Dec 23, 2022
Very good and useful practice of SQL. The JOIN party is pretty hardcore so I definitely couldn't master it but got enough of an understanding where I could learn quickly with some on the job training.
Jan 6, 2022
An excellent course for learning analysis techniques using Spreadsheets and SQL. Recommended for all engineering and data science students as well as for those managing businesses and human resource.
By Akshay U H
•May 9, 2021
The evaluations are still quite lenient as in other courses in the specialization but the subject material stepped up to some level of complexity in working with data. I faced a lot of issues with accessing the Google subject material since I received Access Denied messages when I tried to access them. Further, some public datasets referenced in the course material is already unavailable in Google Public Datasets. I expected some statistical methods and tools to be taught as well, but there is none of that here. It is just learning to organize data in SQL and Excel and then making some basic calculations to answer basic questions.
By Hung N
•Sep 13, 2024
This course is rather disappointing. There are errors all over. The spreadsheet sections are generally pretty good. However, the SQL part requires much more work to be a good learning experience. It seemed like whoever made this course rushed the SQL section. This is highly disappointing because this is, after all, the ANALYZE course of the certificate series, which is, well, pretty important. I would recommend taking this course more as an 'overarching view' of what analysis of data involves, especially through the Google Sheets sections, than really trying to learn the SQL part of it.
By Lumi C
•Jul 19, 2023
Much of the instructional content failed to explain reasons and theories for why we were doing certain queries or functions. There were many times where it felt like I was merely copying a query or set of instructions with no real explanation as to why I was doing so. This was especially prevalent in the videos on using SQL. Mostly silent videos of typing a query with brand new clauses with no further explanation really damages motivation and made me lose my momentum in this course. Definitely could've been executed better in my opinion.
By Christine E
•Jun 7, 2023
Not enough time spent on practicing each commonly used SQL clause, SQL syntax, spreadsheet functions, function syntax. These important items are the bulk of tasks in data validation, this course goes through them far too quickly. Slow it down and offer better cheat sheets with commonly used clauses, rather than referring students to W3 Schools site. That takes way too much time, students more likely to quit the course or delay completion due to the time this takes to search and view W3 Schools tutorials.
By Elena Palm
•May 11, 2023
I was really looking forward to this course, however am slightly disappointed as there was a lot of repetitions that were explained thoroughly and then some truly new and complex material that was practically rushed over. At least I would have preferred it to be the other way around, the new topics, especially regarding inner queries and more complex sql queries - we all manage to copy these, but at least I did not understand the creation logic behind and that was not very properly explained.
•Dec 26, 2022
This course was very hard to follow. My least-favorite section from the whole certificate. The instructor was moving too fast, not explaining every step of the process she is following. All of us are new learners and following these steps for the first time. It would have been better if she has explained the steps she's writing. I had to check the discussion forums to be able to follow and understand some SQL queries.
By Michelle M S
•Jul 19, 2024
The quality of this course decreased significantly in comparison with the previous ones which made my entire learning experience not enjoyable. The instructor was not the best choice to teach SQL and the most complex concepts seen until now. The videos, exercises and step-by-step intructions are not well-explained and there are some issues with audio and subtitles.
By Hai M D
•Oct 19, 2022
Instructor was not too exicitng and the videos were loud at times and quiet at times. Insutructional videos on how to write SQL went by really fast and skipped important details that should be pointed out to beginniers. Very important tools and skills learned in this course though, I would give that a 5/5. but presentation was lacking, especially with the videos.
By Jeronimo R M
•Mar 10, 2023
Good quality overall, but the first three weeks are: organizing data, formatting data, aggregating data. Given that the specialization's previous two courses were Prepare data for exploration and Process data from dirty to clean, you have to wonder after five months, where is the actual data analysis in this data analytics course?
By Denise H
•Oct 9, 2021
There was too much information to understand, resources to review, and lab assignments to complete in four weeks. Although you learn information, the information has to stick and it is very easy to confuse the concepts because so much information overlaps. This course should have been stretched out in eight weeks.
By Nicole P
•Feb 24, 2024
The 3 first modules seems to be just a review to the previous course, there is nothing new. Some of the SQL queries will just be shown without telling what was the question and purpose so it felt a bit confusing. The last module was useful and I had some explanation before the queries were done
By Stephanie R
•Jul 11, 2023
This course really needs reviewing. A lot of things have bandaids in the form of popups or unclear edits. It's just not current enough. Also, downloading so many set of data is really frustrating. Why can't we have one set of data that we get to work on through the course and see come to life?
By Filbert T
•Apr 18, 2023
So far, it's the course that I have been struggling to keep focus. Some parts are too long, like some videos. There are times where it feels too fast and too complicated and it is not expounded on more. Maybe that's just me but this one feels far different than the other four courses so far.
•Mar 15, 2023
Thanfully this course's teacher wasn't on the first module, or else I wouldn't have concluded this certificate. You can see from her face that she clearly doesn't want to be there. Why should anyone try to learn an online course if the person teaching you shows lack of willingness to teach?
By Vrushali A
•May 10, 2023
There are some areas in the module where data used by the trainer is corrupted and the query run by the trainer is not working or giving errors when we as a learner try to run. So, request you to check what exactly issue is as I wasted so much of time in doing trail and error
By Mahid K
•Oct 22, 2022
previous courses covered alot with hard concepts but this one fails to reach comprehension, starting is easy but till week 3 the instructor only writes code and mentions function and not explainig it completely, i finished the course but it feels like i know nothing
By Orion H
•Jan 10, 2023
A lot of examples that the instructor went over had completely different syntax than what was needed to actually make it work on our end. Also, the transition from more basic problems to all of sudden doing a very difficult query was to drastic.
By Crystal R
•Mar 14, 2023
This is a very hard module, and long! I am surprised I got good grades. I do not enjoy having to take too much time every day to be able to complete the assignments on time (according to my PSYC course). This was way more than three hours.
By Satwik R
•Feb 8, 2023
I think more can be added about how the analysis of data should be performed like different scenarios where data analysis is done.
Also,Most of the course contains about SQL and Spreadsheet function and not how the analysis should be done.
By Richie H
•Apr 30, 2021
I learned a lot but at the same time there were a lot of issues with BigQuery not returning the intended results as shown in the examples. So, it was hard to follow and learn. Hopefully the extra reading materials are going to help out.
By Jacqueline B
•Nov 9, 2021
I found it difficult to follow this particular teacher. It seemed she often said one thing while the screen showed something different. Week four should have been divided. It was a bear to get through!!
By Christina W
•Jun 14, 2023
many issues with how up to date the assignments were. Several labs were so different from the actual application that it was impossible to complete following the instructions.
By Jiahui L
•Oct 17, 2021
Not as clear as the previous teacher. Sometimes the explanations requires further explanations as they're out of context and don't always make sense to novice learners.
By Jeremiah H
•Dec 18, 2023
a few of the sql inputs were incorrect because of changes to big query an update is required as it created extra confusion while working through the program.
By Helen G
•Dec 31, 2023
Not enough practical exercises. The lecturer spends a lot of time on theory and concepts and when it comes to applying the concepts, she goes too fast.