Jun 27, 2022
Instructors have provided concise explanations of the concepts. There are many examples considered that make statistics easier to understand! Also, the illustrations are fancy. I enjoyed every video!
Dec 30, 2020
It was a big opportunity to learn in depth concept of Basic Statistics from Coursera course.All the lectures are very easy to understand and it allowed to me learn fast and quick.Thank you Coursera.
By Ginger B
•Nov 29, 2017
One of the best lecture I've ever attended online! Although sometime the pace was a bit off, yet overall this course has offered enough coverage and clear examples for basic stuff. Great sense of humour for the lecturer (Matthijs Rooduijn) also helped in making this course to be not such a boring subject. Well done, keep up the good work!
By Jorge A A B
•Apr 26, 2016
Excelente curso, muy bien explicado a traves de una manera clara e intuitiva, dando razon a cada uno de los conceptos utilizados en la estadistica. Conocer los conceptos estadisticos, asi como su significado, calculo y uso, no solamente mejora el analisis cientifico sino ademas la capacidad de comunicacion dentro del comunidad cientifica.
By Andrei
•Apr 22, 2017
Very easy to comprehend course. Both presenters put extra effort in relaying the material and introducing comical relief along the way. I can say now that I understand more above z-scores and t-scores that I ever did at university! I would highly recommend the course for anyone feeling a bit scared than facing statistical information
By Kate W
•Mar 4, 2016
I never thought I would learn so much so quickly in a math course. The course moves fast, but being able to rewind the videos and repeat anything I don't understand is really helpful! I love the applicability of what I'm learning, and my ability to take notes and practice everything on the quizzes makes the information stick.
By piaoyang
•Jul 15, 2020
A very interesting class, the examples are vivid and easy to understand, and the teacher is also very interesting. Sure enough, teachers without acting are not good teachers.
It is a pity that just like the course name, it is just basic statistics. If you want to study statistics in-depth, you need to study other courses.
By Tuan Q N
•Jan 5, 2021
At some points, things got a little bit confusing, but you just have to rewatch and slowly break things apart. Occasionally, I also had to look stuff up on youtube to get a better understanding but for the most part, the course will give you a very good understanding of basic statistics. Completely doable within a week
By Czek P
•Jul 1, 2019
I would like to thank you all professors and those who participates in creating this amazing course. It helped me a lot in building basic knowledge about statistics. The course is very well structured with clear & easy-to-understand content. I highly recommend this course for those who starts learning statistics.
By xavier C
•Jan 7, 2017
This course is very well prepared, thanks to the video and the commitments of the 2 teachers,
There is also a good balance between Theory and Practice (usage of R).
I do already use the learning of this course in my daily job (data & analytics)
Good job and thank you to the entire team who has prepared this course.
By Liisa P
•May 1, 2020
Great introduction to statistics! The course moves at a steady pace with good quality video lectures. Every week is concluded with a quiz on the content that challenges you to use what you have learned. Additional bonus is the exercises in R, which give you an introduction to using it in statistical analysis.
By Lai K C
•Feb 11, 2016
Both of the lecturers as well as the staff are excellent in making the learning simple, exciting and interesting. I have learned so much about statistics in so short a time with effectiveness and efficiency. Thanks for the excellent work. And all of you have made University of Amsterdam proud and stand tall.
By Gregorio A A P
•Jul 7, 2017
Un super curso , excelente y felicitaciones por vuestro gran trabajo, pero es muy triste no poder disfrutar al 100% un curso de esta calidad traducido en el idioma español, les pido por favor si fueran tan gentiles de acceder a esta humilde petición, gracias por anticipado y nuevamente felicitaciones.
By Alireza N
•Jan 5, 2016
I found this course very helpful and understandable ...The slides are very beautiful designed ..I had never learnt Statistics in this way! The examples are related to our daily life! It makes everything easier to learn... Thank you very much all who works on this course from University of Amsterdam
By Daniela A B M
•Jan 7, 2018
I hadn't studied Statistics for over 22 years, and I am very grateful that I did it through this course. While I had to spend more time than I had anticipated going over the materials (due to my lack of practice), I did found the lectures and materials were well prepared and didactic. Thank you!!
By Christos M
•Nov 12, 2017
The title fits precisely the content.
Very easy to follow, with nicely illustrated videos.
Definitely on the simplistic side, but intentionally so.
Assignments are in R and are run on the DataCamp platform.
The quality of assignments in DataCamp is generally not one par with the rest of the content.
By Karan A
•Aug 1, 2019
Great explanations by instructors through real world examples. The course provides ample opportunities to step back and evaluate your understanding. Practice in R through data camp practice sessions and quizzes. A nice place to start with if you are looking to learn the basics of statistics.
By S M
•Oct 25, 2016
Thank you very much for your insightful explanation on statistics. I am much more of a picture person and the approach of this course has a very huge impact on my job and study. I hope you will have this kind of new courses in the future. I am willing to follow your courses in the future.
By Ngoc T A N
•Mar 27, 2019
As the statistics beginner, I love this course. The lectures attract me by its easy-to-understand examples and its visualization. The course includes the R Statistics section from the third party - Data Camp, which I found really useful. I highly recommend participating in the R Lab.
By Gautam H
•Jul 23, 2020
I have found this course extremely useful and vital because I have been currently involved with teaching the same topics that have been covered in this course.
I am really thankful to the lecturers and for their engaging methodology they adopted for teaching and learning process
By Isaac K Q
•Jun 22, 2016
I was always scared of Statistics but after going through this training, Statistics has been made simple and I am enjoying it. I have decided to pursue more Statistics training from the University of Amsterdam on Coursera. I enjoyed the training of those great faculty members.
By Susana R C
•Apr 30, 2020
Me ha gustado mucho que el curso combine la teoría con la aplicación de la misma en R. Si estas interesado en aprender a usar R es muy buena forma de comenzar porque aprendes desde un nivel muy básico para ir comprendiendo sin problema cómo funciona el lenguaje del programa.
By cen c
•Apr 2, 2020
I would highly recommend this course to those who would like to gain the basic ideas about statistics. The course is well-structured and explained in a clear and logic way. Not only in statistics, it also provides many trainning in R language. I find this course very useful.
By Shekhar T
•Feb 9, 2016
Good course for someone with background of statistics. The instructors are lucid but cover a lot in 7 weeks, they delve into intuitive insights of statistics. It is advisable to keep a textbook handy while undergoing this course. In the end good job University of Amsterdam!
By Richard B L J
•Oct 9, 2022
Good course. Covers the basics without being oversimplified, and rigorous enough to build a foundation for inferential statistics.
More pen-and-paper exercises or resources where to find them would be helpful, i think, for anyone looking to join the course in the future.
By Jeevan H
•Jul 15, 2020
If you are looking to learn basic statistics without prior knowledge about statistics this is the best course to start with. thank you for this wonderful course and also thanks to the instructors who made the course very intrusting and also lab assignment was very useful.
By Peter J P
•Jan 6, 2020
Very nice course. I loved it because it helped me to understand the concept easely. The only min poin for me that is has no slides. Reading the transcript is not very easy if you want to find something.
the exercise with R was also a good surprise !
I recommend this course