Sep 14, 2023
Great content for those working with art + innovation. Really good!
May 21, 2017
This course has a framework which can be applied in any area.
By Irina K
•Dec 20, 2016
This course gives good perspective on innovation process and how to bring idea to life. However it was disappointing to me that content of the course has nothing to do with Art and Culture.
By Francine S
•Dec 22, 2016
Content is great and would highly recommend
The structure for grading however is poor. The peer assignments don't work well compared to other Coursera courses. I submitted my assignments in time, but even after a month I still don't have one peer that has completed my review which then delays the 'completion' of my course. When I go to do other peer reviews for other people on the same assignment I am presented with 6 month old assignments overdue from previous courses?! In addition, you can't participate in the forum discussions until you submit something yourself. I would prefer to add to a thread than go in blind to each forum
By Tanya D
•May 13, 2020
I like the content of this course, and think the video lectures are done really well- especially because the main presenter stays interesting while being informative. However, I came across a few broken links for various required and extra readings. I posted about these broken links on the course forums, but no changes seem to have been made, nor was there any recognition of my postings.
By S.D
•Jul 24, 2020
I expected this course to be much more art and culture oriented. It felt like your normal course in business innovation, which had some "add-ons" here and there on how the information could be transferred to arts and culture. In this sense, it isn't really driven in its core from actual arts and cultural industries, and I find that these industries and circumstances are very different from the business world. As an innovation course in the business environment, I would find it useful though.
In addition, some of the reading materials were not available any more on their original websites. I couldn't find a way to easily contact the content providers.
By gabriela i d s g
•Aug 1, 2023
Conclui o curso na data programada com minha organização em 19 de julho, mas a COURSERA demorou dias para concluir a minha avaliação enviada com antecedência, o que est[a gerando problemas para mim pois a data do certificado foi definida pela empresa como 25 de julho. A COURSERA unilateralmente encerrou o meu caso e não me permite prosseguir nas tratativas para que eu obtenha a declaração de que as tarefas enviadas por mim ocorreram até a data de 19 de julho.
By Arend Z
•Feb 8, 2024
Very inspiring lectures by prof. David Owens. He is clearly knowledgable and able to explain the many concepts clearly and in a personal, laid-back manner. The many cartoons custom-made for the course, the organizational constraints surveys and the in-lecture questions really help to internalize the course material and its application in actual organizations.
By Tomás G D
•Dec 26, 2021
Very good course and with very clear information, the translation into Spanish is not at all good and makes reading a bit tedious but in itself it is a great course if one knows English and can review it, excellent examples and analysis of cases.
By Stefanie v d B
•Jan 31, 2019
Very good course to have a real- all over- plan for a innovation marketing plan. Complete , cleare and easy planning for futher plans connected with book creative people must be stopped . Special thanks to speaker and innovator prof Owens !
By Roberta A
•Mar 23, 2017
very inspirational, useful in many industry and with lots of references. project management support and managerial role inspiration
By Kate L
•Mar 14, 2017
Thank you so much for such a great opportunity! I loved the course and it was very interesting to listen to your lectures.
By Alejandra B
•Aug 11, 2020
It has been a difficult course but 100% important and necessary for people in arts and culture
By Dalia V
•May 14, 2017
Is not made express for arts and culture but it really applies!!! so happy to course it
By Kika M
•Sep 15, 2023
Great content for those working with art + innovation. Really good!
By Bruno A
•May 22, 2017
This course has a framework which can be applied in any area.
By Susabhan S
•Mar 31, 2021
its was a amze cousre. i learnt s lot. please certicate dede
By Jay O
•Mar 14, 2017
Fantastic!!! a must do course for any aspiring innovators.
By Andri A
•Jul 17, 2017
Delivers high value. Easy to follow through
By Sepideh S T
•May 10, 2022
By Emese K
•Aug 30, 2017
Loved loved love this course!
By Silvia C O
•Apr 14, 2017
Eye opening.
By Akshat P
•Apr 2, 2021
By Poornima G
•Sep 28, 2022
By Brett B
•Jul 15, 2024
some of the materials were unaccessible - articles - and not everyone did assignments so assessments were frustrating, but the material/lectures were excellent.
By Tanvi D
•Feb 27, 2025
Very good
By Sherif L
•Feb 14, 2022
Too long, boring and irrelevant