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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas by Curtis Institute of Music

605 ratings

About the Course

Our relationship to Beethoven is a deep and paradoxical one. For many musicians, he represents a kind of holy grail: His music has an intensity, rigor, and profundity which keep us in its thrall, and it is perhaps unequalled in the interpretive, technical, and even spiritual challenges it poses to performers. At the same time, Beethoven’s music is casually familiar to millions of people who do not attend concerts or consider themselves musically inclined. Two hundred years after his death, he is everywhere in the culture, yet still represents its summit. This course takes an inside-out look at the 32 piano sonatas from the point of view of a performer. Each lecture will focus on one sonata and an aspect of Beethoven’s music exemplified by it. (These might include: the relationship between Beethoven the pianist and Beethoven the composer; the critical role improvisation plays in his highly structured music; his mixing of extremely refined music with rougher elements; and the often surprising ways in which the events of his life influenced his compositional process and the character of the music he was writing.) The course will feature some analysis and historical background, but its perspective is that of a player, not a musicologist. Its main aim is to explore and demystify the work of the performer, even while embracing the eternal mystery of Beethoven’s music itself. This season's Curtis courses are sponsored by Linda Richardson in loving memory of her husband, Dr. Paul Richardson. The Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation supports Curtis's lifelong learning initiatives....

Top reviews


Jun 2, 2020

This course and Mr. Biss' immense knowledge of Beethoven's sonatas and that era has given me a new interest in classical music. I can understand and speak about it more confidently than ever!


Apr 13, 2020

Excellent coverage of the essentials. Provided me with a lot of understanding that I didn't find elsewhere. I would recommend this to anyone interested in knowing about the sonatas.

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51 - 75 of 147 Reviews for Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas

By isabella

Nov 6, 2015

Amazing course! I can now understand Beethoven's Sonatas in a much deeper level, as well as how performance and innovation evolved throughout time.

By jeffrey m

Jun 8, 2021

loved it...I learned so very much. The professor was tremendous and his playing was thrilling. I would take more courses from this instructor.

By Graeme H

Apr 9, 2018

Outstanding course. Not sure why I haven't (allegedly) finished this since there was nothing due or not finished - however, no great consequence.

By Richard S

Aug 8, 2016

Enjoyable and enlightening. I found prof. Bliss' straight forward lecture style very concise and his insight and passion for the material clear.

By Emma M B

Aug 8, 2017

La música de Beethoven me gusta mucho y más la manera que fue impartida por Jonathan Biss. Felicidades a Coursera y al Prof. Biss. gracias.

By Maria E H

May 8, 2017

One of the best courses I have taken online! Whether you are a musician or not, this course will improve your appreciation of classical music!

By Phillip C

Mar 9, 2018

The lectures given by Jonathan Biss are nothing short of excellent and inspirational. I am certainly wanting to continue my music education.

By Kari M J

Aug 23, 2015

This is, out of all the courses/studies I have done in my whole life, my favourite of all time. Mr Biss is a a wonderful lecturer.

By Priscilla C

Feb 11, 2018

This course and the other two with Johnathan Biss have greatly expanded my appreciation and understanding of Beethoven's sonatas

By Susan B

Feb 23, 2016

Absolutely loved this course! Jonathan is amazing and he has inspired me so very much. I can hardly wait for his next series.

By Salvador R

Apr 24, 2016

In depth analysis in a field that I was not familiar with. I recommend it to everyone whether they have an interest or not.

By E P

Nov 4, 2015

Wonderful journey getting to know these sonatas with a very enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide. Thank you for this.

By Emily F

Jul 5, 2017

Excellent course that is accessible and easy to understand. A wonderful combination of music history and listening.

By Fok s k

Aug 13, 2015

Very good demonstration and analyse on Beethoven sonata and raise your interest in further exploring classical music

By Angelina W

Nov 24, 2016

In-depth lectures about Beethoven's life and music. I'm still not a Beethoven fan, but I appreciate his music now.

By Grace V

May 1, 2016

Going through it for the second time this summer. My all time favorite Coursera course, and I've done almost ten...

By Deleted A

Oct 1, 2015

Enjoyed this course. Looking forward to listening to Beethoven's piano sonatas with a slightly more educated ear.

By Anyuta W

Jan 8, 2016

Excellent course. I think I began to understand and — what is most important for me — feel the music. Thank you!

By William D

May 19, 2016

Outstanding introduction to Beethoven's Piano Sonatas. It has sparked a great interest in me for these pieces.

By Ruth L

Dec 1, 2020

This was an excellent course. Jonathan Bliss was engaging and knowledgeable.

It challenged me. Thank you.

By Benjamin G

Mar 10, 2017

organized, insightful. Mr. Biss clearly has a passion for the music which comes through in his teaching


By Kathleen C

Oct 22, 2015

Great lectures, great playing, excellent and enjoyable course. Thank you, Mr. Biss and Curtis Institu

By Huynh L D

Jun 22, 2016

I have always wanted to learn deeply about Beethoven's Sonatas as I listen to them on a daily basis.

By Sebastian N

Oct 18, 2015

Extremelly interesting! I am so unhappy I don't have enough time now to attend the course properly.

By Eddie M

Oct 26, 2015

Fantastic course. Thank you so much for sharing all this wonderful insight into Beethoven's works.