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Learner Reviews & Feedback for At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC by Sapienza University of Rome

423 ratings

About the Course

Which are the deepest roots of that mix of cultures that we use to call ‘Mediterranean Civilization’? Which are comminglings and exchanges which produced its most complete fruit, i.e. the city, a place for landscape-modelling communities? And which elements did contribute to build up that baulk of customs, ideas, and innovations which compelled to confrontation and hybridizations different peoples for millennia? What did it made, from pottery to metallurgy, from gastronomy to architecture, from art to religion, of a sea a cradle of civilization? Archaeology may help in disentangling such questions, seeking unexpected answers , by tinkering what ancient Mediterranean peoples left buried in the ground. A privileged point of view of our course is the ancient Phoenician city of Motya, located exactly at the centre of the “sea in the middle”. Throughout the live experience of excavation, with images taken on the field, this course will let you touch the many tesserae of the great mosaic of the Mediterranean Civilization. The field diary of the archaeologist, and the handpick will be the two tools, which will lead us across the sea to discover what such early cities actually were, and how their contribute is still a major part of our shared memory....

Top reviews


Mar 13, 2021

This was a great course, it was great to be out 'on location' with the archaeologists and Lorenzo Nigro. There was also a great selection of reading material which offered more in-depth information.


Jul 28, 2017

A very informative and interesting study of the origins of Mediterranean civilization. The course is packed with examples and explanations and delivered by the superb Prof. Nigro

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51 - 75 of 175 Reviews for At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC

By Cecilia C

Aug 1, 2017

Thank you, Professor Nigro and team, for this wonderful and enlightening Course! I have enjoyed myself immensely and I am sorry the Course is finished. I will keep myself informed about Motya, I love it! Grazie mille! Cecilia

By Cecilia H

Jul 24, 2020

This was such an enlightening and interesting course that helped introduce me to some of the founders of Mediterranean civilisation. Thank you so much for all the hard work put in to creating this course, amazing work!


Jul 5, 2018

Excellent cours, présenté avec beaucoup de pédagogie. Riche et varié. Très bonnes illustrations et documentation bien structurée. Bravo au professeur Nigro et son équipe. J'espère pouvoir assister à un autre cours !

By Shagaret

Nov 22, 2020

I have liked the course very much. It has been a trip to the past with Professor Nigro who has made it not only interesting but also enjoyable. Congrats, Professor! I would like to meet you again in another course.

By Joy B

Aug 25, 2021

I enjoyed the presentations and the in-depth information provided or referred to throughout the course. I look forward to more courses like this one. It holds the interest and encourages curiosity to learn more.


Sep 8, 2020

This was really good and gave a nice view and gist of how archeology is super interesting and how we as humans traversed places and evolved our cultures and practices due to the various things we faced.

By Claudia H

Mar 14, 2021

This was a great course, it was great to be out 'on location' with the archaeologists and Lorenzo Nigro. There was also a great selection of reading material which offered more in-depth information.

By Adrián D G L

Feb 23, 2020

A very interesting course, indeed. I feel that I want to know much more about the hitite and mittani empires, and also from Carthage. Thank you for accesibilizing knowledge for our world!!

By Deleted A

Aug 13, 2018

This was my first time studying anything related to the Phoenician civilization. I enjoyed how much of the lecture was on the field in Motya. The professor's English was surprisingly good.

By Μαρία Β

Feb 1, 2023

One of the most insightful classes I have ever taken. I especially liked the presentation of findings,and of the archaeological sites. Professor Nigro explained everything very well.

By Beatriz m d

Sep 8, 2024

It has been a great course.Very easy,although archeology is not my thing.Thanks to teacher and to see if someone is encouraged to make a mooc about my country,España.Goodbay,Adiós.

By alejandro

Jul 29, 2017

A very informative and interesting study of the origins of Mediterranean civilization. The course is packed with examples and explanations and delivered by the superb Prof. Nigro

By Daniela P A

Nov 2, 2018

este curso es muy bueno te ayuda a aprender mas acerca de nuestro hermoso pasado su cultura, arquitectura , su sociedad entre otras cosas

muchas gracias

saludos desde VENEZUELA

By Eduardo T

Nov 25, 2019

Wonderful course, very recommended for everyone interested in the subject. It was a real honor to study such a course with Professor Nigro.

Many thanks for this oportunity

By BoumTAC

Apr 23, 2021

good but evaluation is not great, sometime we only have one choice but multiple answer are possible.

That's the only issue, otherwise the course is really interesting

By Zhenkun H

Sep 27, 2020

A really interesting class with an exciting form of teaching. I have got a better understanding of this period and I really appreciate the professor and this course.

By Gilberto A V G

Jul 10, 2022

Excellent course! Never thought I could learn so much of the phoenicians, the levant and te mediterranean. Lorenzo Nigro is a great teacher with so much knowledge.

By Dr. S S I

Apr 22, 2020

Awesome and Fantastic...Enriching and Enlightening Experience....Feeling Blessed to learn so many new things. Looking forward for more Interaction and Activities

By Abigayle D

Jun 27, 2020

Professor Nigro is engaging and conveys information exceptionally well. His passion for archaeology is very evident, and I would highly recommend this class.


May 27, 2017

Very enjoyable class which provides evidence of the origins of Mediterranean Civilization with insights as to how these origins are known. Thanks so much!

By Piece o E

Oct 31, 2020

Amazing course. I’ve learnt so much more about things that I’m truly interested in. What supposed to take 8 weeks, took me one - addictive in a good way.

By Angelina W

Jul 3, 2020

I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot about little-known ancient civilization. I highly recommend this course to any Western ancient historian.

By Maritza B

Oct 31, 2020

Thank you Professor Nigrio for your work in putting together this wonderful course. Thanks also to Sapienza University staff who helped in this effort.

By Eduardo P

Dec 1, 2019

Excellent introduction to Phoenician expansion in the Mediterranean - in particular the process of interplay of Greek/Levantine cultures.


By Carlos H

Jul 18, 2020

Muchas gracias Profesor, no tenía conocimiento de algunos aspectos de los fenicios, me sirvió mucho este curso para profundizar en ello.