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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,293 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


May 11, 2020

Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.


May 11, 2020

before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!

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2926 - 2950 of 4,744 Reviews for R Programming

By Cindy C L R

Jun 8, 2020

Es un curso que requiere de bastante tiempo porque las tareas de programación de las semanas 3 y 4 pueden ser muy frustrantes, estuve a punto de abandonar pero con la ayuda de los foros pude hacer todas las tareas perfectamente. No obstante, me tomó más tiempo de los planeado. Recomiendo revisar los foros apenas se terminen de leer las instrucciones de las tareas de programación para evitar perder el interés. Yo lo disfruté, me sentí retada y reforcé mis conocimientos previos de R en funciones.

By Kim K

Aug 8, 2018

If you have basic programming knowledge it will help you move through this course and meet deadlines, or you will need to set aside a very large amount of time daily to learn. I hear DataCamp has great tutorials for learning and practicing R along with the Swirl practice problems provided with weekly assignments for this course. The forums are a very good supplement to understanding the details of the project assignments and quizzes. Rigorous and rewarding when you put the work in.

By Glenn W

Jan 7, 2019

I learned a lot. I have programming experience, but it was 20 years ago. I would have enjoyed the course more if there had been more focused and relevant examples. The syntax of R is not straightforward and my style of learning likes to have examples to reference. The R Programming book is helpful, but i found myself using a lot of other reference material and I would have moved thru the class faster (and with less frustration) had the presentations had more relevant examples.

By Joe D

Mar 17, 2019

A thoroughly enjoyable course but some of the assignments (in particular lexical scoping week 3 programming assignment) features concepts that were far outside of the week's lecture material. Fortunately the forums were extremely useful in figuring out what to do. Without them, the assignments would have been next to impossible (for a person new to R). For that reason I give it 4 of 5 stars. If those lecture notes are included in the required reading then I'd happily give it a 5.

By Lucas D O

Jul 1, 2019

The lectures, quizzes, and practice swirl assignments are great for getting a handle on introductory-level R programming. However, I found that the programming assignments were inappropriately difficult for a course this level seeing as they require other skills/know-how not taught in this course. I hope the instructors reconsider a change to their curriculum so as not to overwhelm students, many of whom are having their first experience with programming in low-level languages.

By Alexander S

May 10, 2020

Good course on the basics, steep learning curve in the later topics, but doable. I see why, but some concepts are barely touched upon in the lectures and for total beginners (like me), a dive into some google searches or R books is more useful than the course material itself in later chapters. Also, some data or information is outdated and should be updated. Other than that, clear structure, good lectures and help in forum and form of the mentors is great. Would recommend.


Jul 16, 2017

R Programming introduces many useful concepts and skills to learner in the first stage like me. During my study, course forum and the "swirl" package played very important roles. I am new to the R language, thus the assignment after the course are difficult for me. Thanks to the course forum, I learned a lot from others, and the "swirl" package helped me understand some course more efficient. I will keep on going at Coursera, thanks for the teachers and classmates.

By Yifan W

Oct 23, 2016


The course is more about the basic knowledge of R, which is good considering that looking for the answer when meeting with problems cannot teach this. Hope that more interesting assignments could be added. Finally, too much basic knowledge makes people boring, it would be better if after each video the students could do some short programming tasks.

By Alina S T

Sep 23, 2019

Lectures should include examples of problem-solving and debugging related to the assignments. Every new concept/function introduced should be exemplified on an R dataset. Don't leave it all too swirl. Assignments should not introduce new concepts. Very useful would be examples of script optimization. I spent 90%of the time figuring out what was wrong with my script, and 10% on lectures, which were not clearly explained and very often were hard to focus on.

By W Q

Feb 22, 2016

A quick warm up course for new learner in R. I spent a week to went through the course material and most of the experiment/programming tasks. Now feel quite comfortable to basic R. The course might be improved if more time are spent on some concrete case studies. Some useful functions/routines like str, csv header preprocessing are very handy and it is great to learn these. The last part, debug and profile seem not big concerns for new learners.

By Abir N

Aug 1, 2020

The best part of the course is it's assignments which help us enormously to cover up the topics which we have learnt so far in this course. But the biggest downside is the toughness of the assignments which makes the life of a simple student horrible. We have to consult sources outside of coursera to complete them which i think should be covered up well by the lectures in the series.Otherwise the course is a great headstart for beginners.

By Gopinath V

Sep 14, 2016

The course is very well laid out to demonstrate the main features of R programming language. (To elaborate on one thing that I liked) The programming assignment for the 4th week (rating/choosing hospital based on outcome) is very helpful to try out what I learnt from the course so far. All the 3 parts of this question are connected well, and I hope the rest of the courses of the Data Specialization is also implementing similar format.

By Anthony O

Jun 7, 2016

R Programming has solid information and exercises on just that! However the videos and sections for each week are not very clearly structured. Sometimes the end assignment can take many times the number of hours the rest of the content in a week requires. I'd be careful about taking this course while working unless you can devote serious time to programming projects on your off days. That stated, the course is excellent otherwise.

By Leonardo G C

Jun 18, 2017

Very good course; I would give it 5 stars if the lessons would include more examples of how to apply the functions and programming techniques learned in different situations or data sets, before que programming assignments. The current lessons show very basic examples and leave a lot open for one to figure out on your own, I know you're trying to encourage self-learning, but still... Right now this is rather some 70% self-learning.

By Baylen S

Dec 19, 2016

Overall course was good. I think there is a bit of a gap in terms of helping providing additional understanding of application of some the concepts in context of a solution. I think the course does a good job explaining the concept, but I feel the course could use some additional examples of application of the concepts to help facilitate the programming assignments. The Swirl exercise are good...but almost seem to rudimentary.

By aaron m

Jan 22, 2021

I really enjoyed this course, however I have 2 main gripes; 1. The whole process of pushing to github is not very well explained and although if you search in the forums you will eventually find a solution that works, it was still a pain. 2. I loved creating the functions very important, however I felt the material was very light. Too bad Roger and team can't update this course. It is really beneficial to the overall program.


Oct 13, 2020

The course was interesting, nevertheless it required me to spent many hours thinking to approach assignments which seemed to somehow tricky. fortunately there was an extremely important and vibrant discussion forums created for students to refer to while approaching those assignment. I recommend every student to read the discussion forum, especially when one is confused on how to do the assignments. otherwise, thanks a lot!

By Amit S P

Jul 29, 2020

Iam I student having background from biology. Programming was totally new for me. The course was very beneficial and we'll arranged. The assignments and quizz were very demanding, but if one goes through all the videos, notes and swirl exercise than it becomes easy to solve. I learned may new thing and R programming. But still have have doubts and I'm not clear about applying the knowledge of R in the field of biology.

By Kelly S

May 6, 2019

A little bit more examples, as well as maybe a walk along with example where the students works an example in R-Studio, and can try to answer some questions, one screen before the answer is given. I had some problems that didn't know about until I was taking the quiz. Other than that I really liked the course and am looking forward to using this knowledge as well as the Getting and Cleaning Data in the real world...

By Olivia U

May 5, 2020

Very good course. The swirl (optional) exercises are a great tool to apply the learning of each week right away. I had no prior experience with R and very little with programming in general ; I spent a lot of time looking for the right functions, their arguments etc. + debugging my own code because of all the rookie mistakes I make ;) But practice makes the master, so I guess it's normal.

Now off to the next course!

By Zara S

May 8, 2023

I highly rate the course, the material, and the instructors. I only have one concern, which is the gap between the weekly course materials and the final assignments. I understand that in areas like data science, the learner should go beyond the course materials, but I think either course materials should have been more challenging, or the assignments be more based on the subjects covered during the week.


By Ferit A

Dec 7, 2019

Good course for a determined person! There is a very big gap between the course materials and the later assignments. I wish the lecture slides were available for quick reference, but you only get the transcript of the words the lecturer says or the video itself. There was a bit of a leap when the various statistical distributions were referenced with the presumption the student knows what they are all about.

By Steven H

Oct 9, 2016

This course is really not easy to who is not in the domain of computer science. Even the computer science people, it's also not quite easy to familiar with that statistic program, e.g. R Programming. If having more "trace program" training, I'd be better for that students who I mention above.

However, anyway, I very much enjoyed this course to know how to program to analysis a data set.

Thank you very much.

By Tomasz K

Nov 13, 2016

Good course in general. Gives a introduction to R and its basic function and structures. I recommend this courses to the ones who start using R as an analytical tool and have some basic experience with programming or data analyses. Maybe some improvement would be nice: For example, some of the assignments weren't fully consistent with coursework. However, overall a great introduction to R programming.

By Carlomagno A

Nov 27, 2017

This course is essential, thus, it is imperative that the concepts are well understood by the students. More emphasis on the underlying logic, rather than the syntax is very welcome.

For the succeeding courses, R is going to be used anyway, so familiarity on the syntax would come naturally. The "how to make it work /why doesn't it work" is more beneficial than "what do I need to use", I think.