Jan 21, 2021
Though this course I have learned a lot about Business Metrics, and key function of Business analysis role etc.It is very good introduction for the specialization of Analytic Techniques for Business.
Apr 19, 2020
It's a great course because even it's based on theory not practical(Which cover in next courses in specialization) but still, at final assignment submission, you feel great that you tackle a problem.
By James B
•Mar 18, 2016
I do not think that students should need to pay for a course in order to watch interviews with previous graduates. Half of this course should have been condensed or excluded. There is not much to learn in these modules. It was decent, but it was not a five star course. I think the ratings on this are misleading.
By Santiago H
•Jun 30, 2019
Pretty basic stuff. Even though I was familiar with everything given my background, I struggle to understand how this will add any value to people who are interested in Data Analytics.
By Abuzer B R
•Apr 20, 2020
It's a great course because even it's based on theory not practical(Which cover in next courses in specialization) but still, at final assignment submission, you feel great that you tackle a problem.
By dhruv g
•Aug 20, 2017
This was a great introductory course. I took this up to get a better perspective of business analysis and i can say with surety that it served a lot of purpose. Thanks Coursera and Duke Professor.
By Khaled O S
•Dec 30, 2021
I recommend this course to any one who is interested in Data science and it's applications in Business The course is well-Organized, Easy to understand and the professor has Excellent Teaching Skills
By JingZ
•Feb 27, 2017
It's the first course from the specification, which makes us better understand the necessary business metrics for data-driven companies, and it is a good entry for following modules. Help me a lot.
By Deleted A
•Oct 3, 2016
a very interesting course on business metrics, talks about business metrics itself, jobs and companies in this field, also some examples of the application of business metrics like Amazon, Costco.
By Cainon L
•Feb 18, 2016
As a recent college graduate in management information systems, I wasn't taught most of these important business metrics in the context of business, and even then, I was only taught traditional metrics, not the dynamic metrics this course covers. I would highly recommend this course to those who are looking to understand the different measures to check the "pulse" of a business.
By Oleksii K
•Feb 17, 2020
Great course, which consists of lots of business-related metrics (goal of which is to increase efficiency of the enterprise) and interviews with specialists from different data-related jobs. However, in this course I'd like to have more information on how to chose the right metric for specific situation and create your own based on the data available.
By Tanmay A
•May 12, 2020
Week 3, finance portion was very fast paced. 80% of what was taught was not even clear.
By varsa l
•Jan 13, 2017
This course is not about Excel or MYSQL. This is only about Probability distribution, binary classification etc. So, if you're interested in learning some Math, this is a great course for you. But certainly not for learning some basic Excel and MYSQL. I am very disappointed and have lost all my money for nothing. I did not learn what I had initially thought I will. I feel cheated, I have lost both time and money at the same time.
By Joy M
•May 1, 2018
The technology used is poor, the content disjointed, mistakes not corrected before publishing (notes afterwards), very scripted and overall not engaging.
I'm now taking a different course which is far better in all aspects (most notably the enthusiastic lecturer!), highlighting that the poor quality of this course is down to the institution. Disappointing!
By Sohail B
•Oct 5, 2017
Brief Profile: Sohail Butt
I am a man of 58 years old and having an experience of almost 30 years of Business Management of Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Industries of Pakistan. Presently I am having my own Consulting Company " AIMMS CONSULTING" and extending my services as Management Consultant to different companies of said sectors.
I am of the conviction that learning is never ending and have a habit of learning new ideas about my favorite subject about Business Metrics.
I really appreciate highly the efforts of my respected dynamic & competent Instructors Daniel Egger & Jana Schaich Borg for Business Metrics for Data-Driven Companies and enjoyed the course material and videos presentation of this course. Mind blowing conceptual approach was adopted especially in the areas of basic conceptual knowledge of Business Metrics in depth. Overall it was my superb experience of learning.
MY PERSONAL HUMBLE REQUEST, Please make also the important components of course material as a part of this Certificate with % AGGREGATE so that it has a much more worth & impact for the courses participated.
A separate Transcript must be issued with having Aggregate % Score and important Components of participated course.
Hard Copy of this certificate mail to my home address in Pakistan. Please use my credit card,I am ready to pay all expenses in this connection.
Thanks & best wishes to all Coursera Team.
By Zhao M
•Oct 3, 2018
This course is very helpful for people who want to know more about the jobs related to data analysis. It gives me a general idea about what the main responsibilities of a data analyst and a data scientist is. It also offers me the very fundamental and key element on how to start the data analysis to improve business process in a company. Thank you for designing this course!
By Alex P
•Dec 3, 2018
The use of actual business makes it much easier for professionals who are in the business world to pick up the concepts. A lot of courses are much heavier in theory and are a little more difficult to pick up if you have been out of school of some time.
By Hui I T
•Jun 8, 2020
As an introductory course to business metrics and data analytics, I feel that this course sets a good foundation. The delivery of content was thorough and with high clarity.
I disagree with some reviews that this course is too basic or useless.
Learning the technical skills is important, but if our basic understanding/foundation of the business problem statement is flawed, the analysis would be for naught.
It's an important foundation to have before delving into the technical skills. Despite having learnt this material in university before, I was thankful for the review and various clarifications this course provided to my previous understanding.
By Xuyang C
•Feb 23, 2017
I had a wonderful experience of learning what I am interested in on this interactive, user-friendly online platform Coursera and received my first certificate. Great course hold by Duke University, which allowed me to systematically understand the business analytics, data analysis and some innovative ways of marketing. The course goes deep into details in this field, while truly require no additional knowledge before enrolling based, I could proudly tell you based on my first-hand experience. I spent several hours every week during this month to study the course, and really this was a good memory. ^_^
By Oz F
•Dec 13, 2015
The course has all the components that I look for in an online / classroom class:
-Instructors that know and understand the topic being discussed.
-Instructors are very clear, easy to follow, and well prepared on the material
-Clear goals and expectations on what you will be able to do by completing the course
-Class material extremely well prepared and easy to follow
-Plenty of references and uses of real life scenarios that I can see myself applying in my work (vs. hypothetical a+b basic scenarios)
-Classwork and examples are easy to follow making it straight forward to complete homework / labs
By Сакова А А
•May 1, 2020
Великолепный курс! Информация настолько четко структурирована и подана, что разобраться сможет каждый. Есть полный объем сопроводительного материала - создатели курса позаботились, чтобы все необходимое было под рукой. Практические кейсы - это вообще отдельная тема. Все примеры невероятно интересные (чего стоит история с пепперони). Отдельное спасибо за введение в специальность - невероятно важно разобраться в самом начале, кто есть кто в сфере бизнес анализа, и кто что должен знать и уметь. Эта информация действительно позволяет идти в правильном направлении.
By Sarah M
•Oct 26, 2015
I have zero business background and I found this course to be challenging enough that I learned something new, but it didn't take me that long to master the basics so I could starting talking about what I learned with my business-trained friends almost immediately.
I did have to think carefully about the final assignment which was great for my learning. I also enjoyed marking other people's assignments and gaining new insights of the case from my fellow MOOC students.
By Omar A
•Feb 7, 2017
Very thoroughly taught, with many business processes introduced and explained. I have a much better idea of how businesses can use data analytics to improve their sales, profitability, and operations. The quizzes are doable, but not a breeze, and requires review of the course material for a complete understanding and a good grade. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn how data analytics actually function in real world scenarios.
By Nishant A
•Mar 3, 2019
This course taught me a basic but very important thing about any business which we usually don't think about. It will help you to figure out what skill sets are required to get data related jobs in the market and then you can prepare yourself accordingly. I would strongly suggest this course to the freshers who are just beginning their corporate journey.
By Junior L
•Mar 25, 2018
This course has provided me a bird's-eye view of the business world. It enables me to take part to any debate about any kind of enterprises. Besides, it allows me to make better use of the data that I am asked to treat by giving me a better understanding about the impact and implication of each metric inside the company.
By Alexis C
•Nov 2, 2018
really good bases for business metric if you already have a background you are going to enjoy and refresh you memory and if you don't have previous experiences is really easy to understand the concept
By Alfaima S
•Jun 12, 2020
It is a business centred course that will help you understand the most important metrics. It includes comprehensive glossaries and lectures that will help you in the process and a lot of case studies.