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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Advanced R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

574 ratings

About the Course

This course covers advanced topics in R programming that are necessary for developing powerful, robust, and reusable data science tools. Topics covered include functional programming in R, robust error handling, object oriented programming, profiling and benchmarking, debugging, and proper design of functions. Upon completing this course you will be able to identify and abstract common data analysis tasks and to encapsulate them in user-facing functions. Because every data science environment encounters unique data challenges, there is always a need to develop custom software specific to your organization’s mission. You will also be able to define new data types in R and to develop a universe of functionality specific to those data types to enable cleaner execution of data science tasks and stronger reusability within a team....

Top reviews


Feb 11, 2020

Brilliant course. Loved Week 4 for OOP. This was really new for me and would love to have been able to see its application in real world examples to better cement the concepts.


Jun 6, 2017

Very useful, I considered myself quite an advanced R user, but this class raised the level, especially with the R as OOB part. Good investment if you are not a beginner.

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76 - 100 of 143 Reviews for Advanced R Programming



Nov 10, 2017

It was good

By francisco a


Feb 22, 2018


By Rγσ ξ (


Nov 8, 2018


By Beyhan G


Feb 1, 2017


By Adaman Y


Oct 1, 2021


By Ganapathi N K


May 20, 2018


By Adam C


Dec 17, 2019

It took me about a year to complete this course, but i had to stop to work on my honors thesis. This course was a good refresher to the nature of programming for me, as i hadn't done much for about five years (C programming). It has given me the confidence and tools to think about developing software for use in my future career (bioinformatics).



Apr 26, 2020

It's a good course provided you go through the material given properly especially the textbook. The assignment at the end of the course demands a good level of programming skill but unfortunately the coursework doesn't provide the students with such expertise and exposure. If the participant puts in extra effort he/she can reap good benefits.

By Matthew E


Aug 7, 2019

The lessons in this course were fantastic. The one thing that bothered me was the peer review system for assignments. You end up having to wait weeks just to finish the course, even after you're done everything. Other classes use automatic or paid manual graders, which give instant feedback. I think a similar system could work here.

By Anupam K


Jun 16, 2020

Great, great content. The course material is relevant and well-paced. The final peer-graded assignment is exceptionally good. It is a tad more advanced than the actual course content but is a great learning experience. At the end of the course you leave confident, because of the knowledge and the R programming skills acquired.

By Zdenek K


Nov 15, 2016

Great acceleration of the specialization compared to the first course. It covers modern approaches (as map-reduce-filter implementation in purrr), nicely explains debugging, benchmarking, OOP etc. I would recommend this as a kick starter for more advanced R programming.

By Ankai X


Dec 13, 2018

I find that some of the course materials are not sufficient for the learners to understand the concept in R programming and complete the assignment. The course could be improved by including more examples and hands-on exercises.

By Tarso C R


May 31, 2017

I think, as the last week, the first 3 weeks should have something more complicated to do. The

complexity level of the exercises grows exponentially on the last week of the course.

By Ugochi J


Jun 15, 2017

Great course! I gained a more in depth understanding of R and it's underlying structure. I did think there could more explanation given to object oriented programming R.

By Sheila B


Jul 18, 2018

Excellent subject matter. 4 stars instead of 5 is only because there was no video. I love the videos in the other courses in this track, since I am an auditory learner.

By shan y


Feb 15, 2017

the last peer review problem is much too hard for what I learned from the course material, if there is a more specific instruction for the assignment will be better.

By Robert H


Jul 19, 2017

The last problem is unnecessarily difficult with little related teaching and learning material provided. Otherwise, the course is certainly well worth taking.

By Shahin S


Oct 15, 2020

Great course but would prefer more video lectures versus text based lectures. Otherwise, a great course to help build out the foundations of R programming.

By Daniel F S


Apr 20, 2020

If this course could recheck the material and offer some mentors/monitors to provide hints/tips in more asked topics (like a FAQ) it would be excellent



Jul 19, 2024

La información es clara pero los códigos generados desde R al finalizar los talleres fallan con frecuencia y es difícil culminar actividades.

By Jinwook C


Jul 14, 2017

It's really good practice for using R as a functional language, but

no video lectures makes student feel bored

By Jorge L R Z


Mar 18, 2018

Good course but the part of OOP is a little too simple, some extra in class exercises could improve this.

By Aditya G


Dec 15, 2016

Good Course! But focus should be more on OOPs Concepts through video lectures to better understand it.

By sokal1456


Nov 19, 2018

I wish the assignments could be a mix of teacher and peer graded.

By Rafał P


Feb 7, 2022

Good topics selection. However presentation could be better.