Oct 16, 2020
An excellent course with some good hands on exercises in both R and excel. Not for the faint of heart mathematically speaking, assumes a competent understanding of statistics and probability going in
Jun 26, 2018
Great course. The content moves at a nice pace and the videos are really good to follow. The Quizzes are also set at a good level. You can't pass this course unless you have understood the material.
By Julian S
•Apr 13, 2020
Great course with clear structure and good explanations. An overview "cheat sheet" would be nice, also some hints to literature which covers the topics in more depth.
By Ben N
•Feb 24, 2019
A little heavy on the theory for my style of learning - would have appreciated more clear, applied examples in the lectures, but overall a good and informative course
By Ollie B
•Jun 11, 2020
A lot of clearly presented content and helpful quizzes. Some lectures felt a little inconclusive but maybe I just didn't follow the Maths. Would definitely recommend
By Taranpreet s
•Jan 16, 2020
Assignments are the best part of the code. Videos don't provide enough conceptual knowledge. Overall considering the intricacies of the topic its a very good course.
By Laura V T T
•Apr 27, 2021
Really like it! The videos are short and straightforward to follow, although you might need some basic knowledge in statistics to keep up all the lectures properly
By Przemysław M J
•Jul 10, 2017
Nice explanations of the theory, however there could be a bit more written materials and the pace could be slightly slower, especially regarding the last chapters.
By Ruben S
•Mar 3, 2019
I took this course both to refresh my basic understanding of statistics as well as to learn what Bayesian Statistics was about. This course was good fit for this.
By anuj s
•Oct 24, 2020
It is a good basic course with lot of math. However, personally I found it little difficulty but yo can make sense of everything if yo watch the video 2-3 times
By mingzhuo
•Aug 25, 2018
Though Bayesian statistics is not easy, and quite complex when dealing with prior and posterior. This class provides a good overview the the Bayesian statistics.
By Fatemeh M
•Oct 7, 2020
The course was good, but the required time was much different from the one written in the course description. It has a lot of quizzes, which take a lot of time.
By 재환 맹
•May 22, 2018
Intuitive course, but somewhat fast which leads students to pause and contemplate on what the lecturer had to say. Good start to get to know Baysian Statistics.
By Xiao X
•May 27, 2018
The explanation is very in details. It would be better to have more mathematical derivation in the linear regression part besides the demonstation of using R.
By Hu S
•May 8, 2017
Overall a good course about Bayesian inference. Only suggestion would be to spend a bit more time explaining the interpretation behind the calculated numbers.
By Arthur M
•Mar 30, 2018
Very good introduction to bayesian statistics, but I would have liked a bit more written material to complement the videos, who were rather short and fast.
By VÃthor R F
•Jan 12, 2018
It is interesting learning the mathematics behind the analysis, but it could have been more complete, with a little less theory and more data analysis.
By xu w
•Sep 2, 2017
this is a very good introductory course on Bayesian Statistics. Thought you will not learn deep from this course, it will give you a good big picture.
By Tuhin S
•Sep 1, 2017
Great course with easy to understand examples. One can explore deeper into the world of Bayesian statistics after completing this preliminary course.
By Bae,Bongsung
•Sep 8, 2020
All the weeks were great, but the week 4 seems to be in complete and lack of explanations. Some refinement on the week 4 materials would be great.
By Yalong L
•Oct 10, 2019
The first question in Week 4 Honor Quiz, the coefficient for intercept, I got 138 which you show incorrect, would like to know the correct answer.
By Taylor J W
•Jan 1, 2018
Very good intro to Bayesian statistics. I only rate 4/5 because the second week was disproportionately more difficult than the other three weeks.
By Deleted A
•Aug 27, 2017
I've always found stats kind of boring but, the material covered in this course is invaluable. Dr. Lee presents everything clearly and concisely.
By Philippe B
•Dec 28, 2020
Great! Clear, systematic... but: requires a good basic knowledge of mathematics and lacks practical examples to illustrate the models presented
By Việt P H
•Jun 28, 2020
A nice course. I gave me a fundamental knowledge about Bayesian Statistics. The lectures are sometime a bit confusing but overall, it's great.
By Sydney W
•Aug 18, 2020
more examples of solving problems would have help. or having direct references to sources that explain the technical aspects of the material.
By Seth T
•Dec 11, 2020
The course could use slightly more explanation of how Bayesian statistics is applied to real world problems (vs. frequentist application).