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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

3,403 ratings

About the Course

Have you come across large piles of garbage in neighbourhoods and streets and smelly waste disposal sites polluting the environment of low- and middle-income countries? Do you want to know what kind of sustainable solutions are appropriate to better manage waste and enhance recycling and recovery? If yes, this course is for you! This course provides you with an overview of the municipal solid waste management situation in low- and middle-income countries. It covers key elements of the waste management system, such as its technical, environmental, social, financial and institutional aspects. Besides understanding the challenges, you will be introduced to appropriate and already applied solutions through selected case studies....

Top reviews


May 11, 2020

This course is very well designed and easy to understand because of dedicated and experience personnel who are delivering the content. Use of case study is well planned at various sections in course.


Feb 26, 2017

Great introduction. It covers a wide range of issues concerning waste management and I thought the material was relevant and reflected my own observations of waste management in developing countries.

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151 - 175 of 1,122 Reviews for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries

By Marvin A R S

Oct 2, 2016

Es un curso muy bueno, con una carga teórica y conceptual de alto nivel, además, las experiencias que se comparten en el mismo enriquecen el contenido y dan al estudiante ejemplos reales de la aplicabilidad de los conocimientos y de la resolución de los problemas.

By Dr M K

Jul 11, 2020

Very well organized. I have been taking Environmental Science and Engineering for UG, PG Engineering, and Ph.D. Scholars. Now I can well plan and would handle the classes accordingly. Will be in a position to give advice to the Our Treatment also. Great Course

By Andréas A

Feb 1, 2022

I am hugely impressed with this course! It's both theoretical and very practical, and has by far exceeded my expectations. I have been equipped to initiate and manage waste management projects in developing countries, in collaboration with local stakeholders.

By Valeria

Aug 13, 2020

I found it very interesting especially because is focused in developing countries I really liked that. All the stakeholders were experts and had a lot of knowledge in their field, I also appreciated that many other resources are available for future lectures.

By Sivuyisiwe M

May 11, 2021

A well presented, easy to follow course. You don't need a waste management background to understand the concepts and topics, just a willingness to learn!! Thumbs up to EPA, Coursera and a special shoutout to Christian, Imanol and the other course presenters!

By Jesus G G V

Nov 6, 2017

Realmente el curso de mucha importancia para adquirir conocimientos Tecnicos sobre la Gestion Integral de Residuos solidos, los cuales aplicaremos aqui en el Municipio de Villazon Bolivia

Esperamos un curso mas avanzado, por la calidad que demostro este curso

By Frida A F F

May 26, 2017

Very interesting!, I learned a lot, which is very useful for my professional formation. I'm actually graduating from Eng. in Natural Renewable Resourses and I'm really looking forward to work in this sector. Thank you very much for uploading this course!

By Felipe A D V

Jul 30, 2018

The course is very good. It covers many topics of interest in the management of solid waste at the same time it details important legal and administrative aspects. It is undoubtedly an excellent course to have a first approach to solid waste management.

By Navi D R

Nov 12, 2016

Es un curso que te actualiza y te abre puertas para que continues indagando temas en el area de los residuos solidos. Me pareció un curso que brinda herramientas claves para poder aprender sobre el manejo de residuos solidos en países en desarrollo.

By S.Deepan M

Feb 29, 2016

Thanks COURSERA and special thanks to Dr. Christian Zurbrügg, Imanol Zabaleta ,Félix Schmidt for providing the vital materials ,techniques and strategy... if i'm not wrong ..this type of small things (MSWM) may change the world waste handling.....

By Rene R D

Nov 14, 2020

An excellent course that gives you a lot of knowledge and tool to apply in order to improve the waste management in your community, city and/or country , with a lot of reference of successful examples from all around the world , totally recommended

By Mthandi V C

Feb 22, 2020


The course was absolutely amazing, and it totally exceeded my expectation. The outline and presentation of the course was easy to use and understand. The course is very relevant and does enhance one knowledge.

Kind regards

Mthandi V. Conco

By Kevin C

Jun 25, 2018

This was the first course I took of the four courses offered by s SandecI have since taken all four and intent study sanitation management likely sewer and water at the California State University at Davis. Thank you much sincerely Kevin Cleveland

By Carlo M C

May 13, 2020

It contains original content. Presenters are well aware of the content of the course and very often add experiences that enrich the topics. I love that they present real cases so we can better understand concepts that might appear to be abstract.

By Vivek P

Jul 31, 2016

I was surprised to see web-based learning has achieved such a great level, and this course is exactly the manifestation of it. Powerful slides, excellent teaching and valuable data- these three things make this course one of the best on Coursera!


Sep 29, 2020

It enlightened the threats that we are facing do u our mismanagement and motivated me to work on some aspects of the process. I way the course goes is explicit and loved every second of the course except the modules on policies and legislations.

By Ramu j

Feb 8, 2017

It is a detailed course on the topic unlike others, insightful case studies from across the globe and other. Nice Infographics throughout the course . I strongly recommend everyone to look into the course and make our world a safe place to live.

By Pedro R

Mar 26, 2016

En mi opinion es un curso rapido, sintetico y completo referido a la gestion de los residuos que te abre la mente a posibilidades reales de aplicacion de los conocimientos adquiridos para solucionar los problemas en tu vecindario, ciudad o país.

By Paola A

Dec 16, 2022

El curso ofrece conceptos y valores que a lo largo del estudio de los residuos han sido ignorados, creo que es importante tomar este curso sea o no tu rubro, debido a que todos hacemos basura, y con este conocimiento podemos ser mas conscientes


Jun 24, 2021

Thank you very much. The course is interesting with touchable knowledge. My employer has paid the required amount of certificate. Therefore, I did not received my certificate. How can I get my certificate? I have the receipt share by Coursera.

By nour k

Mar 25, 2020

I love this course it's full of knowledge that is presented by an awesome teachers.. I'd highly recommend it to various people who have interest in environmental science.. I have learned a lot and I wanna apply some of it thank you so much ♥️

By Georgina S

Dec 1, 2016

This course provided a great balance, reviewing the main available literature along with presenting super-practical applications, and a good mix of information about policy, science and human behaviours. I've recommended it to my entire team!

By Stephanie C W L

Jul 12, 2020

Very detailed course and easy to follow. All the instructors were great. The supplemented key readings are extremely helpful. I've learned so much on the subject and can't wait to apply all the knowledge I've gained into real-life practice!

By soubhagya c b

Mar 27, 2021

Thank you !!! for this amazing course on solid waste management. Being a practitioner it really helped me to shape my vision in context of developing countries. Thanks to Eawag ,special thanks to Imanol for amazing explanations on subjects.

By Rudolf M

Sep 11, 2020

This is a well structured course focusing on all the important important aspects of solid waste management. It is explained in simple terms with lots of case studies and examples. These were especially helpful in understanding the concepts.