![[Featured Image] Two friends sitting across the table have an emotional conversation and support each other, effectively answering the question, “Why is empathy important?”](https://images.ctfassets.net/wp1lcwdav1p1/1HsDYJF2ppCvb4x4DqKa6i/9e9971cba765efd9c4187dd0fa4ca8af/GettyImages-1398854642.jpg?w=330&h=216&q=60&fit=fill&f=faces&fm=jpg&fl=progressive)
Why Is Empathy Important to Company Culture?
Empathy is quickly becoming a critical skill to have in the workplace. Discover practical ways to foster a supportive professional environment, why it is vital to prioritize empathetic leadership, and how to demonstrate it regularly to others.
October 1, 2024