Jul 23, 2020
One of the best course. Before I took up this course I have negative feelings towards the drugs addicts. But this course completely change my behavior and opinions towards them. Thank you so much.
Apr 1, 2018
I learned a lot from this course that I have been able to use in a ministry capacity. If you are trying to help others with addiction or understand it for yourself, this is the course for you.
By Valentina
•Jun 9, 2020
Simple and easy to learn course. I would have love to have more specific details and more scientific data on the physiology and treatment, but I think gives a good first introduction to the subject. Would love to a continuation course in more detail, in which the professor could actually share his knwoledge!
Also would have liked more animations, sometimes it feels too slow making it hard to saty focussed.
By David C
•Mar 1, 2020
Buena información y contenido, disfrute del curso y aprendÃ, sin embargo mucha de la información que se da en este curso es de unos 10 años atrás, lo cual me parece mal, si van a ofrecer cursos que sean con información actualizada!! Estamos 2020!, me parece en cierta manera una pequeña estafa lo que hacen, pero bueno he aprendido algo.
By Deepak K
•May 13, 2017
I was just curios to know about drugs and how it works and the impacts of it to a human being and society. This course is good for a beginner and gives a kind of very brief idea on how , what and why of Drugs. I am from a non medical background but majority of the courseware had good examples and explains stuff to make me understand.
By Yu S
•Aug 31, 2015
The course gives a very comprehensive overview of what drugs are and how it affects the brain, as well as practical advice for person and government. It addresses the issue in a scientific but simple way, that makes people really understand what we are dealing with, especially with the concept of comorbidity.
By Tonatiuh G R
•Jul 15, 2017
It was a great course. I really appreciate that the lessons were not that long. However I feel that the course can use more animations such those used here. I feel I dud learned a lot about addictions, something that is very important because I do work as an addiction counselor. Thank you so much!
By Peter G
•Jan 2, 2017
Very well-presented course with excellent illustrations. Gives a good overview on addiction with pharmacology, with good links to further reading. I found the title slightly misleading though, as the course presented very little information on brain physiology except for the dopamine receptors.
•Jun 21, 2020
Really an interesting course and talk about problems of drug use and its effect on people and society in minute details. Also, it focuses on the alarming rate of drug use and the policies of government against drugs in details. Ultimately, one can enjoy the videos and learn a great deal.
By Sion R
•Aug 22, 2022
It really helps how drugs operate and more importantly for me,how does the brain deals with all these types of drugs and their effects in the short run and long run. This course also shows that drugs always arent bad as they can be used for medicine too. Great course,give it a try.
By Sandra M
•Sep 18, 2017
This is an interesting course for anyone who wants to understand drug addiction on many levels, physiological, psychological and societal. The main focus of the course is the effect of drug addiction on the brain, but prior knowledge of neurology is not required.
By Nandini M
•Sep 8, 2015
Very good introduction to why people become addicts. Key points are learnt are our brains are wired to be addicted, addiction is a brain disease and needs to be seen and treated as such and that coffee which i drink everyday is a drug!
By A A
•Jan 31, 2020
I found this course fascinating as I have no background in this at all. Sometimes it went very in depth (way over my head) but overall I learned so much. I highly recommend the course to anyone with a family member who is an addict.
By kavita c
•Aug 5, 2020
Effective drug education is important because young people are faced with many influences to use both licit and ilicit drugs . this course is very much informative and full package of knowledge about various addicted type of drugs.
By Matthew S
•Aug 15, 2017
I enjoyed this course overall. I think I would have like to looked deeper into the neurophysiology behind addiction, but understand that can get pretty complex and would probably require a larger curriculum. Thanks for the lessons!
By Stefanos A B
•Feb 20, 2016
While providing some knowledge about drugs and drug-addiction, I would have preferred a more in-depth guide into the inner workings of the brain related to drugs. Nevertheless it served as a good introduction to addiction.
By Alex N
•Aug 18, 2015
Very comprehensive on all aspects on drug addiction, though a bit too difficult for those without any medical or biological background knowledge. More animations / diagrams for illustration would make the course better.
By Leda M
•Sep 3, 2015
I enjoyed the material and flow of topics presented. I did have some trouble getting a few of the videos to load in the module on Neurotransmission (week 5), which was unfortunate. Very interesting, thanks!
•Oct 8, 2015
A great and informative course. Very clear and interesting! I would have appreciated a bit more if it discussed more tips to help prevent/deal-with drug abuse or addiction. Thank you for the course!
By james e c
•Sep 4, 2015
Well designed course. I have a couple of close family members who are addicts...pills and gambling. I highly recommend this class. The professor is excellent and I've benefited from his lectures.
•Aug 19, 2015
This is a useful basic refresher course for anyone who works or volunteers in the substance abuse field. I wanted to know the latest brain research and get an update on the various drug categories.
By Lea B
•Nov 27, 2020
very informative and well constructed
However, a bit biased towards negative effects of certain drugs without talking about their positive effects that are supported by research as well
By Laura R
•Aug 10, 2020
I found the course very interesting and easily explained, I think that marihuana use should be rewied due to the several estudies from 2017 untill 2020. Great course, I recomend it.
By Katherine o
•Apr 20, 2023
I found the course very informative . The lectures were very descriptive The subject was broken down To make the context more informative and Understandable. Thank
•Oct 18, 2015
This is a very good introductory course on the various aspects of addiction. I wish they would introduce a second part with more comprehensive information.
By Deborah M
•Oct 8, 2015
This is a very interesting course. Some of the material is pretty difficult, but it is presented in a clear manner. I learned a lot from the professor.
By Anna C
•Sep 17, 2015
Real interesting and useful course, but since it's not my major, though sometimes hard for me to understand some concept. Still quite good! Nice teacher!