Jul 2, 2020
It was a nice course. Though it covers basics. A follow-up advanced specilization can be made. Overall, it's sufficient for beginner for an engineer trying to learn application of AI for medical field
May 26, 2020
Throughout this course, I was able to understand the different medical and deep learning terminology used. Definitely a good course to understand the basic of image classification and segmentation!
By ahmed g m
•May 21, 2020
great course
By 鲁伟
•May 12, 2020
great course
By wonseok k
•Feb 24, 2021
By Fereshteh H
•Jun 4, 2023
Thank you
•Jul 18, 2020
By YangBochen
•Apr 18, 2021
By Kamlesh C
•Jun 15, 2020
By Justin H
•Aug 26, 2023
By Santiago G
•Apr 24, 2020
By salisu A
•Jun 20, 2021
By Minh N B
•May 14, 2021
By Jeff D
•Nov 8, 2020
By Abraham G T
•Dec 6, 2021
By Ajay K
•Apr 25, 2020
By Shishir T
•Jul 27, 2022
•Aug 28, 2020
By Bikash k K
•Jul 15, 2020
By DR. M E
•May 20, 2020
By Ana C S B
•Jun 6, 2020
By Nirav S
•May 25, 2020
Overall it is still a good course and worth doing but I won't expect to be able to clear a job interview in medical machine learning based on this course. It touches many nice topics such as what to do if data is unbalanced, different metrics about evaluating the models. However the part about MRI segmentation seems very rushed. I would consider this as a very basic course and the student would have to spend significant personal time exploring on his/her own to really understand the concepts presented in the class. It wasn't easy for me to get help on some programming assignments when I got stuck a. Moreover, when I didn't get a perfect score on the programming assignments, I don't know where I made the mistakes, which makes it impossible to correct them.
By Sameer V
•Dec 31, 2020
The course has been designed well, learnt new terminology which I was not aware of previously when working on 2D datasets. Good introduction to 3D images. The course could be a bit more detailed, for example, since data preprocessing is very crucial, it would have been great to have had an assignment on cleaning 3D data using image registration, alignment, etc. Additional references for reading mainly books would have been nice. Finally, brief details on the type of computing power and memory is required especially for 3D images would have been very helpful. If I run the code on my laptop, I am sure it will crash, would be nice to have an idea of the requirements. Anyways, thank you for the course, very nice introduction to AI in medical field.
By Erwin J T C
•May 8, 2020
As a Radiologist from the Philippines who has been desperately trying to find some kind of "grounded center" for all the AI/ML topics I've been studying online, this is a really great way to consolidate what I've learned so far especially for AI applied to Radiology. I've been training models for computer vision (based on free tutorials on-line) but this has definitely given me better insight as to how those models actually work and how they come together from simple numpy arrays, to tensors, layers, and finally into compiled models.... giving me a better appreciation for how activation functions and convolutions actually fit into the development of convolutional neural networks. More power to the team.
By Carlo F
•Nov 23, 2020
The course was interesting but did not make me feel ready to apply a DL model on such data. It'a like being in a sandbox all the time: you play, you see things, then you are required to build your own, little, insignificant castle with your little basket, but no more than that. I think that real problems in AI application in this field are not about calculating sensitivity, specificicity or standardazing data, things for whom there are already functions built in libraries. I feel I know more this job, but i wouldn't be ready if i didn't know it yet before.
By Kate S
•Nov 15, 2020
I really enjoyed and learned a lot from the material in this course. The lectures were clear and concise. Short lectures made it easy to retain the material. Also helpful were non-graded exercises embedded with the lectures. The graded labs were correct and had helpful hints.
The only improvement that I would want is to have the discussion forums back on Coursera and not on Slack. I found it difficult to search for similar questions on Slack and frequently ran into a limit on the number of messages I could search through.
Overall an excellent course!
By Hossein A
•Sep 14, 2020
Overall, it is a good decision to take the course. Although it focuses on practical aspects of the AI in medicine, it falls short explaining the basic CNN architecture for image segmentation or classification. That said if you wish to fully take advantage of the course, spend some time understanding some of the key functions available in the util.py scripts which can be accessed through the notebooks. There, you could benefit from the course and learn interesting implementation stuff if you feel like the assignments are too practical.