Oct 9, 2019
Friendly class for new college students. Easy to follow lectures and important materials makes the class great. I would love to see the farm in person, or make a small scale one on my own property.
Jan 23, 2021
A great course which will give you a great understanding of the aspect of future farming. Its a must for those who want to work in the field of agriculture especially in sustainable agriculture.
By Natalia G C
•Jul 9, 2020
It is not a sustainable system if it requieres herbicides that on the long run are going to kill the soil, and use products from big companies that the only thing they do is make the farmers dependant. And also... monocrops??? I think in the Agriculutral part, yoi guys should take a more organica approach and really empower the peoplle by giving solutions you can do and find in your own farm.
By Jessica M
•Jan 20, 2018
I felt a lot of the information was repetitive, and that overall we didn't go into great detail over any one subject. I understand the time of each course had to be convenient for students. However, having optional reading timed at 10 minutes was a time wasted that could be used for further instruction given to us and teaching time. Many of the reading sources were extremely lengthy, or were not accessible online.
I expected to come out of this course with a clear understanding of very specific steps that can be made to manage Best Practice Farming through out the entire world (e.g. specific water conservation solutions, specific soil preparation steps, specific seasonal planning, going into detail on subjects not just mentioning them). I guess I was expecting the course to be more scientifically based, not so much an over view of activities of the farm.
I do feel OF COURSE that I have gained new knowledge, and a better understanding of certain procedures. I do now have an overall understanding of better ways of running an operation. Seeing as I am a small scale operator, I already enact most of these steps in my daily activity.. so it was more of a refresher course for me than anything else.
I do truly appreciate having this information made available globally, and I thank all of the staff at UWA very very very much for their efforts in educating the outside communities.
By Zohran
•Jan 24, 2021
A great course which will give you a great understanding of the aspect of future farming. Its a must for those who want to work in the field of agriculture especially in sustainable agriculture.
By Alfonso M
•Mar 18, 2019
Thank you for giving me a vision of what agriculture will (or should) look like in 2050. Content, presentation and curriculum are fantastic. Thank you!
By Bettina A O
•Oct 10, 2019
Friendly class for new college students. Easy to follow lectures and important materials makes the class great. I would love to see the farm in person, or make a small scale one on my own property.
By Casey T
•Jun 19, 2020
Loved the course. Was a great and sometimes challenging overview of sustainable practices in farming. I hope to someday visit the Future Farm in Western Australia! Thank you!
By Michael L
•Aug 6, 2020
Sorry. I can't get past the first quiz. I have a doctorate and am a full professor at a university. I took this course for personal enrichment. However, the first quiz is impossible to navigate. I did my studying and no luck on the tricky multiple option test even having to revert to guessing eventually. This might make for a fair doctoral comp exam but not for the purpose of a MOOC. I am giving up. I hope this course is relaunched with better learner quizzes included that match this course format.
By Mandappa K
•Aug 22, 2019
Highly educative and useful. Though now I wish there were modules that spell out details for each geographic region of the Future Farm project.
Over all, engaging and thorough yet concise with enough additional reading material, thereby respecting my time.
By Kasun S
•Jun 1, 2019
This course was a very wonderful, practical and updated lecture series. Thank you UWA Future Farm Project team for offering this wonderful lecture series for the students whom learning from all around the world.
By Juergen R
•Jan 11, 2018
Different subjects related to sustainable farming are well presented highlighting many interesting aspects in general and illustrated by local examples
•Sep 24, 2019
this course is one of best course i have seen it is free..i have learned many things with the help of this course
By Yusuf T
•Nov 15, 2018
This is an excellent course. I highly recommend. I have improved my knowledge of agriculture and farming in this course. I have worked in my family agribusiness more than 20 years. We used shrubs to feed our cattle and sheep in winter times when we had dry summers. I am a senior agrifood consultant and I will use this valuable information in my agrifood consulting business ( . Thank you, Prof. Graeme Martin, his colleagues and University of Western Australia.
By Dingiswayo J
•Jan 18, 2018
Thank you for all this knowledge that you just added to my brains. I still think a lot of people are not aware of how their habits ruin their own precious land worldwide. It is courses like " DISCOVER BEST PRACTICE FARMING FOR A 2050 " that remind us of our global responsibilities. I did like having women and men teaching us in this course, It seems knowledge sharing needs to have both sexes in it. Well done to all the People here !
•May 8, 2020
It's really good. I really enjoy the course. The reading materials and other stuff was really helpful not only pass the assessment but also for the life. I, as an Agricultural undergraduate in one of the leading Universities In Sri Lanka (University of Peradeniya) would like to recommend this course as a beneficial one.
By Alex Z
•Nov 7, 2022
As someone with no experience in agriculture nor sustainable practices, it was very interesting and educational to learn about all of the aspects such as water, soil, crops, livestock, community, and architecture.
By Katherine r
•Dec 19, 2020
It was a little hard for me, because it is in English.. especially for some quizzes.. But Its very useful course to take, with very helpful information and ideas.
Thanks for this opportunity ♡
By Jenycar G
•Aug 30, 2020
Thank you coursera for this amazing experience. Got many ideas on this area which is very much applicable to my present job. Looking forward to take another courses here.
By Richa k
•Jan 28, 2020
one of the best learning experiences, i have ever had.
Thank you entire team of instructors and also to coursera for providing this opportunity to me...
By Abhishek A
•Jul 4, 2019
The lectures could have been more descriptive in the sense of technicalities and depth.
By Rupinder S
•Apr 12, 2021
Just a brief Snapshot of 'Discover best practice farming for a sustainable 2050' . Dr Graeme Martin Prof. UWA who introduces best farming practices for a sustainable 2050 covering the ecological cropping, CGE livestock, restoration of ecosystem and biodiversity and the last one about we the people covering two important aspects of self reliant i.e., farm water by harvesting and electricity via solar energy. Snapshot of Ridgefield farm by Mr Steven Wainewright was quite interesting and learning experience. Infrastructure by Prof. Patrick, Eco social Work by Dr Susan, Praiseworthy work of Dr Anne Smith for Greening Australia, Ruminant production by Dr P Vercoe, my favourite Plant breeding by Dr Wallace Cowling, Learning experience from Shauna who manages 1300 Ha of her farm profitably and sustainably, Dr Ken Flower knowledge & expertise on No-Till farming sustem and there are many other who actually delivered their lectures very effectively and efficiently and I am happy to share that this course is worth doing and a great platform for learning from progressive farmers and experts from University of Western Australia. I am also thankful to Cousera for giving this great platform.. thanks
By Malak T K
•Oct 21, 2024
“Discover Best Practice Farming for a Sustainable 2050” is a great example for academics and professionals searching for a working model of a farm that incorporates ecological principles, sustainable goals and human needs. I enrolled in this course looking for how ecological principles can be applied to enhance agricultural systems. The course covered the aspects of crop cultivation, animal husbandry, peoples perspectives and needs, and rural/farm infrastructure. The drone footage of the farm, interviews with farmers and the local community, and readings gave me a comprehensive outlook to the future of farming. The presentation of the content is lighthearted, clear and smooth. I was fascinated by the concept that ecological restoration should integrate biodiversity into farming systems instead of fencing off areas to remain undisturbed. They applied this concept in implementing the versatile livestock system. Thank you to Professor Graeme Martin, all contributing professors and the University of Western Australia for all their efforts to create and provide this online course.
By Harsh D
•Aug 8, 2020
I have studied in agriculture field. And I'm aware about the importance of sustainable agriculture, the dire need of food and food safety. It has been seen that the population is increasing rapidly so that we will require more food to feed humans. This course provided me a fundamental understanding of sustainability. And how can we mitigate some obstacles by taking remedial solutions. Apparently, this course is pertinent for those who belong to agriculture sector and willing to assist farmers. I learned a substantial topics which are indispensable to work on sustainable development.
By Andres C B
•Aug 3, 2024
Myself very satisfied of this online education option. Led by Dr. Graeme Martin, the team of lecturers bring some insightful information about the key factors behind Integrative Farm Systems in dryland conditions. 1) Water - Soil Nexus 2) Ecological Cropping 3) Climate - Adaptive Livestock 4) BD Management in Agriculture. It can be commented that this MOOC is a hands-on explanation of Climate - Smart Agriculture (CSA), as labelled by FAO. The UWA demonstrative farm (at Ridgefield) gives clearer insight of CSA, in its span of 1600 Ha.
By Pallab B
•Sep 9, 2023
I have learned many unknown but, fruitful things from this course which will help me a lot in my academic as well my professional life. I have become quit knowledgeable about Project Management, Ecosocial Work, Environment, Sustainable Agriculture, Future Farming System etc.
I would like to firstly thank the Coursera team for giving me a great platform and opportunity to do such a course. Then i am grateful to the UWA professors and their dedicated team for resourceful, as well wonderful informative presentation.
Thanks a lot again.
Pallab Biswas
By Marina M
•Feb 3, 2021
The videos/lectures are great. I enjoyed every minute of this course, except quizzes. It is so obvious that the quizzes/tests were not done attentively. Some questions are too simple (making them useless), some appeal to relatively insignificant facts, some are controversial. When done well, a test can help learners to understand the materials better/deeper. Instead, this course's quizzes bring frustration because of their quality. If quizzes are improved, I would definitely consider this course one of the best I ever participated in.