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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Academic Information Seeking by University of Copenhagen

729 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce you to the basic elements of academic information seeking - we will explore the search process from defining a strategy to evaluating and documenting your search results. Attending the course will make you a proficient information seeker. You will learn how to carry out comprehensive literature searches based on your own research assignment. You will be guided through the various information seeking steps from selecting relevant search strategies and techniques to evaluating your search results, documenting your search process and citing your sources. Attending the course will enable you to: • Identify your information need • Evaluate databases and other information resources • Set up search strategies and use various search techniques • Formulate search strings based on your own research assignment • Identify relevant material types • Undertake critical evaluation of your sources • Search more efficiently on the internet • Avoid plagiarism • Cite correctly • Work with reference management • Document your search process The course is intended for undergraduate students but the lessons will be useful to anyone who is interested in becoming better at finding scientific information. There are no formal requirements for the course. The series consists of 21 lectures that are organized into three modules. The lectures include small assignments and quizzes (to check comprehension). The lectures will each touch upon a topic that is essential to the information seeking process. To get the most out of the lecture series, we recommend that you access the lectures while you are working on an academic paper. We also recommend that you watch the lectures in the order in which we have structured them. We recommend that you create and fill out a log book while attending the lectures. We have created a log book template that you can use during the course. The lecture series has been developed in collaboration between information specialists at University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark...

Top reviews


Sep 10, 2017

A detailed review of one of the most important skills in academic research: information seeking. In particular, I enjoyed the tutorials on Mendeley and reference management tools. Highly recommended!


Oct 17, 2020

The course was very comprehensive and easy to understand. The instructors made sure that they are giving the information in a way that won't make me confused. Thank you so much for this great course!

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26 - 50 of 197 Reviews for Academic Information Seeking

By Aedrian A

Jan 18, 2021

This is a great overview of the resource or reference collection processes for academic literature review endeavors - be it narrative or systematic. While I highly recommend this course for college students who are about to work on their research requirements, I personally found this course useful beyond that stage in helping me identify best practices to improve my own work. Personally, I thank this course for finally convincing me to routinely use reference management software products - something that I wish I started doing roughly a decade earlier.

By Ashique M A

Aug 19, 2020

This is one of the best course I have completed regarding Preparing a Scientific, well written Research. The course is organised in the best way to support learners in academic information seeking. After the course, I was able to identify my faults which I have done before in conducting research. Thanks to all the amazing instructors. But it would be better if the course offered us a Mendeley group with active users. The group is unavailable now.

By Eshwar S

Jun 28, 2016

This course is very thorough and detailed. As an IT specialist, I have had no exposure to formal research and needed to understand the process. Now I can clearly and confidently say that I can perform good research and obtain formal information and data on any topic, as opposed to just surfing the internet for genuine knowledge. Great course, well done to the instructors.

By Noureddine D

Sep 29, 2020

This course was extremely helpful because, as a university student, it helped me understand the proper steps toward citing and documenting my research paper and avoid plagiarism. And the instructors were very good at presenting their lessons. I highly recommend this course for students, who are unaware or confused of how to document their research papers.

By Daydreamer

Dec 4, 2024

Really informative and opened up my eyes to a lot of resources which I previously didn't knew! Most important of all, it is deeply inspiring that how the team, along with the others involved in the process of delivering this course, is willing to dedicate so much to make education more equitable, by constructing a course freely accessible to all!

By Mithra A

Aug 25, 2020

The course is structured with contents meeting the objectives of the course. Special credit to all the teachers, I left as if they were explaining it on the face. The language was very clear and understandable. I have learned a few techniques that I did not know, though I was using Mendeley for a long time. Thank you for the entire team.

By Deleted A

Nov 14, 2016

An excellent course: it provides learners with the concepts and skills necessary for searching and researching information in libraries and online. Lectures are clear and well organized. There are activities for students to go deeper into the topics (optional) and quizzes that helped them to check the main concepts.

By Bill

Aug 12, 2018

An excellent course; I highly recommend it. This course gives a great overview on types of research, some coverage of databases, and using Mendeley. I'll be using this material in my writing assignments from now on. With this, I can tailor my research to the project at hand and keep better track of my references.

By Juan F V S

May 20, 2020

I have been working in health research for some time and I decided to take this course in order to brush my information seeking techniques. I am really grateful to the course because it allowed me to learn new strategies and methods to seek for relevant information. I recomend this course.

By Pamela G

Sep 27, 2020

The course helps me in organizing my citations. Now, I don't need to be stressed out on where to find my references. Reference management tools are god-tier in this era where plagiarism is rampant. Thank you very much for the opportunity and sharing your knowledge. God bless you all.

By Mohammad

May 9, 2020

For early-career researchers, enrolling in this course is going to be one of the best decisions to save time and be productive. For established researchers, this course probably will be a valuable transforming addition to your experience in researching for academic information.

By K D

Jul 16, 2020

This course is truly one of a kind. Am a matured student planning to go back to study. Trying to navigate and prepare myself for the academic world. This course gave me the necessary tools and insights on what is needed to search and present a good paper. Highly recommend!

By Kevin S V C

Mar 10, 2024

Es una excelente oportunidad para aquellos que esten realizando tesis o investigaciones. Es un buen curso para aprender a buscar información veraz y confiable. Gracias a Dios, se pueden lograr muchas cosas favorables, si buscamos muy bien la información que requerimos.

By Denis C

Apr 8, 2018

Me encanto este curso, fue muy objetivo y directo. Estoy seguro que será de mucha utilidad en mi vida de estudiante y como profesional.

I loved this course, it was very objective and direct. I'm sure it will be very useful in my life as a student and as a professional.


Sep 9, 2020

This course is just what you need before embarking into your academic research journey. Personally I liked it a lot and found it useful. It covers all the necessary aspects of the subject in a short time.

Thank you to all who contributed to such a great work.

By Jonhny G G R

Aug 13, 2021

Amazing course! Incredibly simple, fast-paced and provided a lot of useful information for someone like me, who never was "initiated" in the university academic rigor. Now I can say I have a notion of the principles behind a quality work. Thanks a lot!

By Jianhua Y

Jun 28, 2016

I love this course. It helps me with my teaching and personal development. Besides, I know several reference management tools from this course. Storing the documents is really complicated and makes me in a mess. Thank you for your tutoring and sharing.

By Sian

Aug 15, 2024

This course has helped me feel confident about using reference management systems, creating a search process document, and introduced me to search processes I wasn't aware of. Thank you to everyone involved in creating this course!

By Md R H

Aug 20, 2021

This course taught me enormous tips and tricks of information seeking. This helped me understand the core of information seeking and searching, evaluating, citing and avoiding plagiarism. I really thankful to the instructors.


Jan 14, 2018

Thank You Coursera & the faculty members of University of Denmark who for providing online courses & guidance for the international students. I have really enjoyed the learnings inside the course Academic Information Seeking.

By Jhonny A O M

Sep 28, 2020

Excelente complemento para la puesta en marcha de un proyecto de investigación; presenta herramientas útiles en la búsqueda, procesamiento y evaluación de la información en red, en particular desde la herramienta "Bitacora".

By Bushra

Sep 11, 2024

This course was very informative and precise. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is new to research field and is looking for an easy course to guide them properly.

By Юлия Ю

Jul 31, 2017

Amazing course full of very useful information! Can be used not only for academic search purposes, but also for any search process to receive more professional results.

By Carlos A O P

Jun 26, 2017

I found this course really excellent and useful. I would recommend it to anyone interested in learning the basics of scientific literature seeking and proper use of it.

By Martin I L

Jun 20, 2024

Es un curso excelente. Ofrece muy buena información para todas las etapas del quehacer académico y profesional. Además, es de gran ayuda para organizar la información.