Apr 12, 2021
This course was a friendly and educational start to the certificate, I will recommend this to anyone either looking to develop skills in IT or if they just want to gather more skills for personal use.
May 15, 2020
I actually have some experiences in IT so doing the course was very easy for me, but the content is awesome. It will be really beneficial for a beginner. I am looking forward to complete next courses!
•Sep 9, 2020
I enjoyed going through this course, as doing so helped me to understand what an IT Support Specialist is expected to know. This course also introduced me to many functions of computer language and mechanics. The possibilities are endless!
By Mark F
•Sep 9, 2020
This was a very helpful introduction to many different technical computer concepts. The instructors were all easy to follow, and things were explained in terms that I could understand. I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to more courses.
By Ana M B V
•Jun 18, 2020
Muy buen curso que te enseña las bases para ser un técnico, muy bien explicado incluso para personas que no tienen ningún conocimiento en el área y para las personas que si sirve para reforzar conocimientos e incluso aprender cosas extras.
By Donna P
•Mar 14, 2020
This course if exceptional for the beginner. It provided information that, as a user, I was not aware was behind the scenes while using computers on a daily basis. It provides a solid foundation to build on for becoming an IT technician.
By Timothy L
•Feb 22, 2020
This course was excellent in structure and pace. Each video was professional yet insightful. I found this course to be extremely fundamental in expanding my understanding of the IT world and will prove beneficially for the rest of my life.
By Sreya V
•Jun 4, 2019
Very helpful course whether you start as a total newbie in this field or just want to review the material for your job. Got to learn many things at your own pace and am now looking at a computer or parts of the computer in a different way.
By Charles W G
•Mar 11, 2018
Very informative. Really helped me learn the fundamentals. I enjoy the fundamental reading that went into the courses at the exact moment I was about to need clarification on something that was talked about or if I needed more information.
By Jesse W
•Mar 1, 2018
Great overview of the basics of IT. I was able to brush up on a lot information I already new, plus it introduced me to a few new areas of IT I had no previous experience with (ie. working with linux). Would highly recommend this course.
By Virat S
•Jan 1, 2025
It was a great course only thing I had a few issues with was that I can not access quiz or graded assessments from my ipad or mobile, I have to have a laptop everytime with me to do so, I think it would be better to do something about it.
By Ahmed N
•Jun 6, 2023
This was a fantastic engagement from the GILGIT Baltistan government for their students. I have learned many things in this course & improved my skills. I'm very thankful to the GB government for such a brilliant and wonderful initiative.
By Ronni F
•Mar 3, 2023
There were some instructors that I felt went way too quickly through the course material, so I struggled on a few of the quizzes. But overall, the information covered was extremely helpful and will assist me in furthering my career in IT!
By Alan C A
•Sep 16, 2022
I like how the lessons start out slow, the set design to keep your attention and fragmented classes to keep it interesting. The understanding of network protocol is training my thought process when applying logic to education in general.
By WD B (
•Apr 20, 2022
I learn IT basics needed to build my IT knowledge moving foward into the next module. I am exciting about finishing this course, slowly but surely. Thanks for providing this medium for learning the mechanics of an IT support specialist.
By Zack H
•Jan 27, 2022
It's truly a great introduction to the IT world. It teaches you about all the different career paths you can take and how versatile the IT world is. It also gives you intro level lessons that teach you a lot about the basics of computers.
•Jan 9, 2022
pienso que este curso es muy interesante ya que te permite comprender habilidades y tecnicas para resolver problemas y comprender con ejemplos las buenas practicas de un excelente atencion al cliente desde el enfoque de un especialista IT
By Ahmed
•Apr 18, 2021
This course has been very much helpful and it help me understand a lot of things I didn't know or did know but didn't know the exact terms for those things and why something is happening. Looking forward to attend the next courses as well
By Edmilson L L A
•Apr 5, 2021
I recommend the course to everyone who wants to grow in knowledge and learn more about professional IT.
Are you reading this? Then what are you waiting for?
Please take it now, join our group, come walk, dive into this technology odyssey.
By Markie L
•Oct 13, 2020
I came into this course thinking there wouldn't be a lot for me to learn as an avid hobbyist with computers and electronics in general. I was pleasantly surprised at how much this course had to offer and am having fun learning new things.
By Edgar T A
•Sep 16, 2020
Es la mejor introducción a TI que cualquier interesado o curioso en tecnologías pueda obtener para tener un panorama completo sobre funcionamiento de computadoras, el servicio tecnico y el manejo de situaciones al brindar soporte técnico.
By Mozart J P
•Aug 2, 2020
By Marcus M
•Jul 28, 2020
I definitely learned a lot from this course. I enjoyed exploring the ins and outs of a computer. It was also fun using programs like virtual machines, that can emulate all kinds of operating systems. This course was a good use of my time.
By Andrey R
•Jun 21, 2020
I think that the course give you all the basic information to let you decide if this is the path that you want to take, also the videos and test are very well developed. congrats to cousera and google instructors for this amazing course.
By Dakota F L
•Apr 9, 2020
I really enjoyed this course. It was useful for learning the fundamentals of IT, provided great resources, and was easy to navigate. I have a feeling the next courses won't be so easy content wise, but looking forward to them nonetheless.
By Wesley K
•Apr 5, 2020
The course is scripted well making it easy to understand and grasp the course content. The resources used on the course are well equipped with the knowledge that will make it easy for you to learn more while grasping the key course goals.
By Sis
•Mar 19, 2020
The IT Technical Support Fundamentals has brought me up to speed with today's technology and given me choices as to what field of IT that I would like to concentrate and on gain skills in. The doors have been open wide for me. Thank you!