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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management by University of Virginia

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About the Course

Projects are all around us. Virtually every organization runs projects, either formally or informally. We are engaged in projects at home and at work. Across settings, planning principles and execution methodologies can offer ways in which projects can be run more effectively and efficiently. Project management provides organizations (and individuals) with the language and the frameworks for scoping projects, sequencing activities, utilizing resources, and minimizing risks. This is an introductory course on the key concepts of planning and executing projects. We will identify factors that lead to project success, and learn how to plan, analyze, and manage projects. Learners will be exposed to state-of-the-art methodologies and to considering the challenges of various types of projects....

Top reviews


Feb 4, 2024

This is very good course to understand the fundamentals of project planning and management. The instructor explain the concept in a simple way. There are good examples given to understand the course.


Dec 31, 2020

This is very good course to understand the fundamentals of project planning and management. The instructor explain the concept in a simple way. There are good examples given to understand the course.

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2101 - 2125 of 2,529 Reviews for Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management

By Queenie M


Apr 22, 2020

Great overview of the principles of Project Management! I was thinking about changing careers so this course did a good job in describing the fundamental concepts of project management. You can easily apply the concepts learned to any small/large projects that you want to work on. It is a very informative course and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to learn about or get into Project Management.

There was an emphasis on the planning & risk management phases. Also includes a few short introduction tutorials on how to use Excel & MS Project to develop and analyze schedules/graphs.

I like to take notes during the videos instead of printing out the slides. I thought the content on the slides could have been organized better and for the instructor's explanations to be more in sync with what was being shown on the slides. I sometimes used Google to find more in-depth information or clarification of certain concepts.

By Aneesh V


Apr 23, 2019

As the name suggests, this course offers various tools and techniques for PM at an introductory level. While the content of the course was good, an area of improvement would be in the execution of the case studies. I believe that they really held the key for a complete understanding, by providing an opportunity (in a virtual setting) to assess when and how to apply these tools. Case studies were present in every section of the course and I tried to make the best of it. However, it was more like a 'comment' section, since our assessments were not appraise/evaluated. Or it would have been appreciated if a 'correct assessment' was provided (after submitting our answers of course). Hope the course is updated in this respect.

By Umar S


Oct 29, 2016

i like how the course covers metrics to track project tracking and how lecturer walks you over how to do plan projects in MS project. I feel like i can plan my projects better with the knowledge I've gained to create WBS. However, I do feel that at times the professor superficially covered subjects that i'd like her to delve more into. For example, dealing with complexities and ambiguity as a form of risk. The least she could have done is supplemented a useful article. She also doesn't talk about PERT, but implies it in her risk variance lecture (e.g., in her Tornado Chart). I also noticed that she condenses the 5 PMBOK phases into 4 by amalgamating Monitoring and Control with Execution.

By T K


Jan 26, 2021

Weeks 2-3 felt very useful. Week 1 was still very abstract and in week 4 this problem repeated itself with the very general overview over Agile, without practical examples on how to actually implement such a technique. Sometimes the audio "felt" corrected to strongly, when suddenly the tone shifted and it was obvous that it was hampered with. This could use some smoothing. Overall, very positive experience and a great overview over this vast topic. Very likeable lecturer and good presentation. I suggest you actually do the case studies, they are very interesting.

By Rona B


Mar 5, 2018

Good overview of the full cycle of project management. the instructor was personable and presented professionally. The first two week's material was much easier to understand than the last. I felt the instructor went from beginner to intermediate, when the entire class should have been beginner . Students unfamiliar with project management terms and processes will have to view the lessons several times. While reading all the recommended support materials is not necessary to pass the course, it is critical to really understand the concepts covered.

By Tony O


Feb 21, 2017

This is a great introductory course to project management. The material is delivered very well and the material well chosen. The only negative I have is that some of the lectures are quite long, compared to other online courses I have done and I think would have benefited from some mini quizzes during the lectures to keep the student engaged and ensure that the material stuck. In the past I have worked as a project manager on software projects and I wish I had taken this course before starting the job. It would have helped a lot.

By Paula S


Mar 12, 2021

Die Videos sind super gut gemacht und die Inhalte verständlich erklärt. Manchmal werfen sich Fragen auf, da ist die Community im Diskussionsforum sehr hilfreich. Die Beispiele, die aus der Praxis aufgeführt werden, sind ebenfalls hilfreich. Die Dozentin hat den Kurs insgesamt sehr gut gemacht. Das Zertifikat zu erwerben ist wirklich nicht schwer, wenn man seine Zeit gut managen kann. Der Zeitaufwand ist etwas höher, wenn man saubere Notizen halten will aber es lohnt sich! Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann den Kurs empfehlen.

By Mamta T


Aug 23, 2023

The course is great, the facilitator was very engaging and the format of having case study followed by assignment at end of each week, was also a good way to apply the learning. My only challenge was some modules like Project Risks, that was way too long and a lot of that was too technical/conceptual then what actually happens in real life scenarios. I feel the length could have been trimmed, because it seemed far from actual application. But all in all, a good learning. Thanks!

By Lorenza F


Apr 17, 2023

The course met my expectations. As a beginner, I have gained new valuable knowledge and I genuinely feel more confident in my current project management and planning of upcoming projects. The lessons were easy to follow and well structured. The study cases and assignments were quite helpful to go to the details and apply what I have learnt during the course. I also appreciated the tutorial walkthrough with the software tools.

I would recommend the course to colleagues.

By Anna C


Oct 10, 2022

I found the material fairly easy to understand. I found the discussion prompts interesting, and felt like this was a good intro to project management. I also liked how the videos were broken up into short sections so they were easier to digest. I think it would be helpful to include short explanations of project management applications other than Excel (such as Monday or TaskRay) because not all companies use Excel. Maybe as bonus vids that are optional. Thank you!

By Sorana S


Jan 6, 2021

Well structured course and easy to understand, however if there would be one thing that I improve would be the calculations risk analysis. I had to go to Forums to be able to find the answer on how this was calculated in Excel and go via a number of materials on the forums posted by other gurus to be able to comprehend how they got those numbers for ES/EF, LS/LF. This should be explained in the course itself and caused me additional work than planned.



Feb 25, 2022

The execution and control stages of a project are defined by a project plan, which is a set of formal papers. Risk management, resource management, and communications are all addressed in the plan, as well as scope, cost, and schedule baselines. The course gave me an excellent foundation in project planning and management. The training was well-organized, with intriguing tasks and clear directions. Thank you so much for everything.

By W H


Mar 7, 2020

Often when you are employed as a PM you are under-resourced at many junctures. Certain valuable techniques fall by the wayside and can be long forgotten. Especially in a high-paced environment such as Advertising and PR where aggressive delivery times are the norm. After many years of working "In The Wild" and delivering over 300 digital projects with budgets from 30K to 500K, it was valuable and refreshing to revisit the basics.

By Peter A P


Sep 7, 2022

A nice review course for the most part, however some interesting information on risk analysis, assessment and planning for ambiguity and the calculations of the variances in overall progect completion dates/timming based on percentage probability and the likelyhood of tast duration/completion variences, rather than simply the one targeted completin date bassed on the critical path. Also the EV, PV SPI & CPI section was very good.

By Daniel D


Dec 29, 2016

The course was quite interesting and provided lots of literature sources for further reading. The instructor was lovely and pleasant-to-listen. The content was very easy to understand and pretty diverse. However, I was not satisfied with the fact this MOOC can be finished by passing 4 simple tests in order to achieve the grade. I definetely wanted to practice the knowledge deeper in the weeks' assignments.

By Yousef S A A N ( D - A A N


Dec 20, 2022

Very informative program and delivers a handful needed set of skills on Projects Management. If possible, please consider adding a training part on the Characteristics of The Successful Project Manager to include what are the skills and abilities a project manager should have focused on the "managing people" part, how to deal with team members, motivate them and maximize the benefit from each member



May 29, 2017

It was a very informative course for me and in my opinion the Professor explained it in such a nice and simple way and made it much easier to understand. I would have loved it however if we could have had more direction on the software tools and how to use them as the directions provided don't really show you how to use these tools effectively. This would have made it an even greater experience.

By Rani E


Jan 27, 2020

Overlooking a couple of errant quiz questions, and assumed math approaches, this course provided ample and accurate information for individuals to strongly grasp the basics (and plenty of nuances) of Project Management. It is a motivator to continue deeper learning into the overall Industry, as well as into specialized elements of the Industry, and approach either path with confidence.

By Willem


Jan 18, 2017

Good and interesting course on the basics of project management. Videos are very clear and the information is good accessable. It could be stuffed in 1 week but spread it out over 4 weeks is better to let it sink in. It may be interesting to add a quick overview of other management styles, for example, for projects with very high uncertainties and different types of business.

By Judit T


Feb 17, 2021

It was a very good overview of how it is being a PM, the challenges a PM faces, and in the end how easy/difficult it may be to manage a project. It was great to see examples and different tools that could be used and maybe a bit more elaboration on those could be done; for example: more tutorials that can be downloaded and kept by the students for later references.

By Regina W


Sep 29, 2020

I found the tests to be quite challenging, which was good ultimately. I learned a lot about why certain projects I have managed in the past were successul and I learned ways to improve upon my project management skills. This course moved me from relying primarily on instincts in leadership to involving project management technical science/skill.

By Alex L


Sep 5, 2020

Relatively easy course, some parts were perhaps too generalized or simplistic to be applied in a real setting, while at other times the examples seemed highly convoluted. Nevertheless, I think it gave me some handy tools to work with, and if the day comes when I'm tasked with managing a major project, I think the material learned will be useful.

By Musabira A


Apr 23, 2020

I would like to thanks my instructor Yeal Grushka of this course for helping us to understand all the fundamental concepts to plan and manage a project.

By this course,the basic concepts of a project like risk analysis ,planning, finiding scopes etc have been cleared to us. I hope this couse will help me in future to manage and plan a project.

By Patrizia P


Dec 30, 2020

Very good overview about project planning. Very well explained and easy to understand. I can recommend that course for every person starting off with project management. The tools presented could have been a bit more modern as in the last years a lot of new project management tools came up and visualize topics in a more engaging factor.

By Ariella G


Apr 8, 2020

Great overview of project management and easy to understand. Loved the case studies. There were certain areas that I thought needed to have more depth in and practice exercises such as Earned Value Management. I would have liked more resources to use on the job but I am sure I can find them in other places as well.