Oct 15, 2020
Totally enjoyed this course. It was informative and helped me to understand how my body works so that i can adapt my training and those in my family so we can live a much better life style. Thank you
Aug 9, 2020
This course was outstanding. There is so much that I learned that I will be able to apply to my own exercise routine. The videos were easy to follow and the quizzes tested the material thoroughly.
•May 26, 2020
•May 25, 2020
By Abhuday S r
•May 13, 2020
By PtKanchan K
•Apr 24, 2020
By Selvamani.k
•Aug 29, 2019
By Kevin Y H Z
•Mar 9, 2025
By Pr M K
•Jun 13, 2020
By farouk r
•Feb 26, 2019
By k y
•Feb 15, 2019
By Mahnoor B
•Jan 10, 2022
By Yousef A
•Sep 14, 2022
By Ibra A
•Jun 8, 2022
By Kelly C
•May 14, 2020
By Anastasia B
•Jun 3, 2018
By Kamalir V
•Apr 26, 2020
It was great information and I have learned a lot about the science of exercising. It has helping personally due to I am high risk with diabetes, high blood pressure and sometimes by weight changes. So I am grateful that I took this class since it is going to help me with my own aerobic training for myself.
The reason I don't give it a 5 star. I was not impress of the lack of information on the last assignment. It was confusing and frustrated about the instruction. It needs to be more clear of what it want and not have to guess. Ex: There was no font required or if you needed it, if it wanted resources, format references it just made hard for you to know what was expected beside using Module 1-3 and VO2max. It was all over the place especially when I had to grade my peer's assignment. As well, it was not clear in the syllabus as well. As I graded my classmate there was different format, hard to find the information, font size was different, maximum word allowed some students only did 179 words. It can improve by providing these instruction either in the syllabus or in the assignment. It will help to keep a structure as well. Beside that I loved the class.
By Ganesh S
•Dec 8, 2019
Dr. Robert Mazzeo was excellent in his precise and data driven lectures. The base content that went IN is possibly very good for a 4 week course but while empirical data is proof for many scenarios, it would've helped if there was material that also said - here are some use cases where the given data may or may not be most representative. For example, when we talk about the intersection where burning fat goes down and the body starts seeking carbs, am guessing that the point of intersection could vary for people across different physical and physiological capabilities and ideally there could've been a small band - between say 40 and 70% of VO2 max - that could've been called out as a reference band.
By David D
•Oct 29, 2017
This is really an outstanding course for anyone. It will inform you and shuld motivate you to start or continue exercising/physical activity. Mazzeo explains clearly and precisely if somewhat rapidly and provides ample proof of better health though exercise. If he published a book I would certainly consider purchasing it.
This course touches on all areas, from optimizing exercise itself, to how this can have such a positive impact on things like aging and disease...
I would have given a 5 star but as I audited this course and did not pay for an unnecessary certificate I could not get quiz results unlike almost all other MOOCs I have taken.
By Renato R
•May 18, 2020
Good afternoon! Amazing training course! very thorough and complete information related the most important key concepts and principles for exercise training and athletic fitness, explanations where deep and broad understanding of the multiple biological systems in play were acquired, I thank a lot the whole team of experts creating this amazing training course, as well as the many other students who kindly shared their essays explaining their own understanding of the key concepts from multiple different points of view which turned out to be very instructive and interesting as well
By Jen M
•Oct 17, 2017
I liked the course a lot and I learned a lot. I wish there were more handouts related to the information in the lectures so I had it in written form (like an outline of what was covered, etc.). My biggest issue was the final assignment; the instructions said to include a bunch of things, but the grading rubric only asked for some of that info in more detail than maybe one would've thought. Maybe either have a bigger rubric that covers more or have the instructions be more specific about how much detail you want and forget about the parts you don't grade. Just a thought.
By Janet R
•Aug 31, 2020
This course was more detailed than I anticipated. I learned lots about cellular changes and the interaction of other body systems during exercise. I would have liked to go back and review some of the lectures more than once. I just wasn't sure how to go back. Thanks for offering the course for free. I enjoy learning and applying new things now that I'm retired but I have little money to pay for college classes. I am trying to improve my fitness and this class has helped me put together a program for my own fitness improvement.
By christopher h
•Jun 29, 2022
An excellent course and truly life changing if learned. There are just areas for improvements like delivery of some facts, sometimes its too deep or hard to understand, it must adjusted for most audience and for the graded assessment its best if there's a SME that could counter check one's assignment to verify if the grading was correct. Overall, course is great and with a few improvements it could be one best learning materials online in this field.
By Varun M
•Apr 18, 2020
This was a very thorough course and allows someone with zero understanding to gain knowledge into the world of exercise. What needs for this to receive a 5 star? course is called science of exercise- perhaps a full module dedicated to different kinds of exercise and their effects on body and a deep dive in rep ranges and how to maximize muscle growth or fat loss instead of 7 min video. Thank you prof- your explanations were straight forward.
By Y C
•Nov 18, 2022
This course is definitely one of the authoritative ones in terms of its content. The scientific explanation and study of research papers could be a bit overwhelming for the general audience though. Since it has been few years this course was introduced on Coursera, it would be a good idea if latest scientific/ research updates relevant to the course could be added to the course at the end to keep it current and most up to date.
By Salaam A
•May 12, 2020
An excellent course that truly reveals the biochemical and physiological mechanisms and adaptations your body goes through when training. In addition you learn about the role of the cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems in supporting the body’s response and adaptations due to exercise. Finally it discusses the various health benefits of exercise and dangers of using performance enhancers.
By Alejandra I R C
•Jun 25, 2020
This was a really good course, but the majority of videos are in english with no subtitles in spanish and that makes a little bot hard to understand the part of fisiology. On the other hand maybe it would be easier if you have some kwnoledge in medicine. It was very interesting I really like the part that explain all the benefits that exercise have in our body and its influence in so many diseases.