Feb 24, 2023
I recommend this course for everyone who is a beginner in computing. it's easy to understand and you will learn a lot of things especially to those who never had the experience to computing. Enjoy!
Aug 18, 2023
A great dive into things that were only in my periphery and now I have a broader understanding of certain technology and ideas and how I might pursue and look into them further. Great beginner course.
By pearl t
•Jul 9, 2023
The beauty of this course to me has been that when someone says "study IT," the field has become so vast that one needs to know where to begin. I feel like this course was like a "Getting Started" document that we find all over the technical world - "here are the basics you need to know to install (or build) and begin using this product." As a result of Technical Support Fundamentals, I now have pages & pages of raw notes from taking the course that I have compiled into a Google Doc. I have also taken advantage of Chat GPT along the way and in my raw note dump down to "have conversations" with the AI for deeper dives into many things that were just covered quickly, and learning other things as a result to connect dots and give me a hunger for learning more. I feel that the Google-Coursera online education collaborative partnership is an excellent one - I've seen ads for these for over a year now, and I'm glad I took the time to start and finish this one. Onward!
By Neil M
•Oct 27, 2019
The Technical Support Fundamentals class has far exceeded my expectations. The use of Qwiklabs to perform remote IT support functions is brilliant. I was really excited to formally learn about PuTTY and RDP and actually be able to put them to use in this course. I've already made an IT Support toolbox on my PC.
From my past experience in manufacturing and technical support, I found the troubleshooting and customer service content to be extremely insightful, providing thoughtful yet concise guidance. I will definitely be revisiting these sections until it becomes second nature and customer service greatness is achieved. In addition, the networking section helped meld all the bits and pieces I've learned over the years by providing a solid foundation of knowledge.
This course has been a blast, and I am really excited about taking the next as I work to earn my IT Support Professional Certificate. Thanks to everyone who clearly worked so hard to create this content.
By Pooja D S
•Apr 6, 2018
The course lectures, quizzes, assignments and practicals were excellent! It was an amazing learning experience by Google and Coursera! I received good response for queries put forth by me. The discussion forums allowed me to express and discuss the lectures with my classmates so that I felt like I was a part of a group and enjoyed learning with my classmates! The course was well paced and allowed me to develop my thinking and understanding about Information Technology. It filled the gaps I had in my knowledge about Information Technology and increased my confidence a lot! The importance of soft-skills in Information Technology was also explained in depth and made me understand the role of communication not just in Information Technology but in every other area of life as well! I would like to thank everyone who contributed towards this amazing learning experience and wish you all the very best for all your future endeavors!
Best Regards, Pooja Savant.
By Gordon O
•Feb 22, 2019
This course has been fantastic so far and truly proved to go beyond my initial expectations, particularly with how engaging it has been. The videos offer a much-needed break from the monotonous reading of text I am familiar with in other courses and being able to look at a real person and listen to them is an entirely different way to learn that will benefit people of various learning styles. The material is really interesting and to the point, while covering a variety of topics in the field. I especially enjoyed this last Module in Week 6 where we dove into some of the finer points of actually landing a job through resume building and interview prep. This is ultimately what myself and I suspect most of the other students are looking for by taking this course so I found this section to be extremely helpful. I wish I had finished this part before my interview last week! I'm very much looking forward to continuing on to the next course. Can't wait!
By Ciro G
•Aug 6, 2020
Overall I feel this was a great introduction to the fundamentals of IT. I personally have quite a bit of knowledge growing up tinkering with computers and software and have grown up to become my family and friends on-call IT support, and in some occasions even helping out at work. Having this experience made me cringe a bit at first, since it was very basic stuff that I've grown to take for granted. However, I decided to take a step back and view it from the perspective of someone like my mom who has little to no knowledge of computers and other IT subjects. This made me see the value of the course, and allowed me to push through that initial few weeks. What surprised me is how much I learned myself from the networking and software troubleshooting subjects. This opened my eyes and got me even more excited about entering the world of IT Support. Great job! and great way to end the course with some resume and interview tips and guidance!
By Ws B
•Aug 19, 2020
Which statement is true about the Internet and the World Wide Web?The Internet is the World Wide Web.The World Wide Web is the only way to access the Internet.The Internet is a way to access the World Wide Web.The World Wide Web is a way to access the Internet.
This question under Networking has 3 answers that I believe to be wrong and the one I chose was labeled wrong.
1 The first states the internet is the www. This is false
2. The second states that you can access the internet through the WWW. The opposite is true and what I chose. WWW is info. Internet is the network
3. The last states the internet is the only way to access the www which is false because you can use Email or messaging. Maybe this was the answer that was supposed to be true but in essence it isn't. perhaps I am confused but this wasn't how the program explains these concepts. Could I get some instruction on what i may be seeing wrong?
By Edward S
•Jun 27, 2023
I am giving Google Technical Support Fundamentals a 5-star review because it is an excellent course that provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of IT support. The course is well-organized and easy to follow, and the instructors are knowledgeable and engaging. I learned a lot about the different aspects of IT support, such as troubleshooting, networking, and security. I also learned how to build customer empathy and how to deal with difficult customers.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in a career in IT support. It is a great way to learn the basics of IT support and to get started on your journey to becoming an IT support specialist.
Overall, I am very happy with Google Technical Support Fundamentals. It is an excellent course that has helped me to learn a lot about IT support. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in a career in this field.
By Juan C M
•Jul 7, 2024
Durante este curso, lo más interesante que aprendí fue la solución de problemas sistemática y las técnicas para diagnosticar y resolver problemas técnicos de manera eficiente. Encontré particularmente fascinante cómo cada paso en el proceso de solución de problemas puede llevarnos a identificar la causa raíz y a aplicar soluciones efectivas. Hubo momentos en los que tuve dificultades, especialmente al entender algunos conceptos avanzados de redes y protocolos de comunicación. Sin embargo, con paciencia y práctica, logré superar esos desafíos. Estoy deseando realizar el próximo curso del Certificado Profesional en Asistencia de TI. Estoy emocionado por seguir ampliando mis conocimientos y habilidades en este campo, y por la oportunidad de aplicar lo aprendido para ayudar a otros con sus problemas técnicos. Compartir estas experiencias con mis compañeros de clase ha sido muy enriquecedor y motivador.
By Noe K S
•May 16, 2020
I rediscovered the IT world, I was able to improve values and acquired new skills in the way of analyzing the problem, giving treatment, and above all it reminded me and helped me to understand that the IT world is vast, we don't know everything but that with commitment we arrive at the objectives. Without forgetting that it is not enough to be an excellent professional in the field, but above all you need to know how to take care of, care for the client as new work will come.
Redescobri o mundo da TI, pude melhorar valores e adquiri novas qualodades na forma de analisar o prblema, dar tratamento, bem como acima de tudo lembrou-me e ajudou-me a entender que o mundo da TI é vasto, nao sabemos tudo mas que com empenho chegamos aos objectivos. Sem esquecer que não basta ser um excelente profissional no campo, mas acima de tudo precisa saber cuida, tratar do cliente pois dai advirão os novos trabalhos.
By Nihal I
•Oct 18, 2022
Hi, My name is Nihal Ingale.I just graduated from a bachelorate degree in computer science and it seems that whoever graduates in this particular degree is suppose to be a good programmer but I am not that good, I even dont't know about the industries which programming should be consider to learn which can help me in tech industries but the one thing I know is computer support trobleshouting. I have been doing this since I got my first PC which was back early 2008 since then I came across some problems about using PC.By searching online and doing stuff on my own I was able to fix some problem and create new problems. Its kind of fun to discover such tech problem and thats why I thought that I start from somthing small like some tech support and that's when I cam across this course which thought me some old some new things and some of the content just jog my memories back when I was fixxing things.
By Wasim H
•Apr 10, 2024
I recently completed the Google Technical Support Fundamentals Certificate, a comprehensive program covering key IT support topics. The course delved into computer hardware, binary, software, networking, operating systems, customer support, interview preparation, and troubleshooting. The modules provided a solid foundation in computer hardware, binary systems, software applications, networking protocols, operating systems, customer service skills, interview readiness, and effective troubleshooting techniques. The course structure was engaging, with interactive labs, quizzes, and assessments reinforcing learning. Instructors were knowledgeable and presented complex concepts clearly. The emphasis on practical skills like troubleshooting and customer support was particularly valuable. The course's focus on real-world applications and job readiness made it a practical and relevant learning experience.
By Deleted A
•Oct 25, 2018
I took this course twice. The first time I scored a 99% and moved on to the bits and bytes of computer networking. Once in the class, I realized that although these courses are self paced, I did not give myself the time I needed to really learn and absorb the knowledge. So I actually went back and took the fundamentals certification all over again. Now again, moving onto the bits and bytes of computer networking with a stronger foundation. These certs are good for entry level and remedial education for veteran techs. The proverbial 'they' did a great job putting these courses together ... hitting a lot of wickets that are missed in other venues such as skillsoft's A+ Net+ & Sec+ where you learn facts often entirely devoid of the contextual knowledge of how to apply what you are memorizing. To each their own, but if you are looking to have a cert series you will actually use ... look no further! ;)
By Ali H
•Sep 25, 2022
In this course, I learned the importance of technology and also the basis of technology. The importance of a device called a computer became clear to me more than ever. We have always experienced changes in our lives with the advancement of technology. Cell phones, tablets, computers are only part of what we see. But behind these there are a series of processing systems that take many years to learn. Computer has two parts called hardware and software. Hardware, such as monitors, keyboards, speakers, etc., are tangible components of computer software programs, files and data. We need an operating system to process software.There are many of them, but the most widely used ones are Windows, Linux, and Mac. One of the important sections we read in this chapter was Network and Web, where we got the basic information. At the end, we checked the troubleshooting method in case of customer reference
By Muhammad H
•Sep 12, 2023
This course is prepared by Google for those who want to grab a career in the I.T. Support field. I am levelling my ways to complete the course and be able to jump up on my skills and find a new place in the field of I.T. I hope and am sure that completion of this course will open all the ways I have been dreaming of for the last 20 years.
So, I am taking this course for a better future, after all, I deserve something better than what I am doing right now. This course was mostly about the fundamentals of I.T. and it covers those areas very well. I.T. is a waste field it cannot be completed within weeks of learning but Google and its support team have gathered a lot of information in these classes. The videos are very informative as well as the readings. My assumption and taking of the course is all about future of I.T. for me, my family and the world as a whole.
By Yasser A
•Nov 2, 2022
I am a student of the BA in Computer Science Information Systems from King Khalid University and I have a passion for learning from the most wonderful Corsia application in computer science as well as technical support and project management And also electronic commerce and many others and many, but I am a student and I do not have much money to learn on the very beautiful Corsia site. Please accept my scholarship for the educational course to learn a lot in computer science from However, I pay because I do not have work and I do not have a material income and also I do not have the ability to pay the expenses of the course that I want to learn more and more in computer science and in conclusion I want To thank you for the more than wonderful application of the many followers and subscribers, and also for granting him certificates from large universities ..
By Remi I
•Sep 15, 2020
It is amazing to see how fast I can quickly learn about the basic fundamental in IT Support Professional Certificate course. I am really thrilled, that what seems like a magic in computer system was simplified through this course in a way that boost my confidence. Without mincing words, I can take the many skills I acquired such as; computer architecture, networking, trouble shooting, documentation and customer service to the next level.
Definitely, the knowledge and the skills created a new career path for me. I found the course very interesting and hope to build on it. My goal for this course is to stay on top of the latest information technology, and use it to help solve problems as they evolve. My greatest passion is to help users do the unthinkable.
Thank you for giving me the privilege to be a part of the winning team. I am proud of my Certificate!!!
By Keo M
•May 9, 2023
I'm thrilled to share that Technical Support Fundamentals is an amazing course for anyone seeking a foundational understanding of IT support. The instructors provide clear and concise explanations that make complex topics easy to understand. As I progressed through the course, I found myself engaged and eager to learn more as each module built upon the last, giving me a solid foundation of knowledge.
The interactive quizzes and exercises were challenging yet fun and engaging, helping me solidify my understanding of each topic. Completing them gave me a sense of accomplishment and kept me motivated.
Overall, I highly recommend Technical Support Fundamentals to anyone pursuing a career in IT support. The course is well-structured, informative, and engaging, providing me with a strong foundation of knowledge. I am grateful for this amazing learning experience!
By Katelyn R
•Dec 9, 2019
I just finished the first week of the course and I am hooked. I am excited to be paving the roadway for my career with this course where I learn all the basic fundamentals of technical support. The material matter is up to date and very informational. I am soaking it all up and am loving the variety of videos and quiz exercises. I just wish they had more activities in to break up some of the longer video portions. I am able to maintain my focus, but for other users I can see how it might come off as intimidating. I would also maybe label the Quiz portions something different. Some users see the word "Quiz" and clam up. This could be completely avoided if these portions were labeled as "Week _ Exercise". This way more users would be likely to continue the course and add to the successful passing rate of this very user friendly program.
By John C
•Jun 9, 2020
I have just finished through the first course. I found it very encouraging. It was not too hard, but gave a good starting introduction to concepts in IT Tech Support. I look forward to learning in greater detail about all of the subjects and skills involved. I had enough initial experience with computers that the first course was super easy and I was able to finish several weeks early. There were still parts that were new to me especially in terms of networking. I really liked how I could work at my own comfortable pace, which meant I could work ahead and get things done, and also could review and retake tests to learn from any mistakes I made and rethink things. I felt like I was being efficient about heading towards my goal. I look forward to the next courses, which I know will be more challenging, but also therefor more rewarding.
By April S
•Nov 18, 2019
This is the first online course I've taken, so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I was pleasantly surprised. I've always been hesitant to take online courses, because I felt like I'd be missing out on the real classroom experience and not actually learn as much as I should. But after seeing a Google sponsored course, I decided to give it a try and have no regrets!
At first I felt like this so course was so long, but I now appreciate how in depth the instructors go into the topics discussed. And the labs are so helpful that I don't feel I'm missing out on anything. Everything is so detailed and laid out step by step.
As someone with no IT experience whatsoever, I know I still have a lot to learn, but I definitely feel like I've made so much progress just in this first course, and I'm excited to see it through to completion!
By Alif I
•Jul 14, 2023
I want to give the Technical Fundamentals for IT Support course on Coursera a well-deserved five-star rating. This course exceeded my expectations in every way. It covered all the important topics, like computer hardware, software, networking, and troubleshooting, in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. The instructor was knowledgeable and passionate, making complex ideas simple to grasp.
The course was interactive and engaging, with practical exercises and opportunities to work with other learners. The Coursera platform was user-friendly, making it easy to navigate and access additional resources. The assessments helped me track my progress effectively.
Overall, this course provides an excellent foundation for anyone interested in IT support. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to gain a strong understanding of the basics.
By Safia M
•May 27, 2021
This course was the first IT course I ever took. It was simple yet complex; It opened my eyes to the world of computers and software. It is really very good course if you do not know anything about IT, however, for me, I already had knowledge on how to install, update, and remove software on windows but with no knowledge of other OS. So, it is here that it helped me understand about Linux beyond what I heard. I really enjoyed this course and assignments.
All and all, this is very informative, intriguing and foundational course for anyone looking to improve themselves or expand to IT, as I am. Also, I think that this course could use some tweaking or updating; for example, instead of using Wikipedia for additional reading materials. it would be great to use some actual text books or some sort of online library materials etc.
By Rashad N
•Jul 3, 2020
hi, thanks to googlers and coursera that made this course ever.
that's what i learnt form the course who forced me to learn supplementary readings, and let me get everything with simplified methods from googlers.
-Building computer from scatch
-solid understanding of hardware
-bits and bytes, differences between 3 MB/S and 3 Mb/S and too many such things
-How CPU,Ram,Peripherals, Motherboard,I/O, works, and their compatibility with one another
-Installing Linux,Windows
installing, updating and removing Software to the Remote device
-Remote Control with RDP and SSH
-TroubleShooting, Customer Service, too many supplementary readingg
-Advices From GOOGLERS: CIO, Engineers, IT Support Specialists, Software Engineers,
-Soft Skills
-Interview skills
By Phil H
•Aug 17, 2021
This was a very difficult course but something I have struggled with after spending 3 months on a CCNA course as well. The CCNA helped me with a ton of concepts in this course but I struggle with pulling the important information from it. A flash card module or terminology section with acronyms would be incredibly helpful for review and something to go back and revist regularly. Not being in the computer field, I stepped back to IT in hopes of getting my foot in the door and growing within the field to perhaps one day be a Network Engineer or another path I have yet to discover. Super excited at the promising future these courses are giving me and have invested all my energy and focus on this path to a new career. Thank you for this content and excited to see the opportunities these courses open up after completion!
By Doshia B
•Nov 21, 2020
I have recently retire as a Registered Nurse and called for assistance from IT Specialist often. I wondered how they were able to fix the problem I was having. I am not that computer literate, so I know it took great patient to assist me with solving the problem. I found the course somewhat easy to maneuver through, but did experience some difficulty when performing the labs. More demonstration, I felt was needed and done at a slower pace for myself and maybe others. Not all of us are familiar with the lab portion. The site that we were told to go to on Networking was not audible and difficult to read, did not help me at all. Overall, I think that the information and training given through the course is an entry level position for a person that is trying to become and IT specialist. I enjoyed learning something new.