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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,293 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


May 11, 2020

Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.


May 11, 2020

before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!

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2951 - 2975 of 4,744 Reviews for R Programming

By Jules B


Mar 14, 2017

Swirl is very good. it would be good if it detected differences in input for a typo error, compared to a guess, and also if it ignores results if the expected outcome is achieved e.g. sqrt(x) and (x^0.5). i'm sure a clever identical() function in there could produce a responsive feedback like. "OK, not quite what I was thinking, you should have type sqrt(x), but you seem to have managed to get t

By Swastik S


Aug 24, 2017

For a beginner like me, this course is really helpful. It gives valuable certification and builds your knowledge in statistical programming. Though the lecture videos could be a bit more interesting but nevertheless it helped big time. The assignments lets you think analytically so as to arrive at the desired output. It's a great course for people trying to place their foothold in data science.

By Shuo-Chieh H


Aug 7, 2016

I only finished week one so far. My opinion (to the first week's content) is that it's a little bit hard to familiarize all those basic R concepts from scratch. Maybe the teaching staff would want to make it more concise so that before any real application (or simulation), students do not get lost in those technicalities. However, it's pretty great course. It's pretty detailed and informative.

By John F


Sep 15, 2020

If you want to learn R for real take this course. But !! keep in mind this course is not for the weak of heart.

It is not a hand holding class. You will have to dig deep inside your soul to come out on the other side alive. But when you do, you will have emerged Victorious. And walk away with your head held high and say " YES, I am an R programmer!"

good luck may your kung-fu be strong :) .....

By Justin C


Aug 22, 2018

Course was great! The challenge level was good for me, although some of the assignments introduced concepts that wern't covered in the swirl or lectures.

I'm used to assignments driving home lecture and problem concepts, so I think that mentally I wasn't prepared for the introduction of concepts for the assignment. I think that if this knowledge gap was solved, the course would have been a 5.

By Zhiming


Sep 9, 2017

Actually, I was surprised by lesson 3, it is more difficult that lesson 4. If someone has no experience in programming, especially in R, there is a good chance of failing the assignment. If the instructors can include more useful functions in the course, I think will be excellent. Especially if they can give an introduction about the other relevant packages in R, it will be extremely useful.



Nov 21, 2017

Profound introduction to R touching most key elements. This is not a complete beginners course though. Perfect for people who have some experience in other languages and want to add R to their skill set.

Assignments are rather easy, but still challenging enough to get you thinking about the language.

Great video's with clear explanations. Too bad some of them are cut short in the end.


By William C


Oct 3, 2019

I know there may be a few very good programmers and computer scientists here but I really struggled to do the practical assignment in week 2. I think the course is brilliant but I am probably only going to retain some of it. E.g. I have sourced 5 alternatives of each assignment part to really understand alternative approaches to writing functions.

But I like the course a lot . Thanks

By Chanchal D


May 30, 2020

Excellent Course With Regards To Learning and Course Engagement as the activities and readings were heavily useful with regards to growing skills

Cons: The Videos Were sometimes very lengthy and lacked energy and student connection

The Audio In The Videos are very poor as i have to turn my headphones to max to be able to hear clearly

Rest All Are Good Including the Tutor , Thank You

By Chirag R


Jun 26, 2019

The swirl library is one of the best things I've come across to learn anything. I only rated a 4 because at times I felt the course was way too theoretical. If you could add more problems or attach references or sources for more practice, such that R Programming becomes 2nd nature, it'll probably become the best course ever, especially coming from such highly qualified personnel.

By Daniel P


Sep 25, 2019

Really good content, both quality wise and quantity wise. The only flaw is the grading system based on students evaluating work of other students. The skills of students naturally varies and many of them cannot evaluate techniques beyond the scope of this course. The best way to pass the tests is to copy the proposed solution from the instructors so that everyone understands it.

By Marloes D


Mar 22, 2016

Excellent environment to get acquinted with R. Specifically the Swirl programme inside R is really helpful and will get you the basics of how you can work in R in a very efficient way.

For me, as a clinical researcher, some more information on how to clean your data and run your analysis would be very useful but this course is mostly focussed on programming your own functions.

By Akansha S


Mar 21, 2018

The course was well explained and Swirl tool is quite interactive.Though I was not abale to submit my work from swirl even though I tried it multiple times.I covered all the lessons from Swirl for basic programming and I am interested in learning the other modeuls in R via using Swirl.I learnt a lot from this course and would be interested in future courses on R as well.

By Matthew E


Jul 16, 2020

Great class, wonderful lectures, and full of great materials to learn. The assignments however were challenging and required some further study. A walkthrough of the assignments after submitting them would be very helpful, especially when created functions did not match up with what they should have been. But all in all, I definitely learned quite a bit from this class.

By Jeroen v B


Aug 6, 2017

This course will take some effort, it will not come easy, but if you keep on working you will see that you will make progress. The programming assignments are hard and make sure you use of the practice assignments on the forums.

All in all, this course improved my programming skills significantly, but I am not sure if I would have made it without some prior knowledge..

By Marvis S


Dec 29, 2023

It's an engaging course with topics you don't find material about so much elsewhere. I love the combination of videos and the practices in the Lab Sandbox. It could be going a bit more into detail but that would be just icing on the cake. The assignments are more tedious than one would think and I'd love to have more of these. All in all a good to very good course.

By James R


Oct 19, 2020

A challenging course but incredibly rewarding! Be prepared to be thrown in the deep-end for some of the assignments after week one; they took a bit of extra reading and quite a lot of time to experiment with code. Could maybe do with an extra week to better prepare students for the programming assignments, but aside from that, I would heartily recommend this course!

By David B


Jan 31, 2017

Overall pretty good. Since I have no computer science background, some of the assignments were a bit challenging for me and the Swirl assignments were not particularly helpful. Overall, I feel like I learned the basics of programming in R and after completing the course I was able to write some simple programs that I can use in my day to day activities in the lab.

By Obed G Q


Jun 7, 2020

I found the course very interesting and I learned a lot, but I think that to facilitate the development of the evaluations, they should put more practical examples in the videos, which will help the student to develop the exams with the tools taught in the videos, to that the student does not have to resort to external sources. For that reason, I give it 4 stars.

By Marco M


Aug 19, 2020

This is a very good course. Lectures, readings, and quizzes are well elaborated and quite helpful. The practical exercises in SWIRL are especially fun and engaging. The only weak point are the programming assignments, which are poorly connected with the rest of the activities. They represent giant leaps from the skills actually taught, and so can be frustrating.

By Peter T


Aug 30, 2017

Quite a good course. Suggestion for improvement would be adding some smaller exercises that allow you to practice the various ways to get to the data in a dataframe appropriately. I got through all the tests and exercises quite well, but spent a lot of time playing around with when to use $ vs [ vs [[, and I'm still not quite sure exactly what i will get back.

By meir s p


Jan 24, 2021

The content was good. I'm concerned that I'm not moving quickly enough into skills I'll need, but maybe this is the way to do things - build up from simple stuff. The quizzes were extremely annoying because they required we run functions on our programs that we weren't told about. My functions got the right answers but didn't worked with those snippets of code.

By Bhuvana M G


Jan 2, 2017

The course gave good beginning to R programming. It will be good if you can add more examples, use cases, real time scenarios(explaining where that function can be used) when you teach. Assignments are of good standard. They made me to learn more about R. Overall, it gave a good exposure. If possible, add one mini project kind of thing along with assignments.

By Cristiane d S C


Aug 11, 2020

It's a great course and I learned a lot from it. The interactive tool swirl is very useful, I love it! My only problems are the lack of connection between some lectures and the Assignments, and also the lack of help in the discussion forums. My questions were all ignored and I finished the course without solving problems in my code for the final Assignment.

By Fardani Y


Oct 4, 2020

The course is good, but the assignment is quite hard to understanding. There's a little a clue to do for the work. So I searching help in an online community to help me figure out. I love swirl, but please make it more advanced so we can programming look like datacamp. Sincerely I shocked when following swirl is easy although the assignment is really hard.