Dec 3, 2016
Top class! Very well explained, good examples, excellent learning material, practical exercises, and lots and lots of room for further personal study! Well done guys, and especially Xavier! Cheers!
Dec 8, 2019
An absolutely awesome introduction to Audio Signal Processing. The additive introduction of new concepts is capable of teaching any beginner this topic which ordinarily is difficult to understand.
By Stanislav Z
•Jan 6, 2023
Interesting lectures and practical exercises provide a strong foundation for entering the field of digital audio processing. Thank you very much!
By Noel A
•Aug 18, 2020
Amazing, Challenging and honestly learnt a lot. This course helped me decide my masters specialisation and I am genuinely excited to pursue it!!
By Gurtueva I
•Jul 11, 2019
Thank you kindly! The course is quite useful. I understood not only mathematics of Fourier Transform, but also the meaning of each step.
By Matias D B
•Mar 20, 2023
Excellent course with great explanations of the theory and a lot of excercies and practices that helps you to solidify the concepts.
By Daniel S F
•Dec 17, 2016
VÃdeos molt dÃdactics i prà ctiques adequades per aprendre processament de so. M'ha quedat bastnat clar i m'ha agradat molt el curs.
By Steve M
•May 11, 2022
This course was really complete and well structured, the instructor knows the topic really well and makes you want to learn more.
By Santiago R S
•Jun 5, 2017
Great Course, lots of concepts to learn and implement! I had amazing time doing the assignments. Should be an ASPMA part 2 course.
By Mauricio F
•Mar 6, 2018
It's a wonderful course when you can begin in the world of Digital Audio Processing. Very recommended! Thank you very much!
By Jan B
•Dec 9, 2018
Very nice course with nice materials! I am recommending for technical students interested in audio/music as me!!!
By diego p
•Dec 19, 2016
this course is really great. lectures, code samples and references are clear and complete
absolutely recommended
By Yuriy Z
•Dec 7, 2016
exceptional course -- expect good amount of work, but then you get lots out of it (as with any good course)
By Matias C
•May 27, 2021
Very complete and awesome course. Perfect for intermediate level dsp knowledge and concepts reinforcements
By Silvan S
•Aug 29, 2020
Very good course, I have learned a lot. The exercises are challenging but this makes you learn even more.
By Vibhor B
•Dec 18, 2016
This is a really good course if you wish to start learning about Audio signal processing concepts.
By flagyan
•Dec 13, 2016
This course gives quite some fundumental concepts about the audio signal processing. I like it!!
By Sanjeewa K
•Sep 5, 2019
great course to learn basis of signal processing. it covers a lot more about signal processing.
By Denys K
•Mar 8, 2018
one of the most insightful, practical and entertaining courses on coursera! highly recommended
By Leandro T
•Oct 4, 2016
Great support from teacher, super clear explanation and excelent level of information!
By Nikesh B
•Mar 25, 2021
This is a great course if you are into signal processing. I enjoyed this course a lot
By David d S C
•Jun 4, 2020
What an awesome course! Learnt so much with this amazing material. Thank's guys.
By Joaquin J
•Jun 4, 2018
Excellent course to understand DSP, Fourier Transform and Audio Programming.
By 胡良峰
•Mar 10, 2018
A very good introduction to audio signal processing . practial and usefull!
By Torgeir H
•Dec 1, 2020
Programming tests can be made more accessible by using Jupyter notebooks.
By Huynh L D
•Sep 24, 2016
Awesome! Just the preview of the course already made me excited! :D :D :D
By Erik V N
•Sep 6, 2019
Excellent course, the best I have been on (and I did 20+ MOOCs ;-)