Sep 16, 2018
I enjoyed this course and it helped me to understand the basic parts of American Law. My only suggestion is to provide even more cases as examples to demonstrate the doctrines and statutes. Thank you.
Jul 25, 2019
This is an excellent class, presentations and content from expert professors are well done, I highly recommend this class whether you're studying law or any other discipline this class is essential.
By Cora K
•Aug 4, 2020
This course is VERY well put-together and informative. Some of the material failed to grasp my attention, but overall it seems like a good course to take for anyone who wants to learn more about American Law.
By Semone I
•May 23, 2021
This course was very comprehensive on American Law. The insights into each practice area definitely gave me preparation for the kind of course material that I will be in for in pursuit of my Master's Degree.
By Amanda R
•Sep 21, 2016
This was a great introduction to American Law. The videos were great quality and the lecture questions really prepare you for the quiz. The professors were great and made the information easy to understand.
By David K
•Jun 30, 2020
Very good overview of American Law. I'm not sure why but I passed all the quizzes but did the worst on the most interesting area Constitutional Law and the the best on the least interesting, Property Law.
By Álvaro A B F
•Jan 4, 2018
This course is well-above what I expected. It is a very useful tool for people who, like me, work in the translation of legal text from English into other languages. There is no doubt I would recommend it.
By Aida D
•Dec 6, 2015
To me this course has been amazing, and it helped me learn things I did not know before about American legal system. The lecturers and professors always had my attention and they were particularly amazing.
By Daniel M B R
•Apr 8, 2019
It was an excellent course that afforded me much more than I expected in terms of so brief an extension course. I would like to thank the professors for their brilliant methodology and clear explanations.
By Junyan W
•Mar 27, 2019
First time to use Coursera, but find it very informative and uesful.
Do learn a lot about American law in general and like the course design very much.
Definitely willing to learn more courses continuously.
By Andres C
•Feb 5, 2016
It provides students with a broad spectre of introductory and basic knowledge in the field of American Law in rather short time. It would be great if they could expand their offer on this kind of courses.
By Victor C
•Oct 22, 2015
This is one of the best courses in Coursera. I'm learning so much about American Law here. Thanks University of Peensylvania for the time and the opportunity to learn more about the American Legal System.
By Taha T
•Sep 20, 2024
As an international law student coming from a country which do not use common law starting my LL.M in fall 2025, this course provided some essential understanding of what to expect to study in the U.S .
By Rachel E B
•Oct 15, 2020
A simple way to understand complicated subjects. All of the videos were very straightforward and helpful, I didn't get lost in the material. As a future law student I found these an awesome intro class.
By Sindhu I
•Jul 9, 2017
It was very interesting! I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy the course, but the professors manages to make it very interesting to learn about all the different kinds of law. Would definitely recommend!
By Deleted A
•Aug 18, 2023
This was a well rounded course, teaching a variety of topics related to American Law. A very good course for a person exploring a career in the legal field or curious about the legal system in America.
•Jan 30, 2019
A really valuable course, through which I discovered the charisma of law. Don't worry if you find some jargon, because there are always interesting examples followed to help you understand the concept.
By Jeter V
•Dec 17, 2017
Great course! Extremely valid to understanding a little about the American Justice System and have a comparative standard for our laws in Brazil. Thank you, Coursera and University of Pennsylvania! :)
By Nguyen M A T
•Jun 6, 2020
I love the professors! Crim Law is my absolute favorite week (I love the Aristotle references, myself being a philosophy major going to law school). Civil procedure is a bit hard to follow for me.
By Steve H
•Sep 1, 2018
Basic introduction to American Law, equivalent to the first week or so of what would be taught in law school for each subject. Not comprehensive by any means, but it covers the basics very well.
By Robert G M
•Jun 12, 2022
Excellent! The professors were very knowledgeable and presented the information clearly. I'd recommend this for anyone interested in law school or working in any capacity within the legal field.
By Stephanie L
•Jun 21, 2020
This was such an amazing course to take, and of course, it being an honor from this prestigious university. It gave me a look into what law school will be. I can't wait to embark on that journey
By Kiersten J
•Jun 12, 2020
The course provided a really good overview of American Law. It was really interesting and gave me a clear understanding and all the professors were really good. Would highly recommend to anyone.
By Anand S
•Sep 5, 2020
A very good introductory course on American Law. As an Indian law student who follows English Common Law it was a good beginning. Hope to continue with courses like this in the days to come.
By Heather M B
•Aug 2, 2020
I enjoyed taking An Introduction to American Law. The videos and supplemental reading (definitions) helped me the most. Overall, I am interested in taking specific law courses in the future.
By Liya L
•Jul 25, 2020
This course was just spectacular! I learnt so much and I am so grateful for the amazing Professors the course offers. It really gives a full overview of what the American Law system truly is.
By Sophie M
•Mar 30, 2019
An Introduction to American Law was a very thorough course! I enjoyed learning about the many different fields of law in America and how they apply to the present. Thanks for the great course!