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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Aboriginal Worldviews and Education by University of Toronto

478 ratings

About the Course

Intended for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners, this course will explore indigenous ways of knowing and how they can benefit all students. Topics include historical, social, and political issues in Aboriginal education; terminology; cultural, spiritual and philosophical themes in Aboriginal worldviews; and how Aboriginal worldviews can inform professional programs and practices, including but not limited to the field of education....

Top reviews


Mar 25, 2021

I really enjoyed this course and I learned a lot. Thank you so much for the time and energy you put into creating it and providing it in this way so people from all over can enhance their learning.


Nov 6, 2021

​I found this course informative and enlightening as the truth was shared by the instructor and Indiginous guests. This has been a valuable experience to add to my personal reconcilliation journey.

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1 - 25 of 230 Reviews for Aboriginal Worldviews and Education

By Colleen T


Jun 3, 2020

This course is quite short and does not include any course notes to follow along with the videos. It does contain great information but I do feel the course is somewhat dated (2010) and contains many links to youtube videos but not all of the links still exist. In hind-sight I would not have paid the course fee to do this course. If you are looking for a similar course I highly recommend the Indigenous Canada Course by the University of Alberta offered through Coursera.

By Kinusan D S


May 7, 2019

This course is outdated, material needs to be refreshed. There is no coverage of the Inuit and Metis - mostly First Nation.

By Colton W


May 22, 2020

This course has great intentions and decent content.

But this course is NOT set up well.

The lay out of the course is clunky and full of broken links.

I have zero idea how they have a 4.7/5 star rating unless they refuse to publish negative reviews.

I have taken a course through Coursera before without any issues, but this one needs an overhaul to be worth your time.

By Joan B


Nov 7, 2021

I found this course informative and enlightening as the truth was shared by the instructor and Indiginous guests. This has been a valuable experience to add to my personal reconcilliation journey.

By Mandy A


Aug 21, 2018

A fantastic course. I learnt so much and the instructors were fantastic. I think this course is so necessary for all settler Canadians, not just those involved in or interested in education.

By Jonathan G


Dec 14, 2019

Very dry and boring class for aboriginal studies. It would've made more sense to be more engaging rather than just predictable, dry historical facts. It would also have made more sense to have an Aboriginal professor of the Huron nation actually teach the course. Since when does a French Canadian man empathize with the suffering of Aboriginal people??

By Melanie K


Apr 30, 2020

I didn't want this course to end, and I guess it's up to me know to keep the learning going. It was very timely to learn Indigenous world views around food resiliency, cooperation, respect for the land and all our relations during the pandemic when we are now seeing the issues around some of the systems we have in place that came about due to the privileging of the settler/colonizing worldview. I am very thankful to all the contributors, including those from the supplementary material. I appreciate hearing that settler/colonizer isn't a fixed identity and all of us are needed to go forward in good way. Thanks again for offering this vital learning opportunity.

By Cathy B


Sep 15, 2021

This course was amazing, I first took Indigenous Canada and this was my 2nd course. I felt I had to learn all I can on these important and current issues - a better understanding is what we all need.

By Gabriella D


Apr 12, 2017

Great course information and content ! Very interesting ! Unfortunately there is a peer graded assignment which 3 classmates must grade. Although two of my classmates gave me all passing grades one classmate gave me all 0's and didn't really justify why; which made me have to re submit my assignment. Thankfully 3 other amazing classmates saw the quality of my work :)

By Chantelle B


Mar 25, 2021

I really enjoyed this course and I learned a lot. Thank you so much for the time and energy you put into creating it and providing it in this way so people from all over can enhance their learning.

By Renay R


Feb 2, 2021

Great content! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very informative and I learned a lot!

Suggestion might be to add new content since it is now 2021. Many things have happened between 2013-2021.

By Patrick B


Oct 13, 2020

Course material was extremely informative and very interesting. The professor and speakers were excellent! I will definitely recommend this course to both friends and colleagues.

By susan p


Mar 19, 2019

This course should be required for everyone . Not only did I come away with understanding and compassion but also with validation that how I felt we learn best actually is a good way. thank you for enlightenment and your teachings. I am honoured to have taken part in your gift to us.

By Irina D


Jan 26, 2019

I absolutely loved this course! I only feel bad that it was so short! And I hope that there are other courses about Indigenous Peoples that I can take to continue my learning. Jean Paul Restoule, thank you so much! Chi miigwec!

By Colton H


Jun 20, 2017

The course material is useful, indepth and eye-opening. A great course explaining various views. I have a much better understanding of the culture and challenges.

By Lisa L C


Mar 22, 2017

I found this course was very interesting and a great learning tool and I am glad I would recommend this course to people Ni:Awen

By Deleted A


May 16, 2017

This was not a bad course. However, in all honesty, having completed the MOOC 'Indigenous Canada' prior to this demonstrates that this course could be improved in so many ways. The course is worthwhile, please enroll if this is your area of interest.

By Frederick A


Nov 25, 2020

This is a great course. As a citizen of the USA I learned a great deal about both indigenous and non-indigenous Canada. Good to know where the indigenous populations are concentrated--mostly in the cities, as I discovered.

By Galina W


Feb 16, 2021

Boozhoo...Dear Jean Paul, thank you for the excellent eyeopening course. All Canadians should take this one and the Indigenous Canada to understand more about the significance of restoring the broken relationship with the first people of the land. Your world view is not only equal but many times better than that of the settlers who extract resources without the thought of the next 7 generations. I hope many who have a chance to listen to aboriginal experiences will want to come alongside and help the healing process and apprreciate your unique gifts. Wishing all the native people revitalization of the many rich languages and cultures.

Looking forward to learning more from the first/ native nations of Canada. For me this was very meaningful because I was taught by aboriginal faculty. There is much to be done and I hope you will continue to educate the rest of the 'newer' Canadians to see the justice, equality, freedom and self-government of the First nations, Metis and Inuit people take its rightful place. I too hope to come alongside. Gratefully

Galina Wood

P.S. To COURSERA: re:TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES: there is much room to improve! The sound during the week 6 was muted. The transcriptions of lessons(subtitles) are done robotically and many times become ridiculous. This all could be corrected with some attention. This would raise the professional level of your courses. The inadequate transcriptions and ocassional lack of sound was an issue with "the Indigenous Canada "course as well. Now I am taking Ethics course from Yale and it is ok with the transcription, but no sound!!! PLEASE HELP!!!

Thank you Coursera staff for this great opportunity to learn and grow and be better equipped for the future work.

By Liz A


Oct 4, 2020

I have just returned to complete the quizzes for this course. It was mind blowing.. I took it on a whim (I thought it would be about Australia) It forced me to consider the impact of Residantial (Boarding) schools on myself, and its relevance to my own culture - let alone the culture of peoples, that people from this side of the water ended up treating so appallingly. This set of a whole journey of recovery - a POWERFUL response to the emotional impact of facing up to this aspect of our shared history. It was important to me to revisit the course - sadly my comments from previously have gone.. as there were a lot and it really stirred me up. In a good way. The awareness that we are all in this together is very much alive in me even more than then, but I think its been a process of also feeling that responses like actually studying are much more productive than guilt or shame or horror at what human beings can get up to - particularly when they immerse themselves in a narrow world view, that places themselves at the top, and everyone else as a lesser being. Thank you for making this course. I'd expected it to be more about culture/education instead its impact for me was about power/politics etc but no less good for that! Its rich in links and information and I would recommend to anyone regardless.

By Gina H


Nov 17, 2020

Aboriginal Worldviews and Education has provided me with the Aboriginal perspective of the history of several Indigenous People from pre-contact to current times. This history of what Indigenous Peoples have endured is painful but they're ability to survive and rebuild their culture is amazing! This I am so grateful for. It has given me a different way to look at approaches in teaching and learning with a rich array of examples. I found the organization well done, the lectures, reading material and videos all contributed to my own learning process. It is an excellent introduction into Aboriginal Worldviews that make a great start for non-Aboriginal people to see not only a different view of colonial history from Aboriginal perspective but also different ways of learning and teaching as well as communicating in order to make us a more inclusive and holistic society not only in education but in the medical field, the government and all other aspects of life!

By Sue G


Sep 1, 2020

I audited this course because, like everyone, I am stuck at home due to the pandemic, and I felt like it would be a good use of my time to learn more about Indigenous worldviews. I’m Canadian, and I feel like it’s the responsibility of every Canadian to try to better understand the history and current reality of Indigenous peoples in Canada. (I am not an educator, nor in any way professionally involved with Indigenous issues.) I loved this course and learned so much from it. It helped me to understand the history better, to better understand Indigenous worldviews and the perspectives of Indigenous peoples today, and to get a better grip on the current reality in Canada, and what justice might look like. Thank you so much to Dr. Jean-Paul Restoule and OISE / the University of Toronto, for making this amazing course available.



Apr 13, 2021

I wanna thank the professor Jean-Paul for all knowledge that he shared in the course, and I wanna to thank all the team that made the course possible. For me was a great opportunity know the reality of Indigenous people from Canada and see the particularities and the similarities that those people have to the indigenous people from Brazil, place where I live and ethnic groups with whom I work and research. The bibliographic material shared it is amazing, was wonderful know indigenous masters and learn from them. I really liked the 8th Fire episodes, my dream it is that my indigenous friends could have access to this episodes to inspire them. Congratulations on the initiative, I believe that proposals such as this course show us ways to write a new history of humanity and really have a society pluriepistemic.

By Lydia C


Dec 19, 2020

Taking the Indigenous Canada course at UA was a great foundation before coming to UT to take this course on Aboriginal Worldviews and Education, which itself has been really insightful and further enhanced the material I learned first time around. This course, Aboriginal Worldviews and Education, provided me with more in-depth understanding, analysis, and discussions of the impacts residential school, racism, and discriminations have on First Nations. This course is so rich and full of content on what I believe everyone in Canada should know. Thank you so much for creating this course! I learned more than I have ever before and the resources given and pointed out to us have enriched my understanding of our nation. Thank you!!

By Bryhre K C


Jan 17, 2021

I found this course to be very engaging and relevant to my effort to learn more about the historical and current effects of colonization on First Nations and all the different groups of Indigenous people in Canada. This course has impacted me on a deep level and I will be taking it with me in my heart and approaches to relating to family, colleagues, and the folks I work with in many different areas of my life. Thank you for offering this course. I would encourage everyone I know who is of settler descent to take this course as well as Indigenous Canada in order to understand and help to heal the relationships with all Indigenous folk on our day to day lives and approaches to effecting positive change. Again, thankyou!