Feb 26, 2017
Great introduction. It covers a wide range of issues concerning waste management and I thought the material was relevant and reflected my own observations of waste management in developing countries.
May 11, 2020
This course is very well designed and easy to understand because of dedicated and experience personnel who are delivering the content. Use of case study is well planned at various sections in course.
By Carlos A S R
•May 20, 2021
This course is provided by good instructors who know how to introduce the topics in a very easy-to-understand way. Furthermore, the extra resources to dive into specific topics is well provided. Overall a nice broad course that definitely is a source for future consultation. Acknowledgement for both Imanol and Christian for the upbeat manner they delivered this course.
By Josphat M
•Apr 27, 2018
I didn't know there are tremendous opportunities embedded in municipal solid waste management to improve public health, generate wealth and reduce greenhouse gas emissions until I went through this course. This course is designed and presented in a simple and practical way that it can turn a dummy to a start. Am now informed, skilled and empowered. Thank you MOOC team.
By Diana E O S
•Aug 17, 2020
Un curso excelente, me encanto como los residuos solidos son un gran campo de estudio, mismo que aplicare en un futuro cuando me encuentre laborando en alguna municipalidad de mi pais , ademas que asi aprendi como los residuos solidos pueden ser menormente emitidos desde su punto de generacion y la separacion desde la fuente es muy importante. Altamente Recomendado!!!
•Jan 31, 2022
Solid Waste Management is a topic of the past, present and future. As long as humans survive on Earth this will be carried out. I learnt a lot from this course and I am glad I came here. Thank you to all the teachers for guiding and explaining the topics so beautifully. I hope I will be able to apply this in practical someday for sure! Thank you everyone at EAWAG!
By Cornelio D
•Jul 26, 2020
It was a fantastic learning experience. A very well designed program, clear explanations, excellent tutors and experts, great examples, and resources. Very transformational to improve the job of practitioners. Please continue with other courses in this series. Congratulations to all involved in the program. It will be great to stay in touch. Best regards, Cornelio
By Ankita p
•May 23, 2020
this is very knowledgeable for under graduated students. through this course was able to learn about various methodology of solid waste management and also gain knowledge about waste management methodology of different cities and countries. Provided study material such as books ,journals, pdf and other sources are very beneficial and helpful for further studies.
By Ravi K
•Jul 1, 2016
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries is a great course. I learnt a lot of new things. I'm presently studying Civil Engineering and this course helped me in broadening my knowledge about Municipal Solid Waste Management. A lot of thanks to Dr. Christian Zurbrügg, Imanol Zabaleta, Félix Schmidt and EPFL & Coursera team for this brilliant course.
By Gabriela M B
•Jan 16, 2017
It's a very complete and comprehensive course. I loved to take it, since it was my first contact with a course completely thought for developing countries, and they have done it very well. I do recommend it for you who are already very interested in sanitation, or waste management, and still didn't have any contact with technologies used in developing countries.
By Kuldeep C
•Aug 8, 2022
Hi there, This course on Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries covers many aspects which will help me improve my understandings towrads MSW management, which will help me in my job and future plan in the MSW sector. It will also help me plan appropriate stretagies in MSW Management. Thank you so much for such a wonderful course! Many thanks, Kuldeep
By Praveenkumar H
•Mar 12, 2016
Hi all! I suggest you to go through this wonderful course which gives a Fundamental knowledge and ideas about Muncipal Solid Waste Management (SWM). Those who wants to take up in a start up way or for the self home purpose and have little concern towards their cleanliness and waste disposal, I recommend you to just go through this and feel the difference.
By nour c
•Dec 5, 2020
This course encouraged me to look deeply into the SWM situation in Tunisia (my country) and as a PhD candidate, I have worked on it and published an article research entiteled ''Potential of Sustainable Concept for Handling Organic Waste in Tunisia'' which I want to share with you :)
Thank you so much for all the course instructors.
It was a real pleasure.
By Andrii S
•Jun 22, 2021
Very good and informative course! I really appreciate for this opportunity and very good job! The information that trainers provides is clear and interesting and linked to real examples and background from different countries. I would recommend to update some links from reading lists Week 3-5 caused by some of them are not valid yet. Thank you again!
By Ruby S
•Oct 31, 2017
Wonderful course for a person interested in SWM field.Thank you Coursera and Sandec team for providing such platform as it could clear many concepts in lucid manner! I would definitely like to apply these concepts if given chance or come up with innovations in the field as the course has ignited that motivation to create something BEST out of WASTE!!
By Paula A F G
•Mar 13, 2016
The course is very complete, puntual and organized. I like so much that you give us case of study. In this way we can compare the actual situation of ourcontry to can start or have an idea to what we need to change.
I really would like so many people know about this, people who is working or studyng in this areas.
Thank you so much and congratulation.
By Coco G
•Sep 1, 2023
Un curso muy completo acerca de la enorme variedad de residuos que genera nuestra especie. Además del amplio conocimiento, el curso facilita la llamada a la acción al explicar qué variables y factores hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de llevar un plan a la acción. También ofrece muchas fuentes de datos gratuitas para conocer datos más específicos.
By Chandana N S
•Jun 2, 2020
awesome course!!!!! truly i would like to rate this course 5/5 stars. i really appreciate the efforts of Dr. Christian Zurbrugg and Mr. Imanol Zabeleta! the 2 speakers are fantastic! learnt really so much from this course from past 1 month. i dont think i would have learnt so well even from my college. so thank you coursera.
By Naveen S
•Oct 1, 2016
The course was very informative and its a good start for those interested in Solid Waste Management. It was very easy to understand basic concepts. It has created interest to learn more about Solid Waste Management. I would like to thank all the three professors, who shared their knowledge freely and also for keeping it simple and to the point.
By Danae N G P
•May 7, 2018
it´s a very interesting course, makes you to realize the possibities to improve the municipal waste managment system in our contries and towns. The best part for me was that you provided actualy technical information and not just a superficial course, that could be helpful in the evaluation of specific problems of our countries in the future.
By Gabriel
•Mar 23, 2016
Great course that delivered the objectives- organized and structured, logical and informative materials and content delivery, fantastic professors, guest speakers, and case studies.
Introduced key principles and considerations regarding municipal waste management and considered key elements to manage when developing a waste management strategy.
By Paul M
•Oct 21, 2021
I was thoroughly impressed with all aspects of the course and it touched on a lot of subjects that I was very interested in researching in more detail. The Online delivery platform was great and I have recommended it to other Waste Management professionals. The resources that were made available will be equally important for me in the future.
By Lynda D
•Sep 15, 2020
This course was very informative and the teaching method that was used made it very easy to follow. I started this course with a vague understanding of solid waste management in my country and this course help me understand the importance of proper disposal and management of solid waste systems and all the issues that are in my country.
By Ernest V O
•Jun 7, 2020
Very insightful course with adept information and presentation of resource person. I really enjoyed the course and looking forward to cause a change with the knowledge acquired from this study. All and sundry should come on board for us to solve this waste challenge amidst the numerous opportunities within the sector to green our world.
By Nicolas S S
•Nov 27, 2019
This is a very complete set of lessons dedicated to completely understand the issue of "waste" in countries in development. The lecturers have offered and given an excellent view of the concepts, techniques, strategies, programmes, examples, etc, that are needed in order to tackle this big challenge.
Thank you so much for this course!
By Tranier
•Oct 13, 2016
Très complet. Les vidéos et les transparents sont bien intégrés. De nombreux quizz durant les cours vidéos pour intégrer les points clefs. Le contenu est illustré par des exemples concrets d'application (e.g indonésie, inde).
Je recommande à tous! Autant d'un point de vue informatif que pour une utilisation pratique des connaissances.
•Jun 30, 2021
The lecturers are energetic and inspiring. The slides are informative. The course structure is very logical and helpful. Now, I can understand holistically the waste problem in my country. The course provides lots of resources for further research. I am grateful I have taken this course, and hope to put what I learn in to practice.