Jun 29, 2022
I have been struggling with how to talk about rascism, and did not realise how much I play a role in it. This course has helped me with the tools I needed and I am taking the next class to learn more.
May 23, 2023
This course really opened my eyes to my past history of white privilege. I now aspire to be an anti-racist and have purchased several of the recommended books on my journey to becoming anti-racist!
By catherine m
•Sep 17, 2020
I have complete my course but till now I didn't get my certificate.
By Sue H
•Apr 22, 2021
This course was a good introduction to some of the issues around race and some of the ways we can combat racism. I think this course is especially useful for white people (like me) who want to be better allies. That requires us to confront our own issues and dig deep. The first section of this course focuses on the issue of whiteness, white priviledge and white fragility. This may be difficult for some people, as it was for me, but I encourage you to stick with it and really process your thoughts and feelings. I am ongoingly and continually surprised at the way the conditioning I received all my life resurfaces. The course consists mostly of readings and videos, with two discussion prompts and no quizzes. There is a lot to think about and process in this short course though. The instructors are knowledgeable and approachable. I would be interested in taking additional courses in this series.
By Ali T
•Aug 10, 2022
This course was great. I learned a lot from the content and enjoyed there was a nice mix of reading material, videos, and podcasts throughout the course. I'm Canadian and this is quite heavily focused on American history and terminology but it's still very applicable here in Canada and informative.
My one dislike is that the final course assignment/evalution is peer marked so you can't complete the course until someone marks your material. Because this course is now a few years old I'm concerned that it will take awhile before someone sees my final assignment and marks it so that I can receive the course certificate of completion. I would have loved to add the certificate of completion to my LinkedIn and be reimbursed at work but I can't do either until I've completed the course. I really wish that this was an auto-marked assignment like the glossary terms at the beginning of the course as I can see this being a problematic feature.
By Júlia K d C
•May 26, 2021
The course is very good, however the platform must be with a problem because even when I finished it says that its still "in-progress". A lot of people are having this problem too, but Coursera didnt give us any responses.
By Deleted A
•Apr 3, 2021
i completed the course several days ago but it still shows: 0 min remains and not being completed. but the contents of the course was good enough to encourage me to participate.
By Ronald S
•Sep 3, 2021
Not sure why this is even called a course. The instructors don't deliver any lectures or make any substantive presentations. There are no academiclly rigorous frameworks, no empirical citations, or scholarly references. The learning objectives are simplistic and vague. If you want an uncritical overview of Critical Race Theory, it's just OK. I don't recommend paying for the certificate. The University of Colorado - Boulder needs to set higher standards for online courses. Very disappointing effort.
By Sean W
•Feb 4, 2022
I tried. I really did. But this course is just remarkably poor. It is basically a curation of videos and texts that have made the rounds on the internet. What little dialog there is in between is incredibly presumtuous and unsubstantial. If you are looking to be another bobbing head in woke culture, you might appreciate this course. If you are looking to study the topic of race relations with any academic rigor whatsoever, you're wasting your time.
By Jennifer H
•Nov 19, 2021
I learned so much from this course. I highly reccomend it to anyone, it brings so much awareness and gave me the ability to understand how to be an Ally to Anti-Racism. Also, it helps avoid misunderstandings and sensitivies to unbias-racism. Understanding so much about my own defensive styles, and how important it is for myself and others who are oppressed, ways I can be part of the solution. There is so much information that is set up in a way that it is helpful and opened my mind to so many things I didn't know, provides a lot of awareness.
By Semone I
•Jun 9, 2021
The Anti-Racism course was very enlightening and helped me to very much develop a better dialogue with friends and family. The insights, such as the various podcasts, different presenters and even various scholars such as Mr.Kendi in the course material. I am certainly interested in how Anti-Racism II will build on what I've learned
By Dan S
•Feb 6, 2022
This course taught me that outrage at current events is only a small part of being an ally. Understanding the history of racism and ones role in it is crucial if you want lasting results. I look forward to taking what I have gained from this course and stepping up to make a real change in the world.
I highly recommend this course.
By Lisa M
•Jun 29, 2022
I have been struggling with how to talk about rascism, and did not realise how much I play a role in it. This course has helped me with the tools I needed and I am taking the next class to learn more.
By Tiffany M
•Jan 24, 2021
This course has been an excellent start to my education around what it means to be anti-racist. My education has just begun and I look forward to Anti-Racism II. Thank you for this opportunity!
By Adam G
•Dec 5, 2022
I found the material in this course to be well curated, engaging, highly influential, and pertinent in informing the future of my work and personal life.
By Kathaleen B
•Sep 24, 2020
I found this course to be an excellent starting point for discussion and understanding anti racism. Look forward to part 2.
By Luis C
•Oct 8, 2020
Very interesting, great materials, videos, readings. I would totally recommend it
By K
•May 20, 2021
While this course is a great starting point, the first couple resources were by white authors. It also included "White Fragility" which the author has taken credit from black authors and is problematic.
By Natalia G
•Jul 9, 2021
How to I quit it? I am utterly disappointed from the very beginning in the format in the content and all ideas
By Heather W
•Jul 21, 2021
Anti-Racism I is such a great introduction to those beginning their journey of being an anti-racist. I had learned a lot regarding anti-racism from my parents but even then, there are layers upon layers of information and history that I wouldn't be able to know if it hadn't been for this course. The readings and videos provided in the modules are brilliant and are fit for anyone. Jennifer Ho and Shawn O'Neal have provided an open-minded environment to learn in; they really encourage us to sit with our discomfort which while it has not been easy, it has been extremely benefiting. Definitely looking forward to Anti-Racism II. This course has allowed me to delve into a lot of self-reflection and it really helped me open my eyes to the non-overt racism that is all around me that I would never have noticed if I didn't take this course. Highly recommend this course!!
By José V R
•Jun 11, 2023
Este curso me ha ayudado mucho ya que abrió mi mente y me hizo ver la realidad que se esta viviendo en nuestra sociedad sobre el racismo. Asimismo, los casos por discriminación de raza y por el color de piel que ponen en riesgo a muchas personas. Los maltratos psicológicos y físicos que reciben las personas de piel oscura que en casos extremos los asesinan. Por ello, las personas salen a protestar y a marchar en las calles para valorar su raza y que demuestren que forman parte de la comunidad y que cuentan con las mismas oportunidades. Además, en este curso abordan lecturas y casos en donde se aplican temas sobre el racismo, antirracismo, equidad, entre otros.
By Mariel Z
•Mar 12, 2024
Uma viagem fantástica, com destaque para a curadoria de material de leitura e audiovisual que é muito esclarecedor - e também triste e ultrajante. Embora existam nuances importantes e diferentes intersecções de opressões quando se trata de racismo no meu país em comparação com os Estados Unidos, partilhamos muitas estatísticas tristes e enfrentamos a mesma realidade angustiante: o genocídio da juventude negra às mãos da polícia e do Estado. É um curso enriquecedor e cheio de ferramentas para quem quiser empenhar-se num esforço antirracista. Está legendado em várias línguas e tem as partes 2 e 3. Anime-se! :)
By Pamela B
•Mar 1, 2022
Excellent course. I have a much greater understanding of what it means to be Racist or Anti-Racist, what systemic racism means and its impact and how I have countless unearned benefits and privileges just because I am a white person. This course has given me the tools and the inspiration to work towards fixing the policies that perpetuate racism.
By Kim C
•Mar 15, 2021
Excellent course. A well thought out and curated mix of discussion, podcasts, readings, videos.
The only way we can ever address and begin to right the wrongs of racial injustice is for white people - like me - to realize and acknowledge their white privilege. It's not going to be an easy road.
Hope there will be an Anti Racism II
By Susan W
•Mar 15, 2021
This was a well-done course, excellent selection of readings and videos (lots of variety and I found all of them enlightening). Jennifer Ho and Shawn O'Neal provide a great combination of perspectives, experiences with race/racism and with teaching. So glad I took this course!
By Cynthia B
•Jun 8, 2021
I thought the selections of both the readings and videos were very informative. I especially liked being able to listen , view or read lessons/articles fitting my mindset at the time. I think the course was well thought out and I am looking forward to taking Anti-Racism ll.
By Kim W
•Feb 7, 2021
This was a great introduction to the idea of anti-racism. The readings were varied and the town hall was especially interesting. It has been helpful for me to learn a bit more about myself and has helped me learn a few different points about having conversations about race