Jun 6, 2020
Enjoyed this specialization as much as I did the Tensorflow in practice. Thank you Laurence Moroney and Andrew Ng for getting these cool topics to all of us, so we can contribute back to community.
May 17, 2020
Great work and I highly recommend this course/specialization! Good job of inserting needed edits to update what's happening in real time.
By Roberto
•May 26, 2021
By Fajar N A
•May 9, 2024
By Dini P U
•Nov 22, 2023
By Rani Y
•May 10, 2023
By Egi R T
•Jun 29, 2022
By alfatoni n
•May 29, 2021
By Indah D S
•May 8, 2021
By Ahmad H N
•May 3, 2021
By Ming G
•Jun 17, 2020
By clement l r
•Mar 18, 2020
A very interesting course to complete Tensorflow deployment option. Most interesting part to me were serving, hub for transfer learning and tensorboard. Maybe Tensorboar could be introduce sooner in other specialization as it sound to be mostly use to discuss model performance, which is extensively discuss in other specialization. Federated Learning seems a little bit extra here, even though it sounds promising.
By Matej M
•Mar 16, 2021
=This course was much better than the first two. Here were real exercises you had to do and sometimes it was really not easy. It was not just about watching the videos. Also on the discussion forum you were able to search for help.
By Abhiram S
•Jan 21, 2021
The fact that there were still some problems in the Course regarding technical or exercise based, it shows that this material is relatively new in the domain.
By Chanif R
•Apr 27, 2022
The lab server is not really great. If there is something wrong in the code,the kernel suddenly restarted, and there is no ouput that described whats wrong
By Elyasaf E
•Apr 8, 2021
Too theorethical
By Mark P
•May 2, 2020
This course covers some interesting topics but is far too easy to pass. The programming assignments are really just copy and paste exercises and takes very little time to complete. I found the applications exciting and as an intro to all the new elements of TF it is useful as a whirlwind tour. But apart from the tflite mobil device course which is challenging if you have never used swift/Xcode before it needed to be a bit more than just run throughs of the TF colabs.
By Edwin H
•Nov 9, 2023
The quality of this course is very low compared to the previous specialization. It was not what I expected, it is not taught how to professionally deploy a model