Jun 23, 2020
This is a very good course for anyone who wants to learn about building speakers and amplifiers. it gives a very good foundation for many thing related to amplifier and loudspeaker building
Jul 12, 2020
I loved this course. It tied together so many aspects of electrical engineering and physics. I love the theory and application coming together. I look forward to building the amplifier!
By Isaac S
•Oct 27, 2016
Absolutely Excellent Course, Fantastic teaching; I found the circuit analysis for the last two weeks really challenging (in a good way). Very glad I stuck with it and finished it.
By Harrison L
•Oct 13, 2015
Need a good foundation with knowledge of calculus(integrals), electrical engineering and wave and acoustics. Not just a course to pick up for fun.
By Luke M
•Mar 11, 2018
It's not perfect, (I'm not really sure how you could sexy up some of the math that you must know for the theory portion of the course) but it is an excellent, and free, course for people who are interested in, or need a refresher in analogue electronics.
If you've any doubt about your math and physics background, I'd STRONGLY recommend going through the Electrical Engineering pages on Khan Academy, and knowing those formulas cold before starting in on this course.
By Alex S
•May 5, 2018
This is an example of the course and teachers, why students drop out. They really don't know how to teach well! At the beginning it was promised no calculus stuff required to learn this. But the lessons became so borring right away because all they show is complex math instead of showing how to create a speaker and how components work and why. The teachers conveyed nothing with math. Nobody even understand what they're talking about.
By Ruth B
•Nov 8, 2015
The lectures are unpolished and hard to follow, especially as the captions are inaccurate. The mathematics in the course are not explained clearly.
By Rod L
•Sep 25, 2015
Lectures have very poor teaching skills.
By David R
•Apr 20, 2023
This is an orphan course. It seems to have been abandoned 10 years ago (2013). The forums are run (very well) by two volunteers not affiliated with the university. There are known errors in the lectures and the end of lecture questions. There are no explanations or answers to these questions. You can find the course materials, but you have to dig through the forums to find the links. Hopefully the links remain active. It's been ten years.
The lectures are interesting, but be prepared to do a lot of googling and outside research to complete the questions/exams.
By Andrew K
•Sep 20, 2015
Good course. I enjoyed watching the lectures, especially from Bocco. The quizzes were also very representative of the course materials. Thanks for a good learning experience.
By Pablo R
•Sep 3, 2022
Stay out of this course if you don't have a background in electronic circuits calculations. They warn you about the level difference between the video excercises and the ones in the assignments, but that warning was an understatement because sometimes there's not even a proper example available, and just some formulas teased in the videos, I even had to look for external videos and equations to approve the course
By Jarius K
•Aug 6, 2022
It wasn't very clear the amount of knowledge you'd have to have mathematically before taking this course. It seems like it would be helpful and laid out clearly for those with prior knowledge looking to advance their learning. This is not a course for the basics.
By Jonas R
•Oct 19, 2019
Would say it is a bit more than Fundamentals, but a very good course if you already knew some of the maths
By Nahuel C
•Jul 5, 2021
Estoy estudiando IngenierÃa de Sonido en la Universidad de Tres de Febrero (Argentina). El curso abarca muchos de los contenidos que se ven en la carrera (claro está que no con la misma profundidad) explicados muy distinto. Me resultó altamente complementario a mi carrera. Considero que la forma de explicar de ambos docentes es muy buena. Muy conforme con el curso!
By Ante M
•Jun 15, 2017
The course is great for beginners or even people with a good engineering background to learn more about electroacoustics. The idea of getting the required knowledge to built an amplifier at the end of the course is rewarding and interesting. I can recommend the course but watch the videos on 1.25 speed :D
By Scotty H
•Mar 10, 2018
Very practical course that combines mathematical and engineering theory with hands-on, real-world examples, hardware, and software. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in how mechanical and electrical systems apply to music engineering.
By T.K. K
•Jun 23, 2020
This is a very good course for anyone who wants to learn about building speakers and amplifiers. it gives a very good foundation for many thing related to amplifier and loudspeaker building
By Johnny D
•Jul 13, 2020
I loved this course. It tied together so many aspects of electrical engineering and physics. I love the theory and application coming together. I look forward to building the amplifier!
By Hari M
•Mar 10, 2018
Very good course, some of the math is a bit advanced, but the explanations are excellent. Thank you very much for this opportunity. I am eagerly waiting for the part 2!!
By Cory C
•Jul 27, 2022
I thought that this class was great because it teaches many cool aspects that you can learn more about math with.
By Vincenzo C
•Jun 17, 2022
it was useful to review and update my knowledge in electronics and audio. I hope to see part 2 soon, thanks
By John L
•Oct 20, 2022
Great course although not quite what I expected. Particularly enjoyed the electronics components. Don't believe anyone who says you don't need decent maths!
By Jason N
•Nov 14, 2015
While the lectures were good, this course had annoying issues, such as in-video questions asking us to refer to previously shown material (which isn't easy given the Coursera interface). A few assignment questions were also poorly formulated. The course would have really benefited from .pdf reference material, for review and elaboration of topics presented in lectures. At minimum, a list of relevant equations would have helped.
The acoustics part of the content seemed somewhat sketchy and hand-wavy; the assumptions and limitations behind the rule-of-thumb equations and models presented weren't given much weight, so I wasn't able to get a good grasp of when they were relevant*. The electronics part was more reasonable, but still suffered from some over-simplification (for example, the model of guitar pickups didn't include magnetic hysteresis).
All in all, the course was worth taking, but I think the material deserves more rigor.
*All models are wrong. But some of them are useful.
By Bryan W
•Apr 12, 2022
The concepts are covered at only the most superficial level, with very little explanation given along the way as to what the mathmatics are showing you or how to apply the concepts being taught. There are mistakes throughout the curriculum that have gone uncorrected for years and obviously no one cares. There is no Part 2, so I wouldn't bother taking this because it's not like it'll prime you for a follow up course that is more useful.
By Diego B
•Sep 7, 2020
Just a starting point in order to learn something. In my opinion the course is too short. Everything is done fast and without any detail which could be usefull to really understand concepts.
By Caleb E C
•Oct 26, 2015
Deberian de haber subtitulos en español. Tomarse el tiempo de descargar en texto en ingles y luego traducirlas es realmente incomodo, Y aparte de eso, tenemos que tomar en cuenta que los traductores en linea son malisimos.
By Yumir M
•Dec 19, 2023
This course really opened up my eyes about how complex yet beautiful the connection between music, electrical engineering, acoustical engineering and audio engineering. Since i do both field as musician and also audio engineer, this course equipped me with better knowledge and understanding regarding the gear and equipment that i use almost everyday. Thank you Coursera and University of Rochester!