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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Art of Negotiation by University of California, Irvine

3,012 ratings

About the Course

The art of negotiation comes into play daily in the life of employees at all levels and in every position. Participants explore how current approaches to negotiation strategy and tactics are used, what negotiation entails, types of negotiation relationships that exist from hard bargain to win-win, to fully partnered relationships and personal ones. The course explores the personal and behavioral characteristics of an effective negotiator. Participants discuss how empowerment, power, and authority affect the negotiation process and outcome. Topics include how important it is to plan and prepare for a negotiation session. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Learn about the nature of negotiation and how it differs from selling 2. Gain awareness of the basic doctrines of negotiation and barriers to effective negotiation 3. Explain the role of authority and how to address it in negotiations 4. Explain the role of power in negotiations and how to address power inequities 5. Explain the positive and negative influences of empowerment 6. Learn the different “stances” or negotiation styles negotiators might adopt 7. Demonstrate the factors that influence which negotiation style is implemented 8. Describe the personal and behavioral characteristics of an effective negotiator 9. Demonstrate your grasp of emotional intelligence and how it impacts the effectiveness of a negotiator 10. Assess your own values and personal style and how they affect the negotiation process 11. Learn about the critical importance of planning and preparation in the negotiation process...

Top reviews


Dec 28, 2020

This course helped me to think more thoroughly about the elements of successful negotiation. I intend to incorporate ideas from this course into my practice of negotiation on the job going forward.


Nov 15, 2020

This is such a perfect course for negotiations generally in business as well in every other aspect of life .It teaches of so many key things in life including listening skills amongst others

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151 - 175 of 513 Reviews for The Art of Negotiation

By Nurbek A

Jan 20, 2021

Excellent course to repeat the main concepts of negotiation!

By Hesham a s

Aug 14, 2017

Give you the tool to an effective negotiation steps & basics

By A T M N N A

Apr 29, 2020

the course was realistic but the quiz options are confusing

By Marcos V d S F

Aug 20, 2015

very nice, the presentation about is so clear and practical

By Melissa L

Feb 26, 2023

I enjoyed taking this class and I learned a lot. Thank You


Apr 28, 2020

Interesting course, really relevant, it was very helpful.

By Kiran M

Oct 9, 2019

Helped me to improve negotitation skills and techniques.

By Rafat A

Sep 11, 2017

It is very helpful course that increase my knowledge alot

By Somantri S

Jul 26, 2020

Valuables skills that can be implemented on all business

By Sharad K

Jun 20, 2017

A very thorough course and well taught by Susane Robins.

By Fajar H

Jun 11, 2020

Best Online education skill for me. Thank You Very Much

By Antonio T

Feb 23, 2018

Course is well structured and topics clearly presented

By Stefan W

May 7, 2020

These might be the best 35 bucks I've ever invested.

By Rahul R

Dec 31, 2019

Its a good learning skill for my professional growth

By Mohamed A

Jul 3, 2020

thank you it was great course and very good trainer

By Paulo M M

Jun 13, 2020

Important Remarks on negotiation! Excellent Course!

By Vishal M

May 7, 2020

Very good insight, specific to topic, knowledgeable

By Sanjay B , F F

May 1, 2017

Pl send me the Certificate. Its overdue

Sanjay Banka

By Augustine U J H

Mar 18, 2021

It was worth my time, and it was very educative.

By Aria W

Jul 16, 2017

Excellent course. Good instructor. Learned a lot


Jun 25, 2020

Learned a lot. Great Course. Thank you so much.

By Irene T

Apr 23, 2016

Great, great teacher! I am so inspired by her.

By Jhondy S

Sep 4, 2022

Challenging but i've gained lots of knowledge

By Ana P

Jul 8, 2017

Thank you so much for instructing Ana Pelayo.

By Nirav N

May 15, 2021

Tutor was awesome and made my doubts clear..