Jan 7, 2019
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I learned so much about cathedrals and their history. The professor was engaging, the forums were lively, and the imagery and music was beautiful and inspirational.
Jun 1, 2020
A well presented course that was both interesting and informative.It has given me a thirst for further knowledge and the system of peer review worked well. I look forward to my next Coursera course.
By John K
•Jun 14, 2020
A meticulous, comprehensive, and well-organized account of the subject, clearly presented and accompanied by enlightening supplementary materials. I thoroughly enjoyed the course. It deepened my understanding of the period and heightened my appreciation of its accomplishments. Thank you so much.
By Dalia R M
•Sep 17, 2024
Es un curso bellísimo, te llena de cultura, de información, nunca verás una catedral de la misma manera. La ambientación (videos, música) del curso, lo hacen ameno pero al mismo tiempo apacible, lo disfrute muchísimo, el profesor es excepcional, narra con claridad, precisión y exactitud.
By Victoria A C
•May 3, 2020
Me encanto este curso, sumamente interesante y muy bien explicado. No me arrepiento de haberlo hecho ahora me dan mas ganas de seguir estudiando estos temas!
Solo pediria que las lecturas y las preguntas tambien pudieran estar en español! Pero mas alla de eso, es un excelente curso!
By Tony a E L
•Feb 22, 2021
This was a most interesting course. I had thought there was at least one more session from what Dr. Block said in the last video. I have been lucky enough to visit some of the cathedrals we covered in this course and to see other Gothic cathedrals in Britain and in Germany.
By Luciana d I
•Aug 31, 2020
Exceptionally well explained, this course does not limit to architectural design and construction techniques, it is very complete since it includes historical, political and spiritual events that determined the specific characteristics of the Age of Cathedrals
By Walter M
•Oct 23, 2021
Great course! Long readings and then he repeats the important passages in the lectures. Great videos. Though the fablio were too graphic. I hope he does a second session that compares the medieval cathedrals more to each other and updates the course material.
By Evgeniia S
•Mar 1, 2018
10/10! Well-structured, well-paced, not too easy, not too challenging. Writing little essays was a particular fun. I've learned a lot, enjoyed every minute and am very grateful to the professor! Would definitely take Age of Cathedrals II if there was one.
By Joy S
•Feb 24, 2018
Super comprehensive, everything about the great cathedrals from history to mythical stories portrayed in stained glass to scriptural subjects portrayed. Many beautiful shots of both the cathedrals and their stained glass details. Fascinating.
By Ruben G
•Jun 7, 2020
Excelente el curso, aprendí mucho sobre la arquitectura de las catedrales góticas y la motivación de sus constructores, mas las historias de santos, reyes y cruzadas de la "dulce Francia", un abrazo a todos desde Chile! muchas gracias!
By Guido E
•Mar 2, 2021
Excellent teacher. Undoubtedly great connoisseur of the subject and passionate. It transmits the enthusiasm and desire to continue studying, It would be a pleasure to one day personally attend your personal classes !!!
By Sarah
•Dec 1, 2023
I really enjoyed this course. R. Howard Bloch is a fabulous teacher and delivered information in an interesting and engaging way. If there are any other courses fronted by him I'd be very interested in taking them.
By Ronald J D
•Feb 24, 2018
A comprehensive, in-depth, and ruminant analysis about Gothic architecture, it's history, the lifestyle it influenced, and everything in between. Perfect for architects, architecture professors, and enthusiasts!
By Jorge Z
•Oct 6, 2021
Simply outstanding!
A well crated and ambitious course. Plenty of information, images and videos, all of which allows you to have a clearer vision of the time and those who conceived these glorious landmarks.
By Karen L
•Jun 2, 2020
A well presented course that was both interesting and informative.
It has given me a thirst for further knowledge and the system of peer review worked well. I look forward to my next Coursera course.
By Maria d S Y O y F
•Aug 9, 2020
El curso en general me pareció muy bueno, cumplio con mis expectativas. Las explicaciones del Maestro fueron muy completas. Las tomas de los vitrales y las ilustraciones fueron muy didácticas.
By Don O
•Apr 4, 2019
Thank you soo much for providing this great course online. I am almost at the finish line, and it’s been a great learning experience for me soo far. Thank you Coursera :), and Yale University.
By Tegan I
•Mar 2, 2023
little more religion that architechture, but still an amazing course. was relatively easy, I think, I was able to get considerably good grades even though I staerted this in grade 8
By Zully Y d l R G
•Feb 22, 2021
Interesante y muy completo curso sobre la arquitectura gótica de las catedrales francesas. Excelentemente presentado por el profesor Bloch. De lo mejor que he recibido en Coursera.
By Yuliia H
•Aug 20, 2020
Incredible course! Lots of illustrations and work with primary sources! I advise everyone who is interested in the history of architecture and medieval Europe, especially France:)
By Paula B
•Oct 17, 2022
This course is engaging through the use of videos depicting glorius cathedrals. The explicit explanations of the stained glass windows in various cathedrals was enthralling.
•Apr 16, 2022
This was a very well prepared course, calmly and thoroughly presented. I truly looked forward to participating. I highly, highly recommend this course. Well done & enjoyable!
By Cynthia S
•Jan 27, 2018
This course far exceeded what I was expecting. He explained the statuary on the exterior, the symbolism relating to the beautiful stained-glass windows and introduced me to
By Paty B -
•Oct 21, 2023
I love history, specially medieval history and art, so this is the perfect course. Now I have learned more and appreciate this jewels of art that are the Gothic Cathedrals
By Matt S
•May 6, 2020
Age of Cathedrals is an excellent course. I enjoyed the videos and most of the readings.
The only negative is that some of the readings are very difficult to get through.
By Andre A A B
•Sep 16, 2021
I am very happy to have taken this course, it was one of the best courses of my entire life, the information was accurate, important and very well detailed and explained