Interested in saving thousands on your degree? Learn more about Prior Learning Credit on March 27! Register here.
A bachelor’s completion program designed for students who already have 61 transferable credits.
Offered by Illinois Institute of Technology
Tuition is $18,000 for the 66 credit hours needed to earn the 127-credit degree.
Earn up to 9 credits toward the core degree curriculum with your prior learning on Coursera, helping you lower the cost of your degree and graduate faster.
Transfer up to 9 approved credits toward the required 61 credits, making progress towards your degree with prior learning on Coursera.
Tuition is $18,000 for the 66 credit hours needed to earn the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology at Illinois Tech. With “pay-as-you-go” tuition, you only need to pay for the courses you are taking in the upcoming term at the time of enrollment.
Total tuition is dependent on the number of credit hours being transferred. Illinois Tech may charge $333 per credit hour or $1,000 per three credit-hour course if additional credits are required beyond the 66 credit hours taken at Illinois Tech.
No standard campus fees shall be charged for this program. Students may be charged on an at-cost basis for such items as textbooks/course packs, proctoring, credit card fees, and career and alumni services.
Illinois Tech encourages you to seek tuition reimbursement through your employer. Speak with your manager or HR department to see what’s available to you as an employee.
If you have not processed VA benefits at Illinois Tech before, please complete the following steps:
Apply for VA benefits with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (if you have already not done so) and obtain your certificate of eligibility. For more information on how to apply, please visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website.
Send a digital copy of your certificate of eligibility via email to Christopher Lee at
Register for PBA courses via the Application and PBA Course Registration Form. This is important to avoid tuition charges at registration time.
Certifying VA benefits can take up to three weeks after the start of the term.
You are still responsible for the tuition if the VA benefit certification does not go through for any reason.
Spring B - Enrollment deadline is March 31st
Summer - Enrollment deadline is July 7th
March 27: Save Money on Your Degree with Prior Learning Credit Webinar - Register here!
Spring B - Enrollment deadline is March 31st
Summer - Enrollment deadline is July 7th
March 27: Save Money on Your Degree with Prior Learning Credit Webinar - Register here!