Oct 21, 2020
It's was great to learn advanced algorithms and complexity. Besides, I learn new topics that can help me further learning. All the problems and the lectures were very good.
Jan 3, 2018
As usual, complex arguments explained in simple terms!Some problems are really tough! (e.g. there's a problem from Google Code Jam).Thank you for this course!
By To P H
•Sep 27, 2018
Very bad course content for some modules
Many abstract concepts and mathematical terms but with severe lack of explanation of the terms and lack of specific, concrete examples to help learners to understand them
For example: in LP module there should be example of how the primal and dual matrix looks. How simplex algorithm is used on a specific example (showing explicit graph). I undertood only 25% of what was discussed about in this module
No motivation to move on after week 2!
Other weeks are slightly better
In summary: Too many abstract concepts with little examples
By Kirill M
•May 10, 2017
Very weak explanations. Most time I spent in the internet googling how to implement assignments, because it was not clear from the course.
By Yue S
•Oct 21, 2019
I really dislike Daniel Kane's teaching style!!! His slides are rough and lack of details, the structure of his lectures is loose. Every time I met a Unit taught by Kane, I have to spend much more time on videos and assignments than other Units. This makes me very annoyed -- why can't this teacher be more serious on teaching just like other teachers in this course??? :-(
By Chitrang S
•Aug 26, 2019
Very Very Challenging Course , it test your patience and rewards is extremely satisfying. Lot of learning on a complicated subject of NP-Hard problems.
By Fernando P
•Jan 1, 2020
Shout-out to professor Alexander Kulikov that is the only one in the whole specialization who has good didactics skills. He knows how to explain a concept by giving examples and walking through them step by step so the viewer can understand the thought process. Unfortunately, professor Kane's lectures were poorly taught. I understand that his videos are older and maybe the technology wasn't there yet when he recorded the lectures. You'd better off skipping those lectures and going through the assignments directly, learning the material elsewhere.
By Nikhil
•Jan 4, 2017
Loved what I learnt, I also implemented a project using Google MAP API for the organization I'm working at
By Rahul K
•Jun 9, 2020
lecturer seems to be reading slides without providing detailed analysis and proofs seem very superficial as well
By Yinchung C
•May 14, 2019
This is a very challenging course in the specialization. I learned a lot form going through the programming assignments!
By Mahdi H
•Dec 12, 2020
Poor delivery. Skipping too many details. poor slides. poor in increasing learners' interest in the subject.
By VontMan
•Apr 15, 2017
Thank you very much for this awesome course, I really enjoyed and learned alot from it.
I really liked the selected topics, they act like an intro to some really interesting fields in the programming.
I've learned about NP multiple times but never found a use to it until now, the problems were really good and informative.
I think the linear programming was pretty rushed, it should've been expanded over two weeks with more in details.
Maybe add a problem or explain the use of duality .
By Kota M
•Sep 16, 2016
I enjoyed the course a lot. I cannot thank the instructors enough.
It would have been more interesting if we could go deeper on linear programming, such as extension to integer programming. The discussion about the duality was a bit too fast to me.
By Евгений С
•Nov 23, 2020
I started this a couple of days ago and have been doing it hard as part of my specialization. I have only one quiz left and on November 23, a deadline suddenly came, despite the fact that I devoted a lot of time to the course and in fact completed it in two days. I have completely closed all 6 courses for specialization except for one quiz of 6 questions in week 4. Now someone has decided that the next set is only in half a year, seriously? All I need is to go through an automatic check of 6 questions without human control and get my cherished certificate. But it turns out that I wasted money? What is worth extending the course? I cannot wait that long and pay extra money. Could the moderators somehow influence this by informing people who can help?
By Tamas K
•May 4, 2018
Great course again! The problems are considerably more difficult than in the previous courses in this specialization. The only problem is that the forum interaction with TAs is nonexistent, if you stuck with a problem, you have to solve it alone.
By Madan K
•Oct 9, 2016
Excellent but tough course ,you need to work and it is not simply called advanced Algorithms and Complexity.
You will be forced to test your code properly ,even if you didn't do it properly in the previous specialisation course.
By Dr K S V
•May 18, 2020
Excellent Course. I learnt new things like integer programming and bioinformatics related applications.
I did my Ph.D in bioinformatics datasets. Stream matching algorithms and apllication oriented wonderful examples
By Giuseppe M
•Jan 4, 2018
As usual, complex arguments explained in simple terms!
Some problems are really tough! (e.g. there's a problem from Google Code Jam).
Thank you for this course!
By Anton R
•Mar 2, 2019
Liked this course, at least there are courses for advanced level.
By Greg G
•Apr 3, 2020
An incredibly challenging course with a lot of juicy content. Builds heavily on previous courses in the Data Structures and Algorihms specialization such as hashing, graph searching, data structures, stress testing, algorithmic complexity etc. But given you completed those, you already know how to solve such problems, and it's rewarding to see all the pieces working as you put them together. Also, this course requires some additional maths knowledge such as linear algebra, logic and probability theory. All in all, the "advanced" attribute fits well.
Assignments are wildly varying in difficulty - completing one took me 3 days, another was done in just 30 minutes. They were mostly fine (except for the simplex linear programming solver which I haven't even attempted) and forums were very useful for guidance.
The videos themselves are usually okay, the only seriously lacking area is the linear programming week with Daniel Kane. LP (a fundamental subject in computer science) in itself could fill a whole course, but simply put, his explanations and examples fell short, it was very hard to understand them. So refer to the additional readings there if you are interested. On the other hand, the rest of the course is nice.
Week 1 (flow networks) with Daniel was also kind of hard, but not impossible to understand. Alexander Kulikov's 2 weeks on NP-completeness are the high mark of the course, with engaging and clear explanations. Michael Kapralov's optional 'heavy hitters problem' videos are also interesting and pretty well explained.
By Victor d C A
•Nov 29, 2022
This course is not easy and what makes it even more difficult is the lack of examples and poor lecture content. Many algorithms and problems are given with only one example which is not sufficient to solve anything. There are lectures that appear to have only two slides... They are few differences or just many slides saying the same thing and that does not help who is trying to complete the course.
The problem is not the professor explaining the concepts, but the content and materials of the course.
By pengwei
•Feb 10, 2017
poor course. never give any algorithm. No clue where the problem come from. The forum is only help a few people. No general ideas how to solve the problem. waist a lot of time debugging but still couldn't pass the assignment.
total waste my time and garbage course.
By Fahmim M S
•Oct 22, 2020
It's was great to learn advanced algorithms and complexity. Besides, I learn new topics that can help me further learning. All the problems and the lectures were very good.
By Andrii S
•Jun 15, 2018
Another great course in this specialization with challenging and interesting assignments. However, this one is somewhat harder but rewarding.
By Hussain A
•Feb 12, 2020
Really rigorous and fundamental with what scientist and other professionals need to know about programming.
By Surbhi M
•Dec 14, 2019
This course is wonderful.I am really feel like I have all knowledge of adsa
By Addis R S
•Sep 26, 2016
Thank you very much. I learned a lot in this course. I recommend it!