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Learner Reviews & Feedback for 3D Printing Capstone by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

34 ratings

About the Course

The capstone will integrate the learning acquired from the four courses in the 3D Printing Specialization through a hands-on project. This project will enable you to turn an idea into an object using the knowledge and skills acquired through the other courses. Specifically, you will be guided through a step-by-step process in which you imagine, design, make, and share a 3D printed object. Thus, through this capstone, you will be able to put course concepts into action and utilize the skills that you have acquired throughout the Specialization. In addition, you will be able to obtain an actual 3D print of the object you design at a discounted price through our corporate partners, 3D Hubs and Shapeways. If you enjoy this business course and are interested in an MBA, consider applying to the iMBA, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price offered by the University of Illinois. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and
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1 - 6 of 6 Reviews for 3D Printing Capstone

By Lezly C


Jul 9, 2020

The peer-assignments for the courses are taking way too much time to get graded and this is very frustrating for the learners. Secondly, I didn't get my specialization badge even though I successfully completed all the 5 courses in the 3D printing specialization.

A crucial suggestion: Please include a direct interaction with the course instructor in discussion forums so that learners can clear many doubts which require the assistance of the instructor.

By Hassan s a


Aug 9, 2021

Course content is not the best, and you will truly struggle to get your assignment graded, people waited for months to get reviewed and certificate. i have taking 4 courses in the specialty of 3D printing and additive manufacturing and i am disappointed for the first time as you will get stuck waiting for others to review your work and the teaching staff is nowhere to be found!. if you are not taking the specialty course i don't recommend you taking the course as the 3D software course cover all the needed information and the project that can be done over there is much useful and informative. the series of 3D printing and additive manufacturing was wonderful experince and helped me to increase my skills and on my carrier level as well,

By devang k


May 11, 2020

One of the best 3D printing course I enrolled for, the specialization covers all the aspects of the field and has great project and assignments which lets us practice from the point of view of Legal, Manufacturer, Consultant as well as the creative hobbyist. Thank you UIUC for creating this course.



Sep 8, 2020


By sai s


Jun 29, 2020

decent course u should show u r interest and self learning which they detailly provided

By Fatin F


Oct 1, 2020

That was my first time taking a course on this subject, and it far couldn't exceed my expectations.