Mar 11, 2024
Very informative and easy to understand for beginners like me. Kudos to the team who made this course possible and a very big thank you to all the instructors who share their time and knowledge to us.
Sep 12, 2020
Great course! Good start for any IT career. I love the fact that there are no pre-requisites required to enroll. Not even a high school diploma needed just your willingness to learn. Thank you Google!
By Kevin C
•Aug 29, 2020
Wow what a great course! Even though I have worked with computers for 30 years still didn't know a lot of the information within this course. It was nice to clarify some of the basics like the binary system, how many bits in a byte, function of the Kernel, and computer history. I struggled most with Week 3. I think because of the complexity in it like all the functions of the Kernel. I most enjoyed Week 6 with all the valuable amount of material on interacting with fellow humans. I enjoy working with and helping others. It was well worth my time and energy! Thank you for putting this together. I can't wait to learn more.
By Adam
•Sep 17, 2019
I enjoyed this course very much and found it engaging making me want to learn more. The videos and the fact that they explained in detail that was easy to understand helped and made this first experience even better. A while back I was asked to leave a IT course as i couldn't catch up but it wasn't the I did not know computers, couldn't complete work or have a bad attitude towards learning. IT is my passion I didn't do well because I struggled with understanding the wording of questions and how things were presented to me. This course was presented in away I can understand and enjoy at the same time which was a bonus.
By Sarvesh M
•Jan 11, 2021
This is a great course for anyone who is interested in learning about computers, not just for someone who is looking to join IT Support. I just had interest in learning about computers, I did not know what IT is and I did not even know what IT people do, but I did not get into any trouble for not knowing all those in this course. This course taught me anything I needed to know. This course is for anyone and everyone. No prior knowledge required. I strongly recommend this course for someone who is interested in learning some new things like me or someone who is ready to learn something particularly about computers.
By Vision L
•Jul 12, 2020
Amazing information, GREAT CONTENT. Thanks Google. Beginners will definitely learn something new! I learned how and taught my family how to build our first PC! that has been a dream of mine since a child. This course provided me with a firm enough understanding of a computers hardware and software to finally make the leap of faith! It was so simple to understand that my family and I were able to do the build together which was an amazing experience to say the least. Thanks again to the Coursera and Google teams, and good luck to all those like myself taking the first major steps along their tech and life journey!
By Jayzeer B L
•Dec 7, 2021
It was mind-blowing and very exciting daily to learn form the pro's and exercise what I learned in quizzes and in daily real life scenarios. I think all part of this course was my favorite since it drives me to be better at it. I'm looking forward for the next courses ahead of me. The challenge was great and I loved it. To Coursera , to my beautiful and handsome beloved instructors and google organization. Thank you so much. I'm very grateful for all of you guys. God bless you. This not yet end it's just the beginning :) . I highly recommend this course to everyone especially to IT students and Professional.
By Ashley M
•Aug 20, 2024
I've taken a program before that should've led me to get Fundamentals+ and A+ but I learned nothing from it. This course was set up so thoughtfully and strategically that I truly feel I retained the information and have the urge and motivation to keep going! I would recommend this course to anyone who has any interest in tech! The courses I took on a diff site made me doubt myself and start to wonder if I could actually get where I wanted in the IT world and this one was a complete turn around. It re-instilled the faith in myself and fed my hunger to learn just enough to keep me wanting to know more. Thank you!
By Vincent M R
•Oct 6, 2020
This Course is an efficiently paced course with indepth examples and tools that help you learn and better understand concepts in IT and more. Most concepts being taught are compressed into short videos where practically every second counts. The upside of this is you get to the meat of the lesson very quickly. The downside of this is that there are points in which you may feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of teminologies being thrown around. But self-pacing quickly works around the problem of not understanding terms. And you can always take down notes and do research on things you don't completely understand.
By Lorenz A
•Jun 15, 2023
A great course to get your feet wet in the world of IT, however it's just what the title says, "Fundamentals". If you are already familiar with computers or involved in more indepth IT work, it may lack in adding to your knowledge. As someone who has dealt with computers since childhood, there was value in refreshing myself in basic concepts and also better understanding things I do in practice but never articulated. Overall, it's a great introductory course that someone completely new would not overwhelmed by and helps gives a enough IT exposure to someone who is still deciding if the field is right for them.
By Deborah F J
•Apr 24, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I spent years working in private sector, then many more years working in the public sector. This course brought a lot of clarity to work I've done, even though I was not working as an IT professional. I appreciate the time, effort, pace and overall sequencing of the course content. Every instructor was excellent, clear, understandable and reassuring. It was not nearly as difficult to comprehend, follow along and complete the course, as I thought it might be. I look forward to diving into the next course, because I am encouraged by my progress in this first experience.
By Simone O
•Dec 6, 2021
Esse curso foi muito interessante e instigou munha vontade de conhecer mais a fundo tudo que existe em relação ao mundo da tecnologia. Infelizmente só tenho uma ressalva quanto a organização do mesmo, desde o início do curso venho solicitando correção do meu nome más até agora não houve solução por parte do apoio ao aluno. Não posso imprimir o certificado pois está com outro nome. Mesmo assim, continuarei fazendo o segundo curso da série de quatro curso pois estou muito empenhada em me especializar nesta área. Grata Google, pela oportunidade de fazer pare dessa família tão especial.
Simone Pedro de Oliveira
•Jun 27, 2021
I feel like this was definitely a good introduction to what the IT Tech Support role entails. This course will really just introduce you to the basic concepts and problems you will face but doesn't overload you too much with the more advanced issues. It's like Elementary school for IT, while it helps teach you the basics it doesn't necessarily give you all the tools and skills to handle the real world problems IT Support deals with. I'm looking forward to continuing the course after the Tech Support Fundamentals and hope they'll be able to give me the advanced skills I would need to be hired in this field.
By A01- C
•Jan 23, 2021
Simply amazing! What a great and transparently easy to grasp job you've done! I've liked Google since the beginning but now, I respect and admire your work, your culture, your job and your "everything to it" deal. Because it's the "everything to it" deal that makes things happen. How many takes for each class to be shot, how many revisions until each class was written and approved. How much planning? How many people involved investing their degrees, names, faces and careers? And probably one million other things. Thank you Google! Thank you so much! As far as Coursera, I've loved them for a long time now.
By N.E.
•May 13, 2022
I really enjoyed this course, it helped shed some insight into some of the basic fundamentals of IT and what one can expect if they choose to pusue a career in this sector. With that said, the quizzes, labs and other assignments were really great and for the most part easy to navigate and complete. The content and tools involved in this course really helped me gather a better understanding not only into the IT industry but into the technology field in general. Overall I would highly recommend this course to anyone considering a career move into IT but wants some basic insight as to what it might entail.
By A. P
•May 24, 2022
This is definitely the way to learn! I have enjoyed the course very much, and have taken pages and pages of notes to which I can refer back and review all I have learned. I love the way the course is broken down into smaller bits that are not overwhelming all at one time. I can stop and make sure I understand a topic before moving on, and I can find chunks of time throughout the day to spending learning more. The instructors are superb, engaging, and make me feel they are rooting me on and want me to succeed. I have been involved with many different types of schools over the years, and this is the best.
By Tang H W
•Oct 4, 2022
Hi, throughout the course of technical support fundamentals, it gives me lots of useful information of different areas, such as IT support, Hardware, software, operating system, networking and troubleshooting methods.
I think the most difficult part is to handle troubleshooting. Since there are various questions raised from users, if you don’t have good documentation. You will spend a lot of time. I hope I can tackle the problems with my basic IT knowledge.
I want to take the next course in the IT Support Professional Certificate. Thank you very much Google! I also want to be one of your favorite staff.
By Ogonna A
•Jun 29, 2023
I enjoyed the flow of all tutors... it felt like they recorded together. lol. It was fun, educating and inspiring how freely they shared their personal experiences.
I stumbled on a "slope" while navigating the assignment for module 5, prior to this course, i would have run off at that point or find someone to help... But, because i understand now that failing is learning in itself in this exciting field, I kept trying and reading (learning, unlearning & relearning) instructions over until I figured it out. I believe that with this new knowledge from this course, I am ready to explore the world of IT.
By Thomas D
•Dec 5, 2022
This course was an amazing course for anyone seeking to begin a career in IT. It covers a wide variety of different IT topics and fundamentals. 10/10 I completed a 4yr vocational certificate in IT about 9 years ago, and have just recently applied to WGU for their IT Bachelor program. This course was the perfect refresher to get back on the wagon and after a long hiatus begin working towards a degree in IT. I recommend this to anyone interested in seeking a career in IT, and even for those who just want a better foundational understanding of how computers and the IT work. All around incredible course.
By Ernesto C L
•May 26, 2022
Buena tarde, buen día. La verdad los invito a que se den la oportunidad si tienen mucho de haber egresado de una carrera universitaria, están estudiando, están por graduarse de iniciar tomando está certificación para estar mejor preparados para un empleo ya que es muy difícil poder calificar a un empleo. Se agradece al equipo de Coursera junto con Google para poder hacer esto más fácil de entender sin importar la edad que tengas no es impedimento para llevar a tu ritmo está preparación, si tomas este curso muy probablemente puedes ampliar tu panorama y animarte a seguir estudiando. Gracias por todo.
By Candice R
•Jul 12, 2018
I think that this platform for learning is great and I'm interested in learning more and completing the program. Throughout the first part there were some obstacles to get over, but they were accomplished. I thank the support department for their help when needed. I didn't like that I wasn't aware of not getting my peer response completed in week 2 when I had thought I was done because I chose the virtual build and didn't see an option to grade others? Not sure what happened, but I know I wouldn't of moved forward if I knew that it wasn't completed. Overall I'm excited and ready for my next course.
By Ezequiel C
•Mar 31, 2021
The course has a lot of content it is brief and concise. From my side I already have knowledge about everything mention in the course but it worked really well for re-cap. The content of the course appear to me a bit to much for beginners with not much technology background, since beside everything is really well explained, at demonstrations like the SSH ones, there are few steps that are not mention, yet done by the teacher that may get starting people a little bit confuse. But hey, it is overall really good and I've loved the Link to additional reads. overall it is a great work thank you guys.
By Thomas W
•May 16, 2020
The course was a great introduction to I.T. support. The concepts were explained in a way that made it easy to understand and the length of the videos was perfect. The instructors were great and were easy to follow. The only improvements I would make to the course would be to re-film the areas where there were errors. Before I took this course I had read reviews of it where people were stating it was a joke because of the amount of errors contained within it. I would like Google Cert to be regarded highly within the industry and fixing the errors, however small, would go a ways to achieving this.
By Sainihar P
•Jan 15, 2023
I have enjoyed learning from this course. All my teachers were really helpful and their personal experiences have been added strength to the course. As a fresher I'm really not sure if the rating I gave was good enough because the experienced could have known what exactly was taught in this course. Their rating would have been different I guess. But, there was one thing that nagging me , if there was real time examples for some topics would have been really great. I have made a comment on those topics after the class. Rest, I loved it and this course was awesome. Thank you @Google and @Coursera.
By Kerrance W
•Jun 20, 2018
This course was a delight to take. I have always had a passion for IT, but never really completed my formal training. Part of the problem was I could not find the time to take classes at the local trade school. This certificate not only taught me a nice overview of technical support, it has a very flexible schedule that allowed me to complete it on my own time. The lectures are parsed out in a way that is very easy to comprehend. The instructors are also very animated, and that plays a key role in making the information fun and interesting. I look forward to writing my review of my next course!
By Chad L
•Aug 21, 2024
As an IT support specialist in an elementary school, this course has been incredibly valuable in expanding my understanding of various aspects of IT. It has provided me with deeper insights into best practices, troubleshooting techniques, and documentation processes that are essential in my role. The knowledge gained from this course not only enhances my ability to support our school’s technology needs but also equips me with the skills to handle a broader range of IT challenges effectively. This will ultimately help me contribute more to the smooth operation of our school's IT infrastructure.
By Rohit D
•Aug 6, 2021
I just loved learning through this course. This course is very basic and a beginners guide towards someone seeking to IT.
Everything in this course was explained in easy and understandable graphics. And its good if your steeping your foot into IT. i have finished my first ever course in the (GOOGLE IT PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE) and ready to move on for further courses. All the lectures and video modules are graphically presented, just want to add a touch up here "It'll be better if you provide more and more graphics in the networking module as it goes hard to understand for the beginners level"