Aug 18, 2020
Masterfully crafted. Great demonstrations of discussions and excellent analysis of the discussions. The tasks are a bit difficult to complete if you are on your own.
Jul 23, 2019
Thanks to these lessons, I know how to discuss in the proper way and prepare well for the effective conversation.
By Mostafa E
•Oct 2, 2017
the courses offers options for passing the peer assignments which is impossible for learner who live in non English speaker countries. it ask you to do a video with friends but they ignore the fact that you can't get English speaker friends in our country to do the video. they offer another option which is doing the video with your peers which is also impossible as there is no discussion forum to communicate with your peers. but still the knowledge offered in the course is amazing
By Darlin
•Sep 30, 2021
First, I want to say that the course information is great.
Second, it is supossed to be an online course, which it is, however thare are some activities that I do not consider so feasible, since they required the leraner to record videos (4 videos total, as the final projects at the end of each week) having academic discusions with other people, and from my point of view it is hard to do that, since the learner may be not able to socialize, that is why the learner rather to take an online course, plus other factors may have influenced like the circle social of the learner do not speak English, there is the option to record those videos with other classmates here in the platform, but it seems to be a hard option as well, since it is hard to connect with them. Those activities should be consistent with being able to record themselves without the help of others.
There is no way to record those videos on your own. Since it needs to be a social activity (academic dicsussions).
Another thing I want to mentions is that it takes so much time for other classmates to grade the work (peer grading) and as a consecuence of that, even if you are done with your work you need to wait until they grade your projects and you get an acceptable grade to pass to the other course, if you fail any of these projects it can be resubmitted again, however it will take more time for the other learns to grade it again and the payment of the subscription is due every month, which I do not think is fair to pay extra montnly subscription just because we are waiting on other to grade our work.
I have been trying to get a contact information, I have not been able to get it ye.
By Babar W
•Sep 23, 2020
waiting for more than a month to review my assignment.
By Paolo A
•Aug 18, 2020
Masterfully crafted. Great demonstrations of discussions and excellent analysis of the discussions. The tasks are a bit difficult to complete if you are on your own.
By Chitebayeva S Z
•Jun 1, 2020
Dear authors of the course, thank you for your interesting, bright and full of knowledge course. I`ve learned much there!!!
By Nguyen N Q
•Jul 23, 2019
Thanks to these lessons, I know how to discuss in the proper way and prepare well for the effective conversation.
By Mohamed B S
•Jun 6, 2020
thanks all my lecture and coursera group it really received high academic skill and note taking
By Md. K R
•May 5, 2021
This course is very essential for those people who are not from English speaking country.
By Alejandra
•Jul 31, 2020
A great option to develop confidence, listening and speaking practicing with others .
By Syr A
•May 2, 2017
This course teaches us tips of effective and constructive way of discussing !
•Jun 15, 2023
This was an amazing learning opportunity that i went through.
By Esteban A
•Sep 16, 2020
It's amazing for improve your skills, simply as that
By Sajjad M
•Apr 5, 2021
Very useful course, thank you Coursera!!
•Dec 4, 2016
Great course and very great exercises
By Yuming F
•Jun 25, 2019
Well organized course. Very helpful.
By Nguyen T N T (
•Nov 9, 2020
this course is necessary and useful
By Mohamed A H M
•Dec 7, 2017
Very useful that is a great course
By Nikalayonak O
•Dec 14, 2016
I like the way it's presented.
•Jul 16, 2020
Good course in short time
By Ricardo J S L
•Jun 2, 2022
Excelente muy didactico
By Sargyul A
•Sep 5, 2020
a very useful course!
By Serikuly M
•May 20, 2023
Thank You
By Nguyen T Q
•Apr 2, 2021
I agree
By Rosario F C
•Sep 28, 2020
•Mar 26, 2020