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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Analysing Complexity by Macquarie University

151 ratings

About the Course

The first course of the specialization ANALYZING COMPLEXITY will teach you what unifying patterns lie at the core of all complex problems. It advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in new ways. ANALYZING COMPLEXITY is constructed in the following way: Week I. "What is Complexity?" - What is at the core of all complex problems Week II. "Complex Physical Systems" - What complex problems all have in common in the inanimate world Week III. "Complex Adaptive Systems" - What complex problems all have in common in nature Week IV. "Complex Cultural Systems" - What complex problems all have in common in human society Week V. "Complexity, Fragility, and Breakdown" - Why complex problems arise Week VI. "Complexity in the Anthropocene" - What complex problems face us today...

Top reviews


Nov 7, 2018

This is a fascinating topic. I've been looking for something to provide a solid base for knowledge and this appears to be it. It gives me a different perspective about life and life challenges.


May 14, 2017

Me gusto el curso. Una visión muy interesante acerca de porque aumenta la complejidad del ambiente que nos rodea aunque ello contradiga el segundo principio de la termodinámica.

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1 - 25 of 47 Reviews for Analysing Complexity

By Bill M


Apr 25, 2017

The early part of the course does not make a compelling argument for why we need to analyse complexity. The lectures are interesting but not helpful for use in business.

By Neil H


Jan 16, 2019

Firstly to say I only did an audit of this course, so I didn't do the tasks. I had already followed the Big History general course. What I found with this course was that many of the Big History themes are repeated, that part is OK. But the the subject specific videos felt like "here's a summary of this topic and why its complex" and what I was expecting was "here's the challenges in this area and this is how complexity theory is being applied and what it might mean". The exception was the economics lecture in week 5 which did link back to complexity theory being applied to economics. Week 6 brought things together to some extent. It is the first course in a specialization but many of the videos didn't meet my expectation.

By Jeffrey T


Sep 17, 2020

Course material seems to be an advertisement for the Big History program. While the material discussed shows complexity, it often times seems more like it's own lesson and not about the complexity topic being discussed. I often had to fight to relate the material back to the actual course topic due to the examples being too specific. If you aren't familiar with biology/atomic structures, then the lesson is easily lost due to the chosen example. First lesson in communicating is to know your audience, examples should be relatable to everyone.

By Vasudevan S


May 5, 2023

Great course. Gave me a good understanding of Complexity and how it rules our universe and our lives. Second Law of Thermodynamics is as strong as Fate. Once we understand it and unpack it, we can look at the whole world with a new lens.

The course gives us new tools and new frameworks to look and understand the world. The frameworks are universal and cut across space & time. So, yes, I liked the course a lot. Thank you very much

By Maria A D


Nov 13, 2017

I loved this course. Very interesting from an holistic point of view. We get to learn and to get a big picture of the World's history since the very first beginnings. Congratulations to the Big History Institute and to Macquarie University! It's well worth it.

By Khurram I A K


Jul 12, 2020

The course is really knowledgeable, interesting and useful, particularly, for those who are interested in the domain of complexity.

By Tun L A


Oct 24, 2017

You should study Complexity from this course if you are interesting in complex system.

By Techin W


Apr 23, 2017

Super interesting course, I have never seen in my lifetime.

Watch me ;))

By James O


Oct 3, 2017



























































By Luca D


Oct 23, 2018

This course is much beyound a simple step-by-step guide to solving problems, nor even is limited to a business-focused approach. Prepare yourself to explore variate subjects you may have never heard of and to consider problem-solving for absolutely unexpected perspectives, from starts to fungi. As part of a four-courses specialization, this first experience provides more questions than answers, opening the way for the next couse (evaluating problems).

By Jasper R


Aug 14, 2020

This course has enabled me to think deeply about how natural and artificial systems behave similarly whether it is a cellular automaton or an ecosystem, we can implement what we have learned from one and apply it to the other one and vice versa because they both at the most fundamental level are composed of underlying adaptive systems which control how they behave and increase and sustain complexity.

By Martin F


Jun 29, 2017

The first module Evaluating problems from the specialization Solving Complex Problems is a great Introduction into the complexity. The course provide views on the complexity from different points of view, such as economy, medicine, biology, etc. The module has met my expectations. Anyone who is interested in complexity (and decision-making) should take this course.

By Terry C


Mar 16, 2018

Even though I have studied complexity, and had journal articles published on the subject, this course is admirably clear and promises to be the first part of a really practical insight into solving a particular problem - or at least, suggesting innovative approaches to it.

By Galina B


Jul 10, 2024

Wonderful to make you learn to take different perspectives and to see how things interact with each other - from the big bang to the anthropocene. Very multidisciplinary - history, social sciences, economy, astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics! Loved it.



Jun 6, 2020

This course is simply amazing and fits all the students´s needs as it offers a transdicisplinary and practical knowledge on Complexity! Thank you very much for providing us with a such an outstanding course!

By Jeff W


Nov 8, 2018

This is a fascinating topic. I've been looking for something to provide a solid base for knowledge and this appears to be it. It gives me a different perspective about life and life challenges.

By Maximiliano D


May 15, 2017

Me gusto el curso. Una visión muy interesante acerca de porque aumenta la complejidad del ambiente que nos rodea aunque ello contradiga el segundo principio de la termodinámica.

By Abhinav L


Dec 1, 2024

Comprehensive introduction to complex systems, from physical systems like stars, to complex adaptive systems like human systems.

By Daniel C


Jul 15, 2020

Amazing course, a compleately new perspective for starting ro define and see problems,

By Venkatachala S N


Apr 13, 2021

I have understood the world in a different perspective after doing this course 1.

By Purushottam G


Dec 3, 2021

It was different, very interesting and informative, lot of learnings.

By Mohannad A


Jul 9, 2020

Very interesting course. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

By Murilo L


Jul 11, 2017

Great content! I would do it again in a heartbeat.

By Qais w


Mar 29, 2021

This is the pinpoint of career change!

By Deleted A


May 15, 2017

enjoyed the complexity :)