despite the fact that the concepts are transmitted in an easy-going way, there is a lot to master here and the practice exercises sure are welcome.
If you are doing the Data Science specialization, you are just getting warmed up... :)