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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Technical Support Fundamentals by Google

157,353 ratings

About the Course

This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● understand how the binary system works ● assemble a computer from scratch ● choose and install an operating system on a computer ● understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world ● learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of a computer ● utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting...

Top reviews


Mar 11, 2024

Very informative and easy to understand for beginners like me. Kudos to the team who made this course possible and a very big thank you to all the instructors who share their time and knowledge to us.


Sep 12, 2020

Great course! Good start for any IT career. I love the fact that there are no pre-requisites required to enroll. Not even a high school diploma needed just your willingness to learn. Thank you Google!

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1501 - 1525 of 10,000 Reviews for Technical Support Fundamentals

By justina c

Apr 12, 2022

I really had a great time persuing this course. I have learned alot through listening to the videos, studying the notes, practictising the various quiz questions and through the assignments that this course gave. I hope to continue learning about Information Technology.

Thank you.

By Anupam K U

Dec 5, 2021

This course has been by far the best course I have studied in Coursera. Thanks to the Google course team for their praiseworthy effort that they have made in designing and delivering such a wonderful course online and enabling us to master the materials at the comfort of our home.

By Khizar H

Jul 23, 2021

I am really impressed from the Coursera that provide us some quality Education highly recomended to everyone you will be satisfied and also learn from highly Professional teachers. I done my Tachnical support fundamental from this platform and want to learn more.

Thanks To Coursera

By Efren A T

Dec 25, 2020

This is an amazing course! The labs are super helpful to learn how to connect to others computers, troubleshoot it and write proper documentation. Also they'll show you how to work with customers and how to handle different situations you may encounter when dealing with customers.

By Stephen G G

Dec 17, 2020

This course was phenomenal! The format worked perfectly for my learning style. I am excited about the fact that I know that I am going to learn more than I ever dreamed of in this certificate program, and I can't wait to start the next course. Thank you for a wonderful experience!

By Chelsea R

Apr 15, 2020

This course, I felt, was very good at laying out all the basic concepts of computers, how they work, and fundamentals of being an IT specialist. I enjoyed the content and felt that it was clear and concise. I learned a lot and hope to continue learning as much in the next courses.

By Ana B

Mar 30, 2020

I learned a lot from this course, and it even helped me to better understand things that I already knew about. This course had smooth and easy to follow instructions that I was able to apply to possible scenarios. Thank you, I look forward to learning more from the next 5 courses.

By Scott C

Mar 6, 2019

Great way to start diving into the field of IT Support! Great content and I really enjoy that I get to learn about something I'm interested in with the detail of support and flexible time allowed to complete the course. Way to go Google and Coursera! Ready for the next chapter!

By philip b v

May 8, 2023

This was a really great course. Most of it was a refresher for me as I have many years in IT, but no certifications. After leaving IT for a few years to work in Point of Sale (POS), I feel now is an opportune time to re-enter the IT field and pursue obtaining some certifications.

By Steve H

Sep 17, 2022

I don't come from an IT background but after this course, it really lays out the fundamentals of the IT field. I would recommend to anyone that wants to start in IT with no background. Its a good refershers, possibly, for those that have a little bit of experience in it as well.

By Ayush

Jul 12, 2022

Content is amazing and all the faculty who taught were great and thier way of explanation was just awesome and the best part of this course was that it had small videos to explain every single concept not long videos with boring teachers and sciprt. Gained good knolwdge about IT.

By pablo R

Jun 13, 2021

Excelente curso en lo personal aprendí muchísimo, altísimo nivel de profesionalismo y entrega departe de los instructores y muy bien organizado todo muy intuitivo. hicieron que mi tiempo invertido realmente valiera la pena. gracias Coursera, Google y instructores. muy satisfecho.

By Don C

May 30, 2021

I highly recomment this course whether you are a casual learner of the subject or someone who wants to build a career in IT. The instructors speaks clearly and the teaching approach is really easy to understand. This course definitely helped me reignite my passion for technology.

By Joe

Mar 21, 2021

This course was wonderfully put together. The content was easily presented. The presenters were personal and the information was kept informative and concise. I never felt bored with what was being presented either. This was excellent and I can't wait to explore the next courses!

By Roberto T P

Feb 27, 2021

I found great how the lessons were relatively small, bite-sized videos, but still with all the relevant content, and even tips from experts on the field. I feel that kept me engaged and wanting to go for one more videos and eventually complete a whole section's or week's content.

By Felipe D A

Sep 23, 2020

Um curso de qualidade que possuí ótimos instrutores! Ensinam tudo de forma detalhada e qualquer pessoa pode aprender, tenha ela algum conhecimento prévio na área ou não. Tudo é explicado da melhor forma possível ! Já estou usando todo conhecimento que adquiri através deste curso.

By Erik B

Feb 11, 2018

Excellent intro to IT class. The course was very well presented and flowed naturally for someone with a novice understanding of IT. Being able to build a computer and perform simple coding exercises was awesome. And so was everything else I learned. This course builds confidence.

By Akinseye I O

Oct 11, 2021

IT-Ready Technical Support students learn skills such as building a computer from parts, installing software, troubleshooting problems and setting up and managing networks. You'll also learn softer professional skills such as communication, customer service and job interviewing

By Albert D

May 18, 2021

I started this course with very little knowledge of Information Technology as a career field. I feel that completing this course has given me a solid foundation regarding what the field is about, as well as providing me with the fundamental knowledge to get my education started.

By Effandi B J

Apr 20, 2021

I realized how important Technical Support is all about. We live in an IT world now, so we must keep up with some basic IT knowledge. And i believed there are still lot more to come. So i we must physically and mentally prepare for all these IT generation coming our way of life.

By Mishia S

Dec 29, 2020

By the end of this course you will understand the foundation of a IT SPECIALIST. You will have more knowledge or learn something you though u would never understand, like the OP systems of your machine , networking , software and you will have a greater in site of the IT field.

By Iskandhar S S

Oct 17, 2020

This is my first time doing a Coursera Online Course and I thouroughly enjoyed it! I've had about 15 years of experience but I'm so glad I can now also have certification for my knowledge. I'm looking forward to earning more certification in the future to help elevate my career!

By Frank R

Jul 20, 2020

Extremely helpful course if you want to learn the basics of IT and how computers work to interact with each other. If you are looking to jump into the IT field, I highly recommend this course to use a start and from there you can find out what field of IT you may want to pursue.

By Alex L S C

May 20, 2020

It works for people who have knowledge on the IT field because this course is very updated, you can review all that you learned with this course. It also works for people who don't have an idea of what IT is. If you want to dive into the tech field, you need to take this course!

By Deidre M

May 4, 2020

I feel like this course really taught me some great fundamentals. A lot of times, you see courses like this, but they're very bare bones, and leave a lot of information untouched. I don't see this course this way. I'm really looking forward to the next modules in the course.