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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Animal Behaviour and Welfare by The University of Edinburgh

5,243 ratings

About the Course

Animal welfare has been described as a complex, multi-faceted public policy issue which includes important scientific, ethical, and other dimensions. Improving our understanding of animal welfare, involves the fascinating study of animal behavior as well as the challenge of accessing the emotions of animals. This is the On-Demand version of this course, which means you can start the course at any time and work through the course materials at your own pace. The materials and quizzes will always be available to you. You can come and talk about the course on Twitter using the hashtag #EdAniWelf...

Top reviews


Jun 21, 2020

This course was very informative and interesting! I enjoyed the lectures as well as the instructors and also loved that it focused on many different kinds animal welfare issues. Definitely recommend!


Apr 27, 2020

Its a nicely designed course. It sheds light on many animal care practices and welfare. Very well instructions and quiz sessions are arranged. Many important learnings and takeaways from the course.

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276 - 300 of 1,317 Reviews for Animal Behaviour and Welfare

By Maria F G J


Oct 24, 2022

Fue un curso muy completo, es interesante ver como el bienestar animal es importante en todos los ámbito desde las explotaciones hasta nuestras casas con nuestras mascotas, así mismo como el zoológicos.

By Elizabeth d l S J


May 31, 2020

TOTALLY RECOMMEND IT! I am a veterinary student and decided to take this course because I had some spare time, to my surprise, I learned SO much and I will use the knowledge learned in my school studies!

By Silvian H


Apr 2, 2017

An excellent opportunity to broaden my knowledge on the topic. Has been extremely helpful in my activities as an animal rights activist in Costa Rica. Well structured, clear lessons, witty and appealing.

By Molly B


Feb 18, 2016

I loved this course because it was simple and enjoyable. I could easily finish is alongside my schooling and extra things. I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in a career with animals :)

By Carin V


Apr 22, 2020

I really enjoyed the comprehensive approach to all aspects of animal welfare, including companion, food and zoo animals. It was also interesting to see the primarily EU perspective, as an American Vet.

By Lydia L


Apr 6, 2020

I'm a recent graduate in Veterinary Medicine interested in Production Animal Welfare and I found this course motivating and clear. It has allowed me both to deepen some aspects and to review the basics.

By Maria C


Jan 7, 2021

It is a very nice course, which provides you with all the important information about animal life, problems, right or wrong situations and solutions for improving or achiving the best animal wellfare.

By Amy L


May 31, 2020

Very educational, was a pleasure to do and had a good learning procedure in place. very motivational to complete the course too. Thank you for the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills in life.

By Candida V


Oct 25, 2019

I'm so grateful for being able to complete this course! Thank you all for your work and developing it, may it help many more people, and may we use this knowledge to improve the lives of other animals.

By Hana B


Apr 13, 2017

Perfect! I enjoyed learning new information about animal welfare though the parts of slaughter and use of animals in testing is not very pleasant, but it's reality. Thank you very much for this course!

By Víctor M d R G


May 21, 2020

It is for me a very important way to understand better all the animal welfare concept, and what animal welfare scientist are doing at present and what this science need to develop for a better future.

By Bruno F


May 30, 2021

Excellent and very enlightening course. It really shows scientific data and as I saw in the videos for animal welfare, in addition to knowing it, we need to put it into practice. Thank you very much.

By Marie-Christine B


Aug 31, 2017

Pour élargir sa réflexion et développer ses idées, un cours riche d'exemples et de pistes d'amélioration du bien-être animal. A recommander en complément des lectures professionnelles indispensables.

By Carla R


Feb 18, 2016

I loved this course. I wish there were more courses about behavior, welfare and animals in general.

If I ever visit Scotland I'll visit you guys! Thank you for this opportunity.


Carla Romano.

By Daniela A


Aug 3, 2020

Wow this was a very good course, I learned so much about animal welfare and it was fun at the same time. I truly recommend this, if you’re interested in learn about animals(:

Thank you so much!!!

By Fabián J E F


Aug 16, 2020

This was a very good course, it covered the welfare needs of the animals we have at home, the animals we eat and the animals at zoos. Now I know a lot more about the needs and rights of animals.

By michael g


Mar 6, 2020

I volunteer with animals at a local shelter. This class is full of information that will improve an understanding of the needs of animals, or at least help develop some empathy. Wonderful class!

By Lauren A


Nov 27, 2015

Fantastic course, well presented. Easy to take at your own pace, videos allow you to pause and rewind learning at any point.

Excellent content, with knowledgeable presenters. Highly recommend

By Ann-kristin N


Apr 18, 2018

I work as a dog trainer and behaviorist and will recommend this course to all animal lovers, owners, trainers and caretakers. This was even better than i first thought it would be. LOVE IT :)

By Sandra B


Sep 30, 2017

Lo he disfrutado mucho. He aprendido muchas cosas nuevas sobre el bienestar animal en relación con los humanos y como deben ser tratados según sus necesidades y no como los antropomorfizamos.

By Mackenzie


Aug 22, 2022

What an incredibly interesting and educational course! A bit hard to watch at times but I am very grateful for the knowledge this course has given me and how wonderfully it was put together.

By Giorgia T


May 9, 2022

Very informative and yet simple enough to follow even with a busy sschedule. It provides a full picture of animal welfare with various focused areas and examples.

I have enjoyed it very much

By Nichole M


Jun 28, 2023

Interesting and engaging lectures and additional material with reasonable tests of your knowledge. This course really helps build on any basic understanding of animal welfare you may have.

By Novericko G B


Apr 17, 2022

I am delightedly happy with the course. The course enlightened me with detailed information regarding animal behaviour and the welfare of companion animals, farm animals, and wild animals.

By Jessenia A P J


Jul 1, 2020

Me ha encantado la forma en la que fueron desenvolviendo cada uno de los temas en las semana, he aprendido demasiado , y esto ayuda en mi crecimiento como profesional y como persona en si